Complex Display Dialog Box
Control which part of a complex image is displayed. The image data must be complex type. This dialog does not affect the actual image data; only the display is affected.
Natural Log—This feature is active when Absolute Value is selected. If Natural Log is Off, the image magnitude (absolute value of the image values) is returned. If Natural Log is On, the result is the image magnitude on a logarithmic scale.
Absolute Value—Display the absolute value of the complex image data. Absolute value is defined by:
ABS = SQRT(real_part^2 + imaginary_part^2)
Real—Display the real part of the complex image data.
Imaginary—Display the imaginary part of the complex image data.
OK—Change the complex display options and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Change complex display options, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.