AND Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Performs a logical (boolean) AND operation between the current image and a second variable.
Click here for more information on logical operations.
Operand—Select a variable to AND with the image.
AND with Constant—AND the image with a constant value. Select this button and enter a constant in the text field provided.
Create New Image—Select this option to store the result in a new image variable.
Overwrite Image—Select this option to overwrite the current image with the result.
Operation—The Operation feature lets you modify the image and operand variables before the mathematical operation (and-ing) is performed.
*Conj.—This button is only active if an image composed of complex data is loaded. Selecting the Conj button takes the complex conjugate of the image and/or operand variable. The complex conjugate is taken before the algebraic operation is performed. The conjugate is calculated using the PV-WAVE function CONJ.
*Alog—Selecting the Alog button takes the natural logarithm of the image and/or operand variable. The natural log is taken before the algebraic operation is performed. The natural log is computed using the Image Processing Toolkit function IPALOG.
Zero negatives—When this option is selected, negative values in the resulting array are set to zero.
Specify Layer—This option lets you apply the algebraic operation to a specific layer in a multi-layered image. Enter the layer number that you wish to process in the text field.
Variable Suffix—If the Create New Image option is selected, enter a suffix for the new image variable name. This suffix is added to the original variable name.
OK—AND the variables and exit the dialog box.
Apply—AND the variables, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.