Image Tool Menus
File Menu (Image Tool)
The File menu is used to open and close files, export data, print graphics, and generate PV-WAVE code. This menu contains the following commands:
Restore—Opens a file tool that you can use to restore a previously saved VDA Tool.
Save—Saves the current view in a file. The current state of the VDA Tool is saved, including the data that is plotted. If a save file was not previously created, a file tool dialog box appears where you can specify a filename. By default, save files have a .sav extension.
Save As—Opens a file tool that you can use to specify a file in which to save the current graphics view. The current state of the VDA Tool is saved, including the data that is plotted. By default, save files have a .sav extension.
Save Template As—Opens a file tool used to save a template. By default, template files have a .tpl extension.
Export Image—Saves the current image in its original variable.
Export All Images—Saves multiple images in their respective variables.
Export Image As—Opens a dialog box that lets you save the current image in a named variable.
Auto Export (disables Undo)—When this option is selected, the processed image is automatically exported to a variable. This function disables the Edit=>Undo function.
Export Selected Data—Allows you to export subsetted data to another VDA Tool and/or store subsetted data in a variable.
Import Variable(s)—Allows you to import a variable into the Image Tool.
Print—Prints the current view. To specify the printer name, use the Print Setup command.
Print Setup—Opens a setup dialog box used to specify printer options, including the name of the printer.
Generate Code—Opens a file tool that you can use to specify a file in which to save the PV-WAVE commands used by the VDA Tool to generate graphics, import data, or perform some other action specific to the Tool. By default, generated code files have a .pro extension.
Close—Exits the VDA Tool.
Edit Menu (Image Tool)
The Edit menu contains functions for editing graphical elements and selecting data. This menu contains the following commands:
Undo—Backs through successive image processing commands to the original image or the last image that was exported to the Image Tool.
Undo All—Backs through all image processing commands to the original image.
Cut—Cuts the selected graphical element.
Copy—Copies the selected graphical element to the clipboard.
Paste—Pastes the contents of the clipboard in the plot window.
Delete—Removes the selected graphical element from the plot window and redraws the view.
Select All—Selects all graphical elements in the graphics view area.
Deselect All—Deselects all graphical elements in the graphics view area.
Redraw—Redraws the current view.
Group—Groups the selected graphical elements. Grouped items can be cut, copied, pasted, deleted, and moved as one unit.
Ungroup—Ungroups grouped graphical elements.
Front—Pops the selected graphical element or group to the front of the view.
Back—Pops the selected text, graphics, or group to the back of the view.
Rectangular ROI Select—Lets you select a rectangular region within the current image. Use the mouse to select a point or draw a rectangle around the region you want to select. Selected data can be exported to another VDA Tool with the File=>Export Selected Data command. Information about the selected data is printed in the Message Area.
Irregular ROI Select—Lets you draw an irregular boundary around a specific region of interest in your data. Press and drag the left mouse button to define the irregular region. The region closes when you release the mouse button. Selected data can be exported to another VDA Tool with the File=>Export Selected Data command.
Object Select—Lets you select graphical elements in the plot using the mouse. Graphics elements include text, lines, ellipses, and rectangles. Selected graphics elements can be cut, copied, pasted, deleted, or grouped. For more information on selecting graphical elements, click here.
Pixel Zoom—This feature lets you edit individual pixels using a pixel editor. After selecting Pixel Zoom from the menu, click an area of interest on the image. A rectangular bounding box appears where you clicked and the pixel editor window opens. This window lets you edit the color of pixels inside the bounding box. Click the Help button in the pixel editor for more information.
Endpoint Profile—Opens a Profile View dialog box in which a linear profile of the image data is displayed. Press and drag MB1 to establish the profile line. The profile view changes as MB1 is dragged. When MB1 is released the profile line is fixed, until the next time MB1 is pressed.
Row Profile—Opens a Profile View dialog box in which a horizontal profile of the image data is displayed. Click MB1 to establish the horizontal line, or press and drag MB1 to interactively vary the row profile displayed.
Column Profile—Opens a Profile View dialog box in which a vertical profile of the image data is displayed. Click MB1 to establish the vertical line, or press and drag MB1 to interactively vary the column profile displayed.
Annotate Menu (Image Tool)
The Annotate menu is used to create and modify graphical elements. This menu contains the following commands:
Selected Object Attributes—Opens the Text, Line, Box, or Bitmap Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you change the attributes of a selected graphical element.
Text Object—Add words and phrases to accentuate important trends and differentiate features of the view. Use MB1 to pick a starting point for the text, then enter the text. Press <Return> when you are finished entering text.
Line Object—Add a line to the display area to emphasize a particular value or to visually connect text to some feature of interest elsewhere in the view. Press and drag MB1 to define the line. Press and drag <Control>-MB1 to constrain the line to be horizontal or vertical.
Box Object—Add a box to the display area to delineate a region of special interest. Press and drag MB1 to define the corners of the rectangle. Press and drag <Control>-MB1 to create a square.
Ellipse Object—Add an ellipse to the display area. Press and drag MB1 to expand the ellipse. Press and drag <Control>-MB1 to create a circle.
Bitmap Object—Add a bitmap to the drawing area. A bitmap can be any 2D array.
Defaults=>Text Object—Opens the Text Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you change the text color, size, thickness, and font. You can also change the coordinate system used to position text.
Defaults=>Line Object—Opens the Line Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you set the default attributes for lines. Attributes include line color, line thickness, linestyle, and arrow terminators. You can also change the coordinate system used to position lines.
Defaults=>Box Object—Opens the Rectangle Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you set the default attributes for rectangles. Attributes include fill color, line color, line thickness, and linestyle. You can also change the coordinate system used to position rectangles.
Defaults=>Ellipse Object—Opens the Ellipse Attributes dialog box. This dialog lets you set the default attributes for ellipses. Attributes include fill color, line color, line thickness, and linestyle. You can also change the coordinate system used to position ellipses.
Image Menu (Image Tool)
Image => Math Functions
ABS—This function replaces the image with its magnitude. Image magnitude is defined as the absolute value of the image values.
Image => Logical Functions
NOT—Performs a logical (boolean) NOT operation between the original image and a second variable. Only the image display is affected. The original data is not changed.
Image => Generate Noise
Image => Convert To
Byte—Convert the selected variable to byte data.
Int—Convert the selected variable to integer data.
Long—Convert the selected variable to long integer data.
Float—Convert the selected variable to floating-point data.
Double—Convert the selected variable to double data.
Complex—Convert the selected variable to complex data.
Color => Linear Grayscale—Convert the colormap of the selected image variable to linear grayscale.
Color => Indexed 256 Color—Convert the colormap of the selected image variable to indexed 256 color.
Color => True Color (24 Bit)—Convert the selected image data to 24-bit color.
Analyze Menu (Image Tool)
This menu contains function used for image analysis.
Analyze => Texture
Analyze => Segmentation
Analyze => Segmentation => Regions
Analyze => Morphological
Analyze => Other
Filter Menu (Image Tool)
Filter => Edge Detection
Filter => Noise Removal
Filter => Nonlinear
Filter => Adaptive
Filter => Filter Design
Filter => Spectral Filters
Options Menu (Image Tool)
The Options menu lets you hide or show portions of a VDA Tool window.
Select a menu item to show the corresponding area of the window, deselect a menu item to hide an area.
Button Bar—Show or hide the button bar.
Controls Area—Show or hide the controls area.
Message Area—Show or hide the message area.
Image Tracking—Turns on or off the display of x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and image value information below the drawing area.
Images—Display the selected image in a separate viewing window.
The Option menu is not available under Microsoft Windows.
Help Menu (Image Tool)
The Help menu lets you access online help information. This menu contains the following commands.
On Window—Brings up the online Help table of contents for the VDA Tool.
On PV-WAVE—Brings up the Table of Contents for PV-WAVE online help. This is the full PV-WAVE reference.
On Help—Brings up information about how to use the online Help system.
On Version—Displays information on the current version of PV-WAVE.
Window Menu (Image Tool)
Lists the names of all of the currently open VDA Tools. To pop a VDA Tool to the front, select its name from this menu.