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Stingray Foundation Library User's Guide
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1.2 Product Features

The following table lists the major features in SFL and the environments in which they are supported. Features that overlap with MFC, such as the GDI, string, and collection classes, are interchangeable with MFC and are not marked as MFC features even though they can be used in conjunction with MFC. Remember that MFC can be used in ATL and vice versa, so the platform distinctions in the table do not present any obstacle to using the features.

Table 1: SFL features and their supported environments

Feature ATL MFC Win32
Application and windowing classes X   X
MDI, SDI, and multi-threaded SDI X   X
Common dialog classes X   X
OLE Drag-and-Drop X X X
GDI classes X   X
String and collection classes X   X
Model-View-Controller framework X   X
Layout Manager X X X
Property and event architecture X X X
Printing and print preview X X X
XML persistence X X X
Design patterns classes X X X
Image classes (DIB, JPEG)   X  
Owner draw and bitmap buttons   X  
Color well controls   X  
AppWizard X   X

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