Topic Index
Click on one of the letters below to jump immediately to that section of the index.
3 | _ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z
3-to-4 encoding [in 15.4.2 Base64]
_Module [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
Active Template Library [in 12.1 Overview]
ActiveX controls [in 5.3 ActiveX Controls]
ActiveX property containers [in 5.3.1 ActiveX Property Containers]
[in 5.3.1 ActiveX Property Containers]
adapter classes [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
CComposite [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
ILayoutNode [in 7.5.3 Border-Client Layout]
IEventRouter [in 6.3 Event Routers]
ISubject [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
CEventListenerBase [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
IRefCount [in 3.4 Reference Counting]
IUnknown [in 3.1 Introduction]
layout [in 7.5 Layout Algorithms]
Application Classes [in 12.4 Application Classes]
application, types of [in 13.1 Overview]
Dialog-based Application [in 13.1 Overview]
Hello World Application [in 13.1 Overview]
kinds of generated applications [in 13.1 Overview]
MDI Application [in 13.1 Overview]
SDI Application [in 13.1 Overview]
architecture [in 12.3 Basic Architecture]
HelloSFL [in 12.3.1 HelloSFL]
ATL integration [in 6.3.2 ATL Integration]
[in 7.4 Integration with ATL]
Base64 [in 15.4.1 Content Transfer Encoding]
IPrintable [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
border nodes [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
border-client layout [in 7.5.3 Border-Client Layout]
buffering [in 11.2.3 Formatting and Buffering]
Build Wizard [in 2.5 SFL Build Wizard]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
CApp [in 12.4.1 CApp]
[in 13.1 Overview]
[in 12.3.2 HelloSFL's Application]
[in 12.3.2 HelloSFL's Application]
[in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
Init() [in 12.4.1 CApp]
Run() [in 12.4.1 CApp]
Term() [in 12.4.1 CApp]
CArray [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
casting operator [in 11.2.2 Casting]
CAxPropertyContainer [in 5.3.1 ActiveX Property Containers]
RegisterAxProperties() [in 5.3.1 ActiveX Property Containers]
CBorderEdge [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
CBorderGraphic [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
CBorderLayoutBase [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
CBrushFTR [in Other MFC types Formatters]
CClientGraphicsContext [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
flags [in 12.6.3 Client Windows]
CClientWindowImpl [in 12.6.3 Client Windows]
CColorDialog [in CColorDialog]
[in CColorDialog]
m_cc [in CColorDialog]
CComboRouterListener [in 6.5 Chaining Event Routers]
CComInitializer [in 12.4.1 CApp]
[in 12.5 Initializer Classes]
CComModule [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
[in 12.3.2 HelloSFL's Application]
[in 12.3.2 HelloSFL's Application]
Init() [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
Run() [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
Term() [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
CCommonControlsInitializer [in 12.4.1 CApp]
[in 12.5 Initializer Classes]
AddChild() [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
GetChildrenCount() [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
RemoveChild() [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
template class [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
CContainerDialogImpl [in CContainerDialogImpl]
CContainerImplBase [in CContainerImplBase]
CContainerWindowImpl [in CContainerWindowImpl]
CCreateDialogMessageLoop [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
CCreateWindowMessageLoop [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
CDCLayoutBase [in 7.5.4 DC Layout Nodes]
PrepareDC() [in 7.5.4 DC Layout Nodes]
RestoreDC() [in 7.5.4 DC Layout Nodes]
CDeviceGraphicsContext [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
CDWordArray [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CEventFactory [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
CreateCommandEvent() [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
CreateWindowsEvent() [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
FilterCommandEvent() [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
FilterWindowsEvent() [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
CEventListenerBase [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
[in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
AddRef() [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
HandleEvent() [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
QueryGuid() [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
Release() [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
CEventRouterMap [in 6.3.2 ATL Integration]
[in 6.3.2 ATL Integration]
CFileDialogImpl [in COpenFileDialog and CSaveAsFileDialog]
m_bOpenFileDialog [in COpenFileDialog and CSaveAsFileDialog]
m_ofn [in COpenFileDialog and CSaveAsFileDialog]
CFindDialog [in CFindDialog and CReplaceDialog]
CFontDialog [in CFontDialog]
m_cf [in CFontDialog]
CFontFTR [in Other MFC types Formatters]
CFrameWindowImpl [in 12.6.2 Frame Windows]
[in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
[in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
Create() [in 12.6.2 Frame Windows]
CGDIObject<> [in 10.2 GDI Objects]
CGraphicsContext [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
[in 10.3 Device Contexts]
[in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
chaining event routers [in 6.5 Chaining Event Routers]
CHandleWrapper<> [in 10.2.2 Lifetime Management]
character set conversion [in 11.2.1 Character Set Conversion]
application [in 12.4 Application Classes]
initializer [in 12.5 Initializer Classes]
windowing [in 12.6 Windowing Classes]
CLayoutManager<> [in 7.4 Integration with ATL]
CLayoutNode [in 7.3.1 Layout Nodes]
client windows [in 12.6.3 Client Windows]
CList [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CMap [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CMapPtrToPtr [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CMapPtrToString [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CMapPtrToWord [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CMapStringToPtr [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CMapWordToPtr [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CMDIChildImpl [in CMDIChildImpl]
CMDIClientWindow [in CMDIClientWindow]
CMDIFrame [in CMDIFrame]
CMDIFrameImpl [in CMDIFrameImpl]
usage [in CMDIFrameImpl]
CMDIMessagePreTranslator [in CMDIFrameImpl]
CMemoryGraphicsContext [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
CMessageLoop [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
CMessageLoopBase [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
CreateMainWindow() [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
DestroyMainWindow [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
CMessageMap [in 6.3.2 ATL Integration]
CMetafileGraphicsContext [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
CMFCEventRouter [in 6.3.3 MFC Integration]
[in 6.3.3 MFC Integration]
CMTIApp [in 12.4.2 CMTIApp]
[in 13.1 Overview]
RunTopLevelWindowInit() [in 12.4.2 CMTIApp]
CMvcAtlWndViewport [in CMvcAtlWndViewport]
CMvcClientViewport [in CMvcClientViewport]
[in 12.6.3 Client Windows]
CMvcCommand [in 8.8.1 CMvcCommand]
CMvcController [in 8.6.1 CMvcController]
CMvcModel [in 8.4.1 CMvcModel]
CMvcPersistableModel [in 14.3.1 MVC Integration]
CMvcPropertyBagPersistableModel [in 14.3.1 MVC Integration]
CMvcViewport [in 8.5.1 CMvcViewport]
CMvcVisualComponent [in 8.3.3 CMvcVisualPart]
[in 8.3.2 CMvcVisualComponent]
CMvcVisualPart [in 8.3.3 CMvcVisualPart]
CNoopInitializer [in 12.4.1 CApp]
[in 12.5 Initializer Classes]
CObjectFactory [in 4.4 The Object Factory Pattern]
CObjectFactoryBase<> [in 4.4 The Object Factory Pattern]
COleInitializer [in 12.5 Initializer Classes]
[in 12.4.1 CApp]
COM. See => Component Object Model, Microsoft
command dictionary, defined [in 8.9.4 Use Commands to Define the Model's Services]
common dialogs [in 12.6.5 Common Dialogs]
[in 12.6.5 Common Dialogs]
compatibility classes [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
with MFC [in 10.3.2 MFC Compatibility]
Component Object Model, Microsoft [in 3.1 Introduction]
const_iterator<>, polymorphic iterator [in 4.5.1 The Polymorphic Iterator Templates]
const_reverse_iterator<>:polymorphic iterator [in 4.5.1 The Polymorphic Iterator Templates]
container windows [in 12.6.1 Container Windows]
controller class, how to define [in 8.10.2 Define a Controller Class]
controller, MVC, defined [in 8.2 The MVC Design Pattern]
conversion constructors [in 11.2.1 Character Set Conversion]
conversion operators [in 11.2.1 Character Set Conversion]
coordinate mapping [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
COpenFileDialog [in COpenFileDialog and CSaveAsFileDialog]
CPaintGraphicsContext [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
CPenFTR [in Other MFC types Formatters]
CPoint [in 11.3 API Structure Wrappers]
CPointFTR [in Other MFC types Formatters]
CPrintDoc [in 9.3 Print Documents]
GetOutputDC() [in 9.3 Print Documents]
[in 9.3 Print Documents]
GetPrintDC() [in 9.3 Print Documents]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
GetNumCopies() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
GetOrientation() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
GetPaperSize() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
LoadPageSetupDlg( [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
LoadPrintDlg() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
SetNumCopies() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
SetOrientation() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
SetPaperSize() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
StorePageSetupDlg() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
StorePrintDlg() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Cancel() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Delete() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
OnPrintDocument() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Pause() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Restart() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Resume() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
SetPriority() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
StartDoc() [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
CPrintPreviewFrameImpl [in 9.8 Using Print Preview with ATL]
GetCurrentPrintable() [in 9.8 Using Print Preview with ATL]
CPropertyContainer [in 5.2.1 A Property Container Implementation]
accessor class [in Property Accessors]
map [in The Property Map]
CPrtPreviewController [in 9.7 Print Preview]
CPrtPreviewModel [in 9.7 Print Preview]
CPrtPreviewViewport [in 9.7 Print Preview]
CPtrArray [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CPtrList [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CEventFactory [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
CEventFactory [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
CRect [in 11.3 API Structure Wrappers]
CRectFTR [in Other MFC types Formatters]
CRefCountImpl [in 3.4 Reference Counting]
CReplaceDialog [in CFindDialog and CReplaceDialog]
CSaveAsFileDialog [in COpenFileDialog and CSaveAsFileDialog]
CSize [in 11.3 API Structure Wrappers]
cstring typedef [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
CStringArray [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CStringList [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
cstringstream typedef [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
CTypedPtrArray [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CTypedPtrList [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CTypedPtrMap [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CUIntArray [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
CUIUpdateAdapter [in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
[in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
CUIUpdateGenerator [in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
GenerateUIUpdates() [in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
custom event types [in 6.6 Custom Event Types]
custom formatters, creating [in 15.3.2 Creating Custom Formatters]
CWindow [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
CWindowAdapter [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
CWindowGraphicsContext [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
CWindowPaintEvent [in 6.2.1 Windows Messages]
CWinEvent [in 6.2.1 Windows Messages]
CWinEventBase [in 6.2.1 Windows Messages]
CWordArray [in 11.4 MFC Compatibility Classes]
decorator design pattern [in 8.3.6 Wrappers (Decorators)]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
design patterns [in 4.1 Introduction]
composite pattern [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
defined [in 4.1 Introduction]
MVC [in 8.1 What is MVC?]
object factory pattern [in 4.4 The Object Factory Pattern]
polymorphic iteration [in 4.5 Polymorphic Iteration]
subject-observer pattern [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
visitor [in 6.2 Event Objects]
device context [in 8.5.3 Getting a Device Context]
[in 10.3 Device Contexts]
creation and destruction [in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
[in 10.3.1 Device Context Creation and Destruction]
defined [in 10.3 Device Contexts]
MFC compatibility [in 10.3.2 MFC Compatibility]
DEVMODE structure [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
DEVNAMES structure [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
differences between CApp and CMTIApp [in 12.4.2 CMTIApp]
Dispatch() [in 6.4.1 Dispatching Events]
IEvent [in 6.2 Event Objects]
dispatching events [in 6.4.1 Dispatching Events]
distributing Objective Edit applications [in 1.6 Licensing Restrictions]
document objects [in 9.3 Print Documents]
content [in 1.5.1 Documentation]
formats [in 1.5.1 Documentation]
DoModal() [in COpenFileDialog and CSaveAsFileDialog]
[in CColorDialog]
[in CFontDialog]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
IVisual [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
dynamic_cast operator [in 3.1 Introduction]
dynamic_cast() operator [in 3.2 IQueryGuid and guid_cast]
IPrintable [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
enhanced string [in 11.1 SFL Utility Classes]
event classes, defined [in 6.2 Event Objects]
event factory [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
event listeners [in 6.4 Event Listeners]
defined [in 6.1 Introduction to SFL Events]
efficiency [in 6.4.4 Efficiency of Event Listeners vs. Message Maps]
event routers
chaining [in 6.5 Chaining Event Routers]
defined [in 6.3 Event Routers]
[in 6.1 Introduction to SFL Events]
event routing [in 8.5.4 Event Routing]
event types, creating your own [in 6.6 Custom Event Types]
Events package [in 6.1 Introduction to SFL Events]
defined [in 6.2 Event Objects]
CEventFactory [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
CEventFactory [in 6.2.2 The Event Factory]
format string [in 11.2.3 Formatting and Buffering]
formatter [in Insertion Operations]
frame windows [in 12.6.2 Frame Windows]
functors [in 8.9.4 Use Commands to Define the Model's Services]
GDI classes [in 10.1 SFL Graphics]
GDI objects [in 10.2 GDI Objects]
[in 10.2 GDI Objects]
creation and destruction [in 10.2.1 Creation and Destruction]
[in 10.2.1 Creation and Destruction]
examples [in 10.2.3 Examples]
examples of use [in 10.2.3 Examples]
lifetime management [in 10.2.2 Lifetime Management]
[in 10.2.2 Lifetime Management]
wrappers for [in 10.2 GDI Objects]
CAxPropertyContainer [in 5.3.1 ActiveX Property Containers]
CComposite [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
CPrintPreviewFrameImpl [in 9.8 Using Print Preview with ATL]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
IBounds2D [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
CPrintDoc [in 9.3 Print Documents]
IPrintable [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
[in 9.2 Printable Objects]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrintDoc [in 9.3 Print Documents]
with ActiveX containers [in 5.3.2 Using ActiveX Property Containers]
ISize2D [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
getting file name and path [in COpenFileDialog and CSaveAsFileDialog]
graphics [in 10.1 SFL Graphics]
gripper nodes [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
GUID maps [in 3.3 GUID Maps]
guid_cast template function [in 3.2 IQueryGuid and guid_cast]
CEventListenerBase [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
IEventListener [in 6.4 Event Listeners]
HelloSFL [in 12.3.1 HelloSFL]
application [in 12.3.2 HelloSFL's Application]
CMainFrame [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
[in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
main window [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
message loop [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
STDAFX.H [in 12.3.3 HelloSFL's Message Loop]
WinMain() [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
hierarchical nesting support [in Hierarchical nesting support]
IBorderClientLayout [in 7.5.3 Border-Client Layout]
IBorderLayout [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
IBounds2D [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
IConstTraversableT<> [in 4.5.2 The Traversable Interfaces]
Dispatch() [in 6.2 Event Objects]
HandleEvent() [in 6.4 Event Listeners]
IEventRouter [in 6.3 Event Routers]
[in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
AddListener() [in 6.3 Event Routers]
RemoveListener() [in 6.3 Event Routers]
RouteEvent() [in 6.3 Event Routers]
IEventRouterImpl [in 6.3.1 Default Event Router Implementation]
IIdleHandler [in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
[in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
AddLayoutNode() [in 7.5.3 Border-Client Layout]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
GetExtents() [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
GetLogExtents() [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
GetLogOrigin() [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
SetViewportExt() [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
SetWindowExt() [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
SetWindowOrg() [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
IMessage [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
defined [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
IMvcUndoRedo [in 8.8.3 IMvcUndoRedo]
CApp [in 12.4.1 CApp]
initializer classes [in 12.5 Initializer Classes]
ATL [in 7.4 Integration with ATL]
of layout manager [in 7.6 Examples]
interface templates
IConstTraversableT<> [in 4.5.2 The Traversable Interfaces]
ITraversableT<> [in 4.5.2 The Traversable Interfaces]
interface-based programming [in 3.1 Introduction]
CObjectFactoryBase<> [in 4.4 The Object Factory Pattern]
defined [in 3.1 Introduction]
IBorderClientLayout [in 7.5.3 Border-Client Layout]
IBorderLayout [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
[in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
IEvent [in 6.2 Event Objects]
IEventListener [in 6.4 Event Listeners]
IEventRouter [in 6.3 Event Routers]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
IMessage [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
IMvcUndoRedo [in 8.8.3 IMvcUndoRedo]
IObserver [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
IPrintable [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
IProperty [in 5.1.1 Property Objects]
IPropertyBag [in 14.2.2 IPersistenceStrategy Interface]
IPropertyBag2 [in 14.2.2 IPersistenceStrategy Interface]
IPropertyContainer [in 5.2 Property Containers]
IQueryGuid [in 3.2 IQueryGuid and guid_cast]
IRelativeLayout [in 7.5.2 Relative Layout]
ISplitter [in 7.5.5 Splitter Layout]
ISubject [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
[in 8.4.1 CMvcModel]
IUnknown [in 3.1 Introduction]
IVisual [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
IWindowListener [in 6.4.1 Dispatching Events]
[in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
IWinEvent [in 6.2.1 Windows Messages]
IZoom [in 8.5.6 Zooming]
traversable [in 4.5.2 The Traversable Interfaces]
Internet User Agents [in 15.4.1 Content Transfer Encoding]
InvalidateRect() [in 8.3.3 CMvcVisualPart]
IObserver [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
OnUpdate() [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
init() [in 14.2.2 IPersistenceStrategy Interface]
BeginPage() [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
EndPage() [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
PrintPage() [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
IProperty [in 5.1.1 Property Objects]
IPropertyBag [in 14.1.1 COM Property Bags]
IPropertyBag2 [in 14.1.1 COM Property Bags]
IPropertyContainer [in 5.2 Property Containers]
QueryGuid() [in 3.2 IQueryGuid and guid_cast]
AddRef() [in 3.4 Reference Counting]
Release() [in 3.4 Reference Counting]
IRelativeLayout [in 7.5.2 Relative Layout]
ISize2D [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
ISplitter [in 7.5.5 Splitter Layout]
SetDrawingStyle() [in 7.5.5 Splitter Layout]
ISubject, defined [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
AddObserver() [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
RemoveObserver() [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
UpdateAllObservers() [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
iterator<>:polymorphic iterator [in 4.5.1 The Polymorphic Iterator Templates]
polymorphic [in 4.5 Polymorphic Iteration]
ITraversableT<> [in 4.5.2 The Traversable Interfaces]
IUnknown, defined [in 3.1 Introduction]
AddRef() [in 3.1 Introduction]
QueryInterface() [in 3.1 Introduction]
Release() [in 3.1 Introduction]
IVisual [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
IVisualHost [in 8.3.3 CMvcVisualPart]
IXMLSerialize [in 15.2.3 IXMLSerialize]
layout algorithms
border nodes [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
border-client layout [in 7.5.3 Border-Client Layout]
DC layout nodes [in 7.5.4 DC Layout Nodes]
gripper nodes [in 7.5.6 Borders and Edges]
relative layout [in 7.5.2 Relative Layout]
scale layout [in 7.5 Layout Algorithms]
splitter layout [in 7.5.5 Splitter Layout]
layout manager [in 12.6.1 Container Windows]
architecture [in 7.3 Layout Manager Architecture]
nodes See => layout nodes
overview [in 7.1 Layout Manager Framework]
realization [in Realization]
recalculation [in 7.3.2 Layout Recalculation Process]
layout map [in 7.3.3 Node Creation]
layout nodes [in 7.3.1 Layout Nodes]
classes [in 7.3.3 Node Creation]
composites [in 7.3.1 Layout Nodes]
creation of [in 7.3.3 Node Creation]
initialization [in 7.3.4 Node Initialization]
primitives [in 7.3.1 Layout Nodes]
reactive [in 7.3.1 Layout Nodes]
license agreement [in 1.6 Licensing Restrictions]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
MDI support [in 12.6.4 MDI Support]
message cracking [in 6.2.3 Windows Message Cracking]
message maps, efficiency [in 6.4.4 Efficiency of Event Listeners vs. Message Maps]
MFC compatibility [in 10.3.2 MFC Compatibility]
MFC integration [in 6.3.3 MFC Integration]
and ATL, SFL [in 12.1 Overview]
MIME [in 15.4.1 Content Transfer Encoding]
model class, how to define [in 8.10.1 Define a Model Class]
model, MVC, defined [in 8.2 The MVC Design Pattern]
Model-View-Controller architecture. See also => MVC
Multiple Document Interface applications [in 12.6.4 MDI Support]
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) [in 15.4.1 Content Transfer Encoding]
MVC [in 8.8.2 Commands as Messages]
MVC commands
as messages [in 8.8.2 Commands as Messages]
CMvcCommand [in 8.8.1 CMvcCommand]
defined [in 8.8 MVC Commands and Undo/Redo]
IMvcUndoRedo [in 8.8.3 IMvcUndoRedo]
MvcTransactionModel [in 8.8.4 MvcTransactionModel]
MVC controllers
CMvcController [in 8.6.1 CMvcController]
defined [in 8.6 MVC Controllers]
MvcController [in 8.6.2 MFC Specifics]
MVC design pattern [in 8.2 The MVC Design Pattern]
bibliography [in 8.2.3 Additional Reading on MVC]
defined [in 8.1 What is MVC?]
relationships in triad [in 8.2.1 Model-View-Controller Relationship]
subject-observer pattern [in 8.2.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern in MVC]
MVC integration [in 14.3.1 MVC Integration]
MVC models
CMvsModel [in 8.4.1 CMvcModel]
defined [in 8.4 MVC Models]
MFC specifics [in 8.4.3 MFC Specifics]
presentation models [in 8.4.2 Presentation Models]
MVC package [in 9.7 Print Preview]
MVC viewports
associating viewports [in 8.5.2 Associating Viewports with Windows]
ATL specifics [in 8.5.7 ATL Specifics]
CMvcViewport [in 8.5.1 CMvcViewport]
defined [in 8.5 MVC Viewports]
[in 8.3 Visual Components]
device context [in 8.5.3 Getting a Device Context]
event routing [in 8.5.4 Event Routing]
MFC specifics [in 8.5.8 MFC Specifics]
scrolling [in 8.5.5 Scrolling]
zooming [in 8.5.6 Zooming]
MVC, SFL implementation principles [in 8.9 MVC Principles and Practice]
MVC, using in MFC applications
defining a controller class [in 8.10.2 Define a Controller Class]
defining a model class [in 8.10.1 Define a Model Class]
defining a viewport class [in 8.10.3 Define a Viewport Class]
MVC, visual components [in 8.3 Visual Components]
CMvcLogicalPart [in 8.3.5 CMvcLogicalPart]
CMvcVisualComponent [in 8.3.2 CMvcVisualComponent]
CMvcVisualPart [in 8.3.3 CMvcVisualPart]
coordinate mapping [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
interfaces [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
MFC specifics [in 8.3.7 MFC Specifics]
wrappers [in 8.3.6 Wrappers (Decorators)]
MvcBorderWrapper_T [in MvcBorderWrapper_T]
MvcBufferedWrapper_T [in MvcBufferedWrapper_T]
MvcScrollView_T [in MvcScrollView_T]
MvcScrollWrapper_T [in MvcScrollWrapper_T]
MvcTransactionModel [in 8.8.4 MvcTransactionModel]
MvcViewport [in MvcViewport]
MVCWrapper_T [in MvcWrapper_T]
non-streaming mode [in Non-Streaming Mode]
notification message, defined [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
notification, defined [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
Objective Edit
license agreement [in 1.6 Licensing Restrictions]
OnCmdMsg() [in 6.3.3 MFC Integration]
OnPaint() [in 6.4.1 Dispatching Events]
IVisual [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
IVisual [in 8.3.1 Visual Component Interfaces]
IObserver [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
OnWndMsg() [in 6.3.3 MFC Integration]
output DC [in 9.3 Print Documents]
PAGESETUPDLG [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Persistence package [in 14.1 Persistence and Property Bags]
based on property bags [in 14.1 Persistence and Property Bags]
polymorphic iteration
polymorphic iterator templates [in 4.5.1 The Polymorphic Iterator Templates]
traversable interfaces [in 4.5.2 The Traversable Interfaces]
traversable mix-in templates [in 4.5.3 The Traversable Mix-in Templates]
polymorphic iterator templates [in 4.5.1 The Polymorphic Iterator Templates]
polymorphic iterators [in 4.5 Polymorphic Iteration]
kinds of [in 4.5.1 The Polymorphic Iterator Templates]
CDCLayoutBase [in 7.5.4 DC Layout Nodes]
print DC [in 9.3 Print Documents]
print jobs [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Print package [in 9.1 The Print Package]
defined [in 9.1 The Print Package]
print preview [in 9.7 Print Preview]
in ATL [in 9.8 Using Print Preview with ATL]
printable objects [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
PRINTDLG [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
printer configurations [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
GetDevMode() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
GetDevNames() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
printers [in 9.5 Printers]
IPrintable [in 9.2 Printable Objects]
ProcessWindowMessage() [in 6.3.2 ATL Integration]
Properties package [in 5.1 Introduction to SFL Properties]
ActiveX controls [in 5.3 ActiveX Controls]
containers [in 5.2 Property Containers]
property bags, COM [in 14.1.1 COM Property Bags]
property bags, SFL
examples [in 14.2.5 Examples]
in C++ code [in 14.3 Using Property Bags in C++ Code]
IPersistenceStrategy interface [in 14.2.2 IPersistenceStrategy Interface]
registry property bag [in 14.2.3 Registry Property Bag]
supported data types [in 14.2.1 Data Types]
two implementations [in 14.2 SFL Property Bags]
XML property bag [in 14.2.4 XML Property Bag]
property containers
implementation [in 5.2.1 A Property Container Implementation]
property map [in The Property Map]
with ActiveX containers [in 5.3.2 Using ActiveX Property Containers]
CEventListenerBase [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
differs from QueryInterface() [in 3.2 IQueryGuid and guid_cast]
IQueryGuid [in 3.2 IQueryGuid and guid_cast]
substitute for dynamic_cast [in 3.2 IQueryGuid and guid_cast]
IUnknown [in 3.1 Introduction]
Quoted-Printable [in 15.4.1 Content Transfer Encoding]
RecalcLayout() [in Recalculation]
recalculation process
realization [in Realization]
recalculation [in Recalculation]
reference counting [in 3.4 Reference Counting]
CAxPropertyContainer [in 5.3.1 ActiveX Property Containers]
relative layout [in 7.5.2 Relative Layout]
CEventListenerBase [in 6.4.2 Adapter Classes]
IRefCount [in 3.4 Reference Counting]
IUnknown [in 3.1 Introduction]
CComposite [in 4.3 The Composite Pattern]
IEventRouter [in 6.3 Event Routers]
ISubject [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
resizing windows [in 7.2 Issues with Resizable Windows]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
CDCLayoutBase [in 7.5.4 DC Layout Nodes]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
reverse_iterator<>:polymorphic iterator [in 4.5.1 The Polymorphic Iterator Templates]
IEventRouter [in 6.3 Event Routers]
CApp [in 12.4.1 CApp]
on Rogue Wave Web site [in 1.3 Location of Samples]
scale layout [in 7.5.1 Scale Layout]
scrolling [in 8.5.5 Scrolling]
SEC_XML_DYNCREATE_OBJECT [in The XML Formatter Factory]
SEC_XML_DYNCREATE_OBJECT() [in 15.3.2 Creating Custom Formatters]
SECBase64Encoder [in 15.4.4 SFL Content-Transfer-Encoding Classes]
[in SECCTEBase]
Decode() [in Streaming Mode]
Encode() [in Streaming Mode]
EndDecode() [in Streaming Mode]
EndEncode() [in Streaming Mode]
SECQPEncoder [in 15.4.4 SFL Content-Transfer-Encoding Classes]
[in SECCTEBase]
SECXMLArchive [in 15.2.2 SECXMLArchive]
SECXMLDocAdapter_T [in 15.2.1 The XML Document Adapter class]
SECXMLFormatterFactory [in The XML Formatter Factory]
Serialize() [in Serialize Variant]
SetDefaultPrinter() [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
SetMinMaxSize() [in Realization]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
ILogCoordinates [in 8.3.4 Coordinate Mapping]
SFL. See => Stingray Foundation Library
application classes [in 12.4 Application Classes]
architecture [in 12.3 Basic Architecture]
client windows [in 12.6.3 Client Windows]
common dialogs [in 12.6.5 Common Dialogs]
container windows [in 12.6.1 Container Windows]
features and benefits [in 12.2 Features and Benefits]
frame windows [in 12.6.2 Frame Windows]
MDI support [in 12.6.4 MDI Support]
UI updating [in 12.7 User Interface Updating]
windowing classes [in 12.6 Windowing Classes]
SFL_PROPERTY_MAP [in The Property Map]
SFLXML [in 15.4.4 SFL Content-Transfer-Encoding Classes]
with ActiveX containers [in 5.3.2 Using ActiveX Property Containers]
splitter layout [in 7.5.5 Splitter Layout]
StartDoc() [in 9.3 Print Documents]
CPrintJob [in 9.6 Print Jobs]
Stingray Foundation Library (SFL)
defined [in 1.1 Welcome to Stingray Foundation Library]
design principles [in 1.1 Welcome to Stingray Foundation Library]
major features [in 1.2 Product Features]
who should use [in 1.1 Welcome to Stingray Foundation Library]
Stingray Foundation Library
build configurations [in 2.2 SFL Build Configurations]
building with nmake [in 2.4 Building SFL Libraries with the Visual Studio Solution]
building with Visual Studio [in 2.4 Building SFL Libraries with the Visual Studio Solution]
Buld Wizard [in 2.5 SFL Build Wizard]
cleaning after building [in 2.4.2 Cleaning SFL Build Targets]
how to build [in 2.1 Building the SFL Libraries]
naming conventions [in 2.1.1 SFL Library Naming Conventions]
path configuration for Visual Studio [in 2.3 Visual Studio Environment Setup for SFL]
[in 2.2 SFL Build Configurations]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
CPrinterConfig [in 9.4 Printer Configurations]
string class, enhanced [in 11.1 SFL Utility Classes]
string typedef [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
stringstream typedef [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
structure wrappers [in 11.3 API Structure Wrappers]
[in 11.3 API Structure Wrappers]
subject, defined [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
subject-observer pattern
in MVC [in 8.2.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern in MVC]
tagName [in Insertion Operations]
CApp [in 12.4.1 CApp]
traversable interfaces
lifetime management [in Lifetime Management]
with MFC and COM collections [in MFC and COM Collections]
traversable mix-in templates
const_traversable<> [in 4.5.3 The Traversable Mix-in Templates]
traversable<> [in 4.5.3 The Traversable Mix-in Templates]
traversable<> [in 4.5.3 The Traversable Mix-in Templates]
tutorial, XML [in 15.5 XML Framework Tutorial]
cstring [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
cstringstream [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
string [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
stringstream [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
wstring [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
wstringstream [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
UIUpdating [in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
ISubject [in 4.2 The Subject-Observer Pattern]
user interface [in 12.7 User Interface Updating]
mechanism [in 12.7.1 User Interface Updating Essentials]
utility classes [in 11.1 SFL Utility Classes]
ValidateRect() [in 8.3.3 CMvcVisualPart]
view, MVC, defined [in 8.2 The MVC Design Pattern]
viewport class, how to define [in 8.10.3 Define a Viewport Class]
associating with windows [in 8.5.2 Associating Viewports with Windows]
defined [in 8.5 MVC Viewports]
device context [in 8.5.3 Getting a Device Context]
visitor design pattern [in 6.2 Event Objects]
windowing classes [in 12.6 Windowing Classes]
Windows messages [in 6.2.1 Windows Messages]
windows, resizing [in 7.2 Issues with Resizable Windows]
WinTraits [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
WM_CREATE [in 7.4 Integration with ATL]
decorator design pattern [in 8.3.6 Wrappers (Decorators)]
for Win32 API structures [in 11.3 API Structure Wrappers]
WS_CLIPCHILDREN [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
WS_EX_APPWINDOW [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW [in 12.3.4 HelloSFL's Main Window]
wstring typedef [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
wstringstream typedef [in 11.2.4 Type Definitions]
XML Formatter Factory [in The XML Formatter Factory]
XML formatters [in 15.3 XML Formatters]
XML Serialization architecture [in 15.1 Overview]
multi-level nesting, support for [in 15.1 Overview]
XMLFORMATTERMAP() [in The XML Formatter Factory]
XMLSerialize() [in 15.1 Overview]
zooming [in 8.5.6 Zooming]
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