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Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)


#include <rw/deigsrv.h>           // DoubleEigServer
#include <rw/ceigsrv.h>           // DComplexEigServer

DoubleEigDecomp eig = server(A);  // server is a
// DoubleEigServer


The classes {TYPE}EigServer are abstract base classes for the nonsymmetric eigenvalue servers. For each precision, LAPACK.h++ supplies two derived types:

The reason for having a base class for an eigenvalue server is to allow access to the eigenvalue decomposition objects, {TYPE}EigDecomp, by the different servers. By making the base class a friend to the decomposition object, then providing protected member functions to access the internals of the {TYPE}EigDecomp object, we effectively make all subclasses of {TYPE}EigServer friends to the decomposition. This way, servers can be added in the future without changing the decomposition object code.

Public Member Operator

virtual DoubleEigDecomp    DoubleEigServer::operator()
(const RWGenMat<double>& A); virtual DComplexEigDecomp DComplexEigServer::operator()
(const RWGenMat<DComplex>& A);

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