Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Welcome
1.2 Product Overview
1.3 Software Requirements
1.4 Documentation
1.4.1 Online Documentation
1.4.2 Assumptions
1.4.3 Typographic Conventions
1.4.4 Class Naming Conventions
1.4.5 Function Naming Conventions
1.5 Rogue Wave Professional Training
1.6 Technical Support
1.6.1 Before Contacting Technical Support
1.6.2 How to Contact Technical Support
Chapter 2: Class Overview
2.1 The Class Concept
2.2 Kinds of Classes
2.2.1 A Note on Terminology
2.3 Tables of Classes by Precision
2.3.1 Double Precision Classes
2.3.2 Float Precision Classes
2.3.3 Double Complex Precision Classes
Chapter 3: Vectors and Matrices
3.1 Defining Vectors
3.2 Defining Matrices
3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape
3.4 Copy Constructors: References and Copies
3.5 Accessing Data
3.5.1 Individual Elements
3.5.2 Bounds Checking
3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()
3.5.4 val() and set()
3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals
3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices
3.5.7 Direct Access to Data
3.6 Type Conversion
3.6.1 Converting Precisions
3.6.2 Converting Shapes
3.7 Submatrices
3.7.1 General Matrices
3.7.2 Leading Submatrices
Chapter 4: Factorizations
4.1 Defining Factorizations
4.2 Solving a System of Equations
4.2.1 Error Checking
4.3 Solving Several Systems of Equations
4.4 Calculating the Determinant, Inverse, and Condition Number
4.4.1 Determinants
4.4.2 Matrix Inverses
4.4.3 Condition Number
Chapter 5: Least Squares Factorizations
5.1 Defining the Problem
5.2 Solving a Least Squares Problem
5.3 Implementations Provided
5.4 Solving a Numerically Underdetermined System
Chapter 6: Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems
6.1 Defining the Problem
6.2 Decomposition Object
6.3 Servers
6.4 Computing Selected Eigenvalues
6.5 Tridiagonal Decompositions
Chapter 7: Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problems
7.1 Defining the Problem
7.2 Decomposition Object
7.3 Servers
7.4 Schur Decompositions
7.5 Hessenberg and Balance Decompositions
Chapter 8: Other Decompositions
8.1 Kinds of Decompositions
8.2 Singular Value Decomposition
8.2.1 SVD Server Objects
8.3 QR Decomposition and Complete Orthogonal Decomposition
8.3.1 Complete Orthogonal Decomposition
Chapter 9: Technical Notes
9.1 Function operator()(int, int)
9.2 Matrix Entry Helper Classes
9.3 Helper Class Member Functions
Topic Index
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