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Stingray Foundation Library User's Guide
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2.2 SFL Build Configurations

Table 2 lists each library configuration and the default library name for each configuration, where <ver> stands for the current product version number.

Table 2: SFL build configurations

Win32 Configuration Name Default Library Name
Win32 Lib Debug sfl<ver>wd
Win32 Lib Release sfl<ver>w
Win32 Dll Debug sfl<ver>wsd
Win32 Dll Release sfl<ver>ws
Win32 Lib Unicode Debug sfl<ver>wud
Win32 Lib Unicode Release sfl<ver>wu
Win32 Dll Unicode Debug sfl<ver>wsud
Win32 Dll Unicode Release sfl<ver>wsu
Win32 Lib MFC Lib Debug sfl<ver>d
Win32 Lib MFC Lib Release sfl<ver>
Win32 Lib MFC Dll Debug sfl<ver>ad
Win32 Lib MFC Dll Release sfl<ver>a
Win32 Dll MFC Dll Debug sfl<ver>asd
Win32 Dll MFC Dll Release sfl<ver>as
Win32 Lib MFC Lib Unicode Debug sfl<ver>ud
Win32 Lib MFC Lib Unicode Release sfl<ver>u
Win32 Lib MFC Dll Unicode Debug sfl<ver>aud
Win32 Lib MFC Dll Unicode Release sfl<ver>au
Win32 Dll MFC Dll Unicode Debug sfl<ver>asud
Win32 Dll MFC Dll Unicode Release sfl<ver>asu
Win32 All Ascii N/A
Win32 All Unicode N/A
Win32 All N/A

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