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Stingray Foundation Library User's Guide
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1.5 Getting Help

Several avenues of help are available to you when working with Stingray Foundation Library.

1.5.1 Documentation

Documentation is located in the Docs subdirectory of your Stingray installation directory. The following documents are available:

Samples - Located in the Samples subdirectory of your Stingray Foundation Library installation directory.

For more information on the documentation, including all Stingray documentation, an index to the Help files, and document type conventions, see Section 1.4, "Product Documentation," in the Stingray Studio Getting Started Guide.

1.5.2 Knowledge Base

The Rogue Wave Knowledge Base contains a large body of useful information created by the Support Services team. This information is available to any user of the Rogue Wave Web site, and no login or registration is required.

1.5.3 Professional Services

The Rogue Wave Professional Services offers training and mentoring for all levels of project development, from analysis and design to implementation. For more information, see Section 1.5, "Professional Services," in the Stingray Studio Getting Started Guide.

1.5.4 Technical Support

Technical support for Stingray Foundation Library products is provided through the Rogue Wave Web site. For more information on registering with the support system, and the type of support you may receive, see Section 1.6, "Technical Support," in the Stingray Studio Getting Started Guide.

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