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Stingray Studio Getting Started Guide
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1.4 Product Documentation

Rogue Wave provides a comprehensive set of documents in a variety of formats in the Docs subdirectory of your installation directory. You can access it by selecting Documentation from the Stingray Studio submenu in your Windows Start |Programs menu.

The organization of the Docs directory is:

For immediate access to product documentation, open the appropriate CHM or PDF file in the top-level directory. Generally, you should not need to look in the Help Integration directory. This documentation should be integrated into MSDN during installation. If not, see Section 1.4.3.

To read a .pdf file, you must open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download free of charge from the Adobe System Web site: . All documents are located in the Docs subdirectory of your installation.

1.4.1 Types of Documents

These are the types of documents provided with Stingray Studio:

1.4.2 Document List

Here is the list of user, programming, and reference guides supplied with Stingray Studio:

1.4.3 Integrating the Documentation as Help

The Stingray Studio installer does its best to integrate the Getting Started User's Guide and each Stingray product's User's Guide and Reference Guide into either the user-specified MSDN Collection or the compiler-specific MS.VSCC+ Help Collection, but not both.

During the installation, you have the option to select between an MSDN or an MSHelp collection for each .NET compiler in which to integrate Stingray Studio online documentation. Below are some helpful MSHelp Integration tips.

To access the integrated Stingray Studio documentation, use the standard Microsoft Visual Studio Help Index.

1.4.4 Knowledge Base

The Rogue Wave Knowledge Base contains a large body of useful information created by the Support Services team. It has been created to provide our customers with easy access to technical information. Knowledge Base entries range from common programming problems to complete sample programs and are constantly being updated and expanded. This information is available to any user of the Rogue Wave Web site, and no login or registration is required.

1.4.5 Type Conventions

The documentation for Stingray Studio uses typographic conventions and pathname conventions similar to other Rogue Wave documentation. These conventions are summarized in the following table:

Table 1: Type Conventions

Item Example Definition
Functions, Variables and Parameters Myfunc() Library functions are in courier font.
Class Name CODModel Class names are bold and italic.
Code #include <io.h> Code is in courier font.
Key names, key combinations and key sequences CTRL+ALT+DEL All Caps
Menus and menu commands Select Edit from the File menu. Menus and menu commands are bold.

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