PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage > Image Processing Toolkit User Guide > Image Tool > Histogram Equalization Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Histogram Equalization Dialog Box (Image Tool)
Compute the histogram equalized graylevel image. Statistical results are displayed in a dialog box.
Click here for general information on how histograms are used.
Binsize—Enter the range of values to consider as having a single value. The default is 1.0.
Top of Scale—Scales the histogram equalization from 0 to the value specified. The default is 255.
Minimum Value Considered—The minimum graylevel in the image to consider; and at least one less than the maximum value. The default is the minimum value in the image.
Maximum Value Considered—The maximum graylevel in the image to consider; and at least one more than the minimum value. The default is the maximum value in the image.
Create New Image—Select this option to store the result in a new image variable.
Overwrite Image—Select this option to overwrite the current image with the result.
Variable Suffix—If the Create New Image option is selected, enter a suffix for the new image variable name. This suffix is added to the original variable name.
OK—Compute the histogram equalization and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Compute the histogram equalization, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.