Plotting Routines

AXIS [[[, x], y], z]

Draws an axis of the specified type and scale at a given position.

BAR, x [,y]

Plots a 2D bar graph that can include stacked and grouped bars, as well as various color and fill pattern options.

BAR2D, x [,y]

Creates a two-dimensional bar plot.

BAR3D, z

Creates a three-dimensional bar plot.


Creates a standard box plot.

CONTOUR, z [, x, y]

Draws a contour plot from data stored in a rectangular array.

CONTOUR2, z [, x, y]

Draws a contour plot from data stored in a rectangular array.

CONTOURFILL, filename, z [, x, y]

Standard Library procedure that fills both open and closed contours with specified colors or patterns.

CONTOURFS, z [, x, y]

Provides a wrapper which calls CONTOUR and CONTOURFILL that accepts all CONTOUR and CONTOURFILL keywords with the exceptions of Color_Index.

CORRELOGRAM, values, nelems

Plots a correlogram using either autocorrelation function (ACF) values or partial autocorrelation function (PACF) values.

CURSOR, x, y [, wait]

Reads the position of the interactive graphics cursor from the current graphics device.

CUSUM, data, TargetMean=N

Creates a two-sided, V-mask Cumulative Sum chart of a process mean.

ERRPLOT [, points], low, high

Standard Library procedure that overplots error bars over a previously-drawn plot.

GRID (xtmp, ytmp, ztmp)

Standard Library function that generates a uniform grid from irregularly-spaced data.


Standard Library procedure that overlays a contour plot onto an image display of the same array.

ISOSURF, data, valu, vert, poly

Standard Library procedure that computes, and optionally displays, an isosurface of the specified 3D data.


Creates a standard or Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart of a process mean.

OPLOT, x [, y]

Plots vector data over a previously drawn plot.

OPLOTERR, x, y, error [, psym]

Standard Library procedure that overplots symmetrical error bars on any plot already output to the display device.

PARETO, data

Creates a PARETO chart with accompanying legend, cumulative percentages and annotations.

PIE, data [, labels]

Displays data as a pie chart.

PIE_CHART, data, [xcenter, ycenter, radius]

Creates a pie chart with colors, text labels, exploded slices and/or shadows.

PLOT, x [, y]

PLOT produces a simple XY plot.


Plots a histogram.

PLOT_IO, x [, y]

PLOT_IO produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on the Y axis.

PLOT_OI, x [, y]

PLOT_OI produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on the X axis.

PLOT_OO, x [, y]

PLOT_OO produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on both the X and Y axes.

PLOTERR, [x,] y, error

Standard Library procedure that plots data points with accompanying symmetrical error bars.


Standard Library procedure that plots a two-dimensional velocity field.

PLOTS, x [, y [, z]]

Plots vectors or points on the current graphics device in either two or three dimensions.


Creates a Wind Rose plot.

POLYFILL, x [, y [, z]]

Fills the interior of a region of the display enclosed by an arbitrary two- or three-dimensional polygon.

POLYSHADE (vertices, polygons)

Constructs a shaded surface representation of one or more solids described by a set of polygons.

PROFILE (image)

Standard Library function that extracts a profile from an image.


Standard Library procedure that lets you interactively draw row or column profiles of the image displayed in the current window. The profiles are displayed in a new window, which is deleted when you exit the procedure.


Standard Library procedure that scales a three-dimensional unit cube into the viewing area.


Modifies the light source shading parameters affecting the output of SHADE_SURF and POLYSHADE.

SHADE_SURF, z [, x, y]

Standard Library procedure that creates a shaded surface representation of a regular or nearly regular gridded surface, with shading from either a light source model or from a specified array of intensities.


Creates a shaded-surface representation of a semiregularly gridded surface, with shading from either a light source model or from a specified array of intensities.

SHOW3, array

Standard Library procedure that displays a two-dimensional array as a combination contour, surface, and image plot. The resulting display shows a surface with an image underneath and a contour overhead.

SURFACE, z [, x, y]

Draws the surface of a two-dimensional array projected into two dimensions, with hidden lines removed.


Standard Library procedure that accumulates one or more sequences of translation, scaling, rotation, perspective, or oblique transformations and stores the result in the system variable !P.T.

THREED, array [, space]

Standard Library procedure that plots a two-dimensional array as a pseudo three-dimensional plot on the currently selected graphics device.

USERSYM, x [, y]

Lets you create a custom symbol for marking plotted points.

VEL, u, v

Standard Library procedure that draws a graph of a velocity field with arrows pointing in the direction of the field. The length of an arrow is proportional to the strength of the field at that point.

VELOVECT, u, v [, x, y]

Standard Library procedure that draws a two-dimensional velocity field plot, with each directed arrow indicating the magnitude and direction of the field.

XBAR, data

Creates an X Bar chart.


Creates an XR chart with an X Bar chart on top and an R chart beneath it.


Creates an XS chart with an X Bar chart on top and an S chart beneath it.