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Stingray Foundation Library User's Guide
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15.1 Overview

MFC-application data can be serialized in XML format— using the high-level object model provided by the Stingray XML Serialization architecture. Programmers can easily insert and retrieve their application data structures (as elements) into and from the XML document. There is full support for multi-level nesting.

Because our architecture closely resembles MFC's serialization architecture, to plug any object into it all you need to do is implement an XMLSerialize() function in an IXMLSerialize() interface.

We provide default implementations for XML serializing MFC collection classes and GDI objects. We also provide a CDocument adapter class with built-in functionality for opening and saving XML documents. You start by overriding XMLSerialize() in your document class, just as you would with the MFC equivalent.

15.1.1 Usage Example

A sample implementation would look like this:

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