Chapter 3: Vectors and Matrices
3.1 Defining Vectors
3.2 Defining Matrices
3.3 Matrix Precision and Shape
3.4 Copy Constructors: References and Copies
3.5 Accessing Data
3.5.1 Individual Elements
3.5.2 Bounds Checking
3.5.3 Changing Elements with operator()()
3.5.4 val() and set()
3.5.5 Rows, Columns and Diagonals
3.5.6 Components of Complex Matrices
3.5.7 Direct Access to Data
3.6 Type Conversion
3.6.1 Converting Precisions
3.6.2 Converting Shapes
3.7 Submatrices
3.7.1 General Matrices
3.7.2 Leading Submatrices
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