Warping Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Warp an image. To enter warp points, click on the image.
Warp From Points—Pick independent control points. These points could represent the position of points in a calibration image.
Warp To Points—Pick dependent warping control points from the image. These points could represent the calibration points as actually measured by an instrument, which, due to distortion, has warped them.
Edit Value—Lets you edit a selected From/To warp point value.
Delete Selected Item—Lets you delete a selected warp point value.
Clear List—Clears the warp point value lists.
Redraw—Redraws the selected warp points on the displayed image.
Interpolation—Choose either the Bilinear or Nearest Neighbor method to be used in the resampling.
Polynomial Degree—The degree of the polynomial to be fitted to the data. The number of coordinate pairs formed by Warp From Points must be greater than or equal to (deg + 1)2.
Create New Image—If this option is selected, the processed data is used to create a new image. Enter a variable name suffix in the text field provided.
Overwrite Image—If this option is selected, the current image is overwritten by the processed data.
Variable Suffix—If the Create New Image option is selected, enter a suffix for the new image variable name. This suffix is added to the original variable name.
OK—Warp the image and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Warp the image, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.