The following sections present tables that group the LAPACK.h++ classes by precision. Most classes are available in double, complex, and float precision.
For each precision, the table lists the available classes, their types, and which header files must be included to use them. The header files for these classes have lower-case names for ease of porting between MS-DOS and Unix.
>Class | Type | Header file |
RWGenMat<double> |
Rectangular dense matrix |
rw/math/genmat.h |
DoubleSymMat |
Symmetric dense matrix |
rw/dsymmat.h |
DoubleSkewMat |
Skew symmetric matrix |
rw/dskewmat.h |
DoubleBandMat |
Banded matrix |
rw/dbandmat.h |
DoubleSymBandMat |
Symmetric banded matrix |
rw/dsbndmat.h |
DoubleTriDiagMat |
Tridiagonal matrix |
rw/dtrdgmat.h |
DoubleLowerTriMat |
Lower triangular matrix |
rw/dltrimat.h |
DoubleUpperTriMat |
Upper-triangular matrix |
rw/dutrimat.h |
DoubleGenFact |
General matrix LU factorization |
rw/dgenfct.h |
DoubleSymFact |
Symmetric LDL' factorization |
rw/dsymfct.h |
DoublePDFact |
Cholesky factorization |
rw/dpdfct.h |
DoubleBandFact |
LU factorization of band matrix |
rw/dbandfct.h |
DoublePDBandFact |
Cholesky factorization of band matrix |
rw/dpdbdfct.h |
DoubleTriDiagFact |
Factorization of tridiagonal matrix |
rw/dtrdgfct.h |
DoublePDTriDiagFact |
Factorization of positive definite tridiagonal matrix |
rw/dpdtdfct.h |
DoubleLeastSqCh |
Least squares factorization using Cholesky method |
rw/dlsch.h |
DoubleLeastSqQR |
Least squares factorization using QR method |
rw/dlsqr.h |
DoubleLeastSqSVD |
Least squares factorization using SVD method |
rw/dlssvd.h |
DoubleQRDecomp |
QR decomposition |
rw/dqr.h |
DoubleQRDecompServer |
QR decomposition server |
rw/dqr.h |
DoubleCODecomp |
Complete orthogonal decomposition |
rw/dco.h |
DoubleSVDecomp |
Singular value decomposition |
rw/dsv.h |
DoubleSVServer |
Server for SVD computation |
rw/dsv.h |
DoubleSymEigDecomp |
Symmetric eigenvalue decomposition |
rw/dsymeig.h |
DoubleSymEigServer |
Abstract base class for symmetric eigenvalue servers |
rw/dseigsrv.h |
DoubleSymQREigServer |
QR method symmetric eigenvalue server |
rw/dseigsrv.h |
DoubleSymPDQREigServer |
QR symmetric eigenvalue server for positive definite matrices |
rw/dseigsrv.h |
DoubleSymRFQREigServer |
Square root free QR method symmetric eigenvalue server |
rw/dseigsrv.h |
DoubleSymSomeEigServer |
Symmetric eigenvalue server for computing ith through jth eigenvalues |
rw/dseigsrv.h |
DoubleSymRangeEigServer |
Symmetric eigenvalue server for computing all eigenvalues in a given range |
rw/dseigsrv.h |
DoubleSymTriDiagDecomp |
Abstract base class for tridiagonal decompositions |
rw/dtd.h |
DoubleSymDenseTriDiagDecomp |
Tridiagonal decomposition for symmetric dense matrix |
rw/dtd.h |
DoubleSymBandTriDiagDecomp |
Tridiagonal decomposition for symmetric banded matrix |
rw/dtd.h |
DoubleEigDecomp |
Nonsymmetric eigenvalue decomposition |
rw/deig.h |
DoubleEigServer |
Abstract base class for eigenvalue servers |
rw/deigsrv.h |
DoubleSchurEigServer |
Eigenvalue server using Schur decomposition |
rw/deigsrv.h |
DoubleHessEigServer |
Eigenvalue server using Hessenberg decomposition |
rw/deigsrv.h |
DoubleSchurDecomp |
Schur decomposition |
rw/dschur.h |
DoubleHessenbergDecomp |
Hessenberg decomposition |
rw/dhess.h |
DoubleBalanceDecomp |
Balance decomposition |
rw/dbal.h |
DoubleBalanceTransform |
Balance transformation |
rw/dbal.h |
Class | Type | Header file |
RWGenMat<float> |
Rectangular dense matrix |
rw/math/genmat.h |
FloatSymMat |
Symmetric dense matrix |
rw/fsymmat.h |
FloatSkewMat |
Skew symmetric matrix |
rw/fskewmat.h |
FloatBandMat |
Banded matrix |
rw/fbandmat.h |
FloatSymBandMat |
Symmetric banded matrix |
rw/fsbndmat.h |
FloatTriDiagMat |
Tridiagonal matrix |
rw/ftrdgmat.h |
FloatLowerTriMat |
Lower triangular matrix |
rw/fltrimat.h |
FloatUpperTriMat |
Upper-triangular matrix |
rw/futrimat.h |
FloatGenFact |
General matrix LU factorization |
rw/fgenfct.h |
FloatSymFact |
Symmetric LDL' factorization |
rw/fsymfct.h |
FloatPDFact |
Cholesky factorization |
rw/fpdfct.h |
FloatBandFact |
LU factorization of band matrix |
rw/fbandfct.h |
FloatPDBandFact |
Cholesky factorization of band matrix |
rw/fpdbdfct.h |
FloatTriDiagFact |
Factorization of tridiagonal matrix |
rw/ftrdgfct.h |
FloatPDTriDiagFact |
Factorization of positive definite tridiagonal matrix |
rw/fpdtdfct.h |
FloatLeastSqCh |
Least squares factorization using Cholesky method |
rw/flsch.h |
FloatLeastSqQR |
Least squares factorization using QR method |
rw/flsqr.h |
FloatLeastSqSVD |
Least squares factorization using SVD method |
rw/flssvd.h |
FloatQRDecomp |
QR decomposition |
rw/fqr.h |
FloatQRDecompServer |
QR decomposition server |
rw/fqr.h |
FloatCODecomp |
Complete orthogonal decomposition |
rw/fco.h |
FloatSVDecomp |
Singular value decomposition |
rw/fsv.h |
FloatSVServer |
Server for SVD computation |
rw/fsv.h |
FloatSymEigDecomp |
Symmetric eigenvalue decomposition |
rw/fsymeig.h |
FloatSymEigServer |
Abstract base class for symmetric eigenvalue servers |
rw/fseigsrv.h |
FloatSymQREigServer |
QR method symmetric eigenvalue server |
rw/fseigsrv.h |
FloatSymPDQREigServer |
QR symmetric eigenvalue server for positive definite matrices |
rw/fseigsrv.h |
FloatSymRFQREigServer |
Square root free QR method symmetric eigenvalue server |
rw/fseigsrv.h |
FloatSymSomeEigServer |
Symmetric eigenvalue server for computing ith through jth eigenvalues |
rw/fseigsrv.h |
FloatSymRangeEigServer |
Symmetric eigenvalue server for computing all eigenvalues in a given range |
rw/fseigsrv.h |
FloatSymTriDiagDecomp |
Abstract base class for tridiagonal decompositions |
rw/ftd.h |
FloatSymDenseTriDiagDecomp |
Tridiagonal decomposition for symmetric dense matrix |
rw/ftd.h |
FloatSymBandTriDiagDecomp |
Tridiagonal decomposition for symmetric banded matrix |
rw/ftd.h |
Class | Type | Header file |
RWGenMat<DComplex> |
Rectangular dense matrix |
rw/cgenmat.h |
DComplexSymMat |
Symmetric dense matrix |
rw/csymmat.h |
DComplexHermMat |
Hermitian dense matrix |
rw/chermmat.h |
DComplexSkewMat |
Skew symmetric matrix |
rw/cskewmat.h |
DComplexBandMat |
Banded matrix |
rw/cbandmat.h |
DComplexSymBandMat |
Symmetric banded matrix |
rw/csbndmat.h |
DComplexHermBandMat |
Hermitian banded matrix |
rw/chbndmat.h |
DComplexTriDiagMat |
Tridiagonal matrix |
rw/ctrdgmat.h |
DComplexLowerTriMat |
Lower triangular matrix |
rw/cltrimat.h |
DComplexUpperTriMat |
Upper-triangular matrix |
rw/cutrimat.h |
DComplexGenFact |
General matrix LU factorization |
rw/cgenfct.h |
DComplexSymFact |
Symmetric LDL' factorization |
rw/csymfct.h |
DComplexHermFact |
Factorization of general Hermitian matrix |
rw/chermfct.h |
DComplexPDFact |
Cholesky factorization |
rw/cpdfct.h |
DComplexBandFact |
LU factorization of band matrix |
rw/cbandfct.h |
DComplexPDBandFact |
Cholesky factorization of band matrix |
rw/cpdbdfct.h |
DComplexTriDiagFact |
Factorization of tridiagonal matrix |
rw/ctrdgfct.h |
DComplexPDTriDiagFact |
Factorization of positive definite tridiagonal matrix |
rw/cpdtdfct.h |
DComplexLeastSqCh |
Least squares factorization using Cholesky method |
rw/clsch.h |
DComplexLeastSqQR |
Least squares factorization using QR method |
rw/clsqr.h |
DComplexLeastSqSVD |
Least squares factorization using SVD method |
rw/clssvd.h |
DComplexQRDecomp |
QR decomposition |
rw/cqr.h |
DComplexQRDecompServer |
QR decomposition server |
rw/cqr.h |
DComplexCODecomp |
Complete orthogonal decomposition |
rw/cco.h |
DComplexSVDecomp |
Singular value decomposition |
rw/csv.h |
DComplexSVServer |
Server for SVD computation |
rw/csv.h |
DComplexHermEigDecomp |
Symmetric eigenvalue decomposition |
rw/chermeig.h |
DComplexHermEigServer |
Abstract base class for Hermitian eigenvalue servers |
rw/cheigsrv.h |
DComplexHermQREigServer |
QR method Hermitian eigenvalue server |
rw/cheigsrv.h |
DComplexHermPDQREigServer |
QR Hermitian eigenvalue server for positive definite matrices |
rw/cheigsrv.h |
DComplexHermRFQREigServer |
Square root free QR method Hermitian eigenvalue server |
rw/cheigsrv.h |
DComplexHermSomeEigServer |
Symmetric eigenvalue server for computing ith through jth eigenvalues |
rw/cheigsrv.h |
DComplexHermRangeEigServer |
Symmetric eigenvalue server for computing all eigenvalues in a given range |
rw/cheigsrv.h |
DComplexHermTriDiagDecomp |
Abstract base class for tridiagonal decompositions |
rw/ctd.h |
DComplexHermDenseTriDiagDecomp |
Tridiagonal decomposition for Hermitian dense matrix |
rw/ctd.h |
DComplexHermBandTriDiagDecomp |
Tridiagonal decomposition for Hermitian banded matrix |
rw/ctd.h |
DComplexEigDecomp |
Nonsymmetric eigenvalue decomposition |
rw/ceig.h |
DComplexEigServer |
Abstract base class for eigenvalue servers |
rw/ceigsrv.h |
DComplexSchurEigServer |
Eigenvalue server using Schur decomposition |
rw/ceigsrv.h |
DComplexHessEigServer |
Eigenvalue server using Hessenberg decomposition |
rw/ceigsrv.h |
DComplexSchurDecomp |
Schur decomposition |
rw/cschur.h |
DComplexHessenbergDecomp |
Hessenberg decomposition |
rw/chess.h |
DComplexBalanceDecomp |
Balance decomposition |
rw/cbal.h |
DComplexBalanceTransform |
Balance transformation |
rw/cbal.h |
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