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Stingray Foundation Library User's Guide
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13.1 Overview

To make it easier to write SFL-based applications, SFL provides an AppWizard. Like the MFC AppWizard, the SFL AppWizard generates several kinds of applications:

To generate an application using the SFL AppWizard, just choose File|New from the Visual Studio main menu. Then select SFLWiz70 from the available projects, shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17: The Stingray AppWizard within the File|New project dialog box

After giving your application a name, advance the AppWizard by pressing the OK button. You'll see the next dialog box, which lets you select the type of application to generate. Figure 18 shows the SFL AppWizard dialog box.

Figure 18: Selecting the kind of application to generate through the SFL AppWizard

Following is a description of each kind of application:

When creating SDI Applications or MDI Applications, the SFL AppWizard provides the ability to add Model/View/Controller support, a toolbar and a status bar, an about box, and even print preview. The SFL AppWizard responds to the Finish button by generating a set of C++ classes, based on the Stingray Foundation Library, which will compile into a full-fledged, living and breathing Windows application.

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