Class |
Description |
AbstractAuthHelper |
This super class is designed to lookup auth entries from file or memory.
AbstractHandle |
AccessException |
Exception thrown by P4Java methods when access to data or services has
been denied by the Perforce server.
AddFilesOptions |
IClient addFiles method Options definitions.
AppleFile |
This abstract class handles AppleSingle/Double files.
AppleFile.FileFormat |
The Apple file format.
AppleFileData |
This class is for representing the AppleSingle/Double file or its file forks
(data fork and resource fork) and the related Finder meta-file information.
AppleFileDecoder |
This class handles the extraction of the data fork, resource fork and other
entries from an AppleSingle/Double file.
AppleFileEncoder |
This class handles the combination of the data fork, resource fork and other
entries into an AppleSingle/Double file.
AppleFileHelper |
Helper class for handling Apple files.
AttributeDelegator |
Concrete implementation of the attribute command processing.
AuthTicket |
Object representing the three parts of a Perforce ticket, the server address,
the user name, and the ticket token value.
AuthTicketsHelper |
This class is designed to lookup authentication tickets from a tickets file
or the in-memory tickets map.
BaseDelegator |
BiPredicate<T,U> |
BranchDelegator |
BranchesDelegator |
BranchSpec |
Simple default implementation class for the IBranchSpec interface.
BranchSpec.BranchViewMapping |
Simple default implementation of the IViewMapping interface.
BranchSpecSummary |
Default implementation class for the IBranchSpecSummary interface.
ChangeDelegator |
Implementation to handle the change command.
Changelist |
Simple default generic implementation class for the IChangelist interface.
ChangelistOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's getChangelist and deletePendingChangelist
methods, and Changelist's update method.
ChangelistStatus |
Describes possible changelist status values.
ChangelistSummary |
Default implementation of the IChangelistSummary interface.
ChangesDelegator |
ChangesDelegator implementation.
CharsetConverter |
P4Java charset converter class
CharsetDefs |
Provides a centralized place to define or specify the various default and
working charsets used in the P4Java implementation.
Client |
Default implementation of the generic parts of an IClient interface.
ClientDelegator |
ClientError |
Signals a serious and probably unrecoverable client error in an underlying
transport layer.
ClientFile |
ClientFunctionDispatcher |
Dispatch incoming client functions from the server.
ClientHelper |
ClientIgnoreChecker |
Handle the checking of patterns in ignore files.
ClientLineEnding |
Defines the various line ending mappings needed
for text files in the transfer between client and server.
ClientMerge |
Support methods for the RPC merge protocols.
ClientMerge.ResolveChoice |
Possible choices available to a merge / resolve; should be
fairly self-explanatory.
ClientMergeState |
Helper class for carrying useful merge state around during the various merge
operations defined in ClientMerge.
ClientMessage |
Perforce P4Java client error / info / warning messages.
ClientMessage.ClientMessageId |
Basic message ID.
ClientMessage.ClientMessageType |
Where the message originated, or which part
of the command chain it refers to.
ClientOptions |
Simple default generic IClientOptions implementation class.
ClientProgressReport |
Report the progress of the command tick by tick.
ClientsDelegator |
ClientSendFile |
Implements some specialised file methods for sending file data back to the
Perforce server.
ClientSubmitOptions |
Simple generic IClientSubmitOptions implementation class.
ClientSummary |
Default implementation class for the IClientSummary interface.
ClientSystemFileCommands |
Implements the simpler lower-level file commands that typically
correspond to system commands such as chmod, delete, etc.
ClientSystemFileMatchCommands |
Implements the simpler lower-level file commands that typically
correspond to system commands such as chmod, delete, etc.
ClientTrust |
Handle the client trust and fingerprint for Perforce SSL connections.
ClientTunableSettings |
ClientUserInteraction |
Class for Perforce client end-user interaction commands like
prompting or password-setting ("end-user interaction" is being
rather broadly-defined here...).
ClientView |
Simple default generic implementation class for the IClientView and
associated IClientViewMapping interfaces.
ClientView.ClientViewMapping |
Simple extension of the basic MapEntry class to provide convenience
methods based on "depot" and "client" rather than "left" and "right".
CmdSpec |
An enumeration of the minimum set of Perforce server commands recognized and implemented
by P4Java.
CommandEnv |
Used to package up the Perforce function environment for a single
Perforce command across multiple RPC function calls.
Commit |
CommitAction |
CommitDelegator |
ConfigException |
Exception class for P4Java configuration-related exceptions.
ConfigureDelegator |
Handles configure commands.
ConnectionException |
Superclass for all P4Java connection-related exceptions.
ConnectionNotConnectedException |
Special subclass of ConnectionException to signal the case of
attempting to issue a Perforce server command with an IServer
that hasn't been explicitly connected to that Perforce server.
ConvertSparseOptions |
Options subclass for the sparse stream convert.
CopyFilesOptions |
Options class for the IClient copyFiles method.
CoreFactory |
A lightweight factory class with convenience methods for
creating common P4Java objects using the default implementation
classes with common default values.
CounterDelegator |
CounterOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's setCounter method.
CountersDelegator |
CustomSpec |
DbSchema |
Simple default implementation class for the IDbSchema interface.
DBSchemaDelegator |
Handles DB Schema commands.
DefaultBrowserCallback |
DefaultParallelSync |
Provides capability to perform sync in parallel.
DeleteBranchSpecOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.deleteBranchSpec methods.
DeleteClientOptions |
Options object for the IOptionsServer deleteClient method.
DeleteFilesOptions |
Options-based method options for IClient deleteFiles method(s).
DeleteLabelOptions |
Options class for the server's deleteLabel method.
Depot |
Simple default implementation class for the IDepot interface.
DepotDelegator |
DepotDelegator implementation.
DepotsDelegator |
Implementation to handle depots commands.
DescribeDelegator |
DescribeOptions |
Options class for the different options that can be specified when running a
describe on a changelist
Diff2Delegator |
Implementation to handle the Diff2 command.
DiffsOptions<T extends Options> |
DiffType |
Describes the various type of file version diffs and related whitespace options
available through the relevant content diff, resolve, annotate, etc., methods,
corresponding loosely to the "-d" series of options to the p4 command line app.
DirsDelegator |
Implementation for a delegator to handle 'p4 dirs'.
DiskSpace |
Default implementation of the IDiskSpace interface.
DiskspaceDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Diskspace command.
DuplicateDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Duplicate command.
DuplicateRevisionsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer duplicateRevisions method.
EditFilesOptions |
Options subclass for use with IClient editFiles method(s).
ExportDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Export command.
ExportRecordsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getExportRecords method.
ExtendedFileSpec |
Useful generic implementation class for the IExtendedFileSpec interface.
Extension |
ExtensionDelegator |
ExtensionSummary |
ExternalEnv |
Used as a container for each Perforce RPC call's external (operating
system, calling program, etc.) environment.
FileAction |
Defines the possible Perforce actions that can be associated with a Perforce file,
including synchronization actions.
FileAnnotateDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Annotate command.
FileAnnotation |
Simple generic implementation class for IFileAnnotation interface.
FileDecoderException |
Exception class for P4Java file decoding exceptions.
FileDiff |
FileDiffUtils |
FileEncoderException |
Exception class for P4Java file encoding exceptions.
FileLineMatch |
FileLogDelegator |
FilePath |
Defines a file spec path for Perforce IFileSpec objects, and a bunch of useful
methods for extracting and appending Perforce file-related metadata (such as
revision information or label / changelist / date annotations) to and from paths
and path strings.
FilePath.PathType |
Defines the various types a Perforce file path can have.
FilePathHelper |
FileRevisionData |
Simple default generic implementation calls for the IFileRevisionData
FilesDelegator |
Delegator for the 'p4 files' command.
FilesHelper |
Files helper class with generally useful methods.
FileSize |
Default implementation for the IFileSize interface.
FileSpec |
Simple generic default implementation class for the IFileSpec interface.
FileSpecBuilder |
A class used to provide generally-useful Perforce filespec-related
static methods.
FileSpecOpStatus |
Statuses representing the result of a particular Perforce
file-based operation.
FileStatAncilliaryOptions |
A simple way to encapsulate the complex ancilliary output options available
for the IServer getExtendedFiles method.
FileStatOutputOptions |
A simple way to encapsulate the complex output options available for the
IServer getExtendedFiles method.
Fingerprint |
Object representing the three parts of a Perforce fingerprint, the server
address, the user name, and the ticket token value.
FingerprintsHelper |
This class is designed to lookup fingerprints from a trust file or the
in-memory fingerprints map.
Fix |
Simple generic default implementation class for the IFix interface.
FixDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 fix'.
FixesDelegator |
Implementation of a delegator to support 'p4 fixes'.
FixJobsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer fixJobs method.
FlowControl |
Process and implement the various Perforce flow control commands,
in particular the flush1 / flush2 pair.
FstatDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 fstat'.
Function<T,R> |
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
FunctionWithException<T,R> |
GetBranchSpecOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getBranchSpec method.
GetBranchSpecsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getBranchSpecs method.
GetChangelistDiffsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getChangelistDiffs method(s).
GetChangelistsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer getChangelists method(s).
GetClientsOptions |
Options class for the server's getClients method.
GetClientTemplateOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getClientTemplate method.
GetCountersOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer's getCounters method.
GetDepotFilesOptions |
Simple options for the IOptionsServer.getDepotFiles method.
GetDepotsOptions |
GetDiffFilesOptions |
Options subclass for the IClient.getDiffFiles method.
GetDirectoriesOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer getDirectories method.
GetExtendedFilesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getExtendedFiles (a.k.a.
GetFileAnnotationsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer getFileAnnotations method.
GetFileContentsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.getFileContents method.
GetFileDiffsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getFileDiffs methods.
GetFileSizesOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getFileSizes method.
GetFixesOptions |
Options subclass for the IServer.getFixList method.
GetInterchangesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getInterchanges methods.
GetJobsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getJobs method.
GetKeysOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer's getKeys method.
GetLabelsOptions |
Options class for the server's getLabels method.
GetPropertyOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's getPropertyValues methods.
GetProtectionEntriesOptions |
Options subclass for the IOptionsServer.getProtectionEntries method.
GetReviewChangelistsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.getReviewChangelists method.
GetReviewsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.getReviews method.
GetRevisionHistoryOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getRevisionHistory method.
GetServerProcessesOptions |
Options class for Perforce IOptionsServer.getServerProcesses method.
GetStreamOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getStream method.
GetStreamsOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.getStreams method.
GetSubmittedIntegrationsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer getSubmittedIntegrations method.
GetUserGroupsOptions |
Options class for server getUserGroups method.
GetUsersOptions |
Options class for server getUsers method.
GraphCommitLogOptions |
This class is used tp encapsulate all the information
that forms the options part of the 'p4 graph log' command
GraphListTree |
GraphListTreeDelegator |
GraphObject |
GraphReceivePackDelegator |
Delegator class that delegates receive-pack command execution to the server.
GraphReceivePackOptions |
Options required by the graph receve-pack command
Usage: receive-pack -n repo [-u user -v] -i files...
GraphRef |
GraphRevListDelegator |
This class acts as a delegator that executes the command 'p4 graph rev-list'
GraphRevListOptions |
Encapsulates the option values as required by the
'p4 graph rev-list' command
GraphShowRefDelegator |
GraphShowRefOptions |
GrepDelegator |
Implementation of 'p4 grep'.
GroupDelegator |
GroupsDelegator |
HelixCommandExecutor |
IAttributeDelegator |
Delegator class for the Java API version of the p4 attribute command.
IBranchDelegator |
IBranchesDelegator |
IBranchMapping |
Defines an individual Perforce branch view mapping between a source path
and a target path.
IBranchSpec |
Defines a full Perforce branch specification for use in Perforce integrate (merge)
IBranchSpecSummary |
Defines the summary Perforce branch metadata typically returned by
the getBranchSummaryList() method, corresponding to "p4 branches"
and similar.
IBrowserCallback |
IChangeDelegator |
Interface for ChangeDelegator implementations.
IChangelist |
Describes a Perforce changelist.
IChangelist.Type |
Changelist types used when running a 'p4 changes' with the -s flag
IChangelistSummary |
Defines the methods and operations available on Perforce
changelist summaries returned from the server.
IChangelistSummary.Visibility |
Defines the visibility of the changelist.
IChangesDelegator |
Interface for a ChangesDelegator implementation.
IClient |
Extends the lightweight IClientSummary interface to provide a "heavyweight" Perforce
client object that has an associated Perforce client views and has the full panoply
of Perforce operations defined against it.
IClientDelegator |
IClientsDelegator |
IClientSummary |
Lightweight Perforce client interface that defines summary client
metadata and associated operations, without providing client
views or actual client-related operations.
IClientSummary.ClientLineEnd |
Defines the line end options available for text files.
IClientSummary.IClientOptions |
Defines what options are available or set (or whatever) for a specific Perforce Client.
IClientSummary.IClientSubmitOptions |
Defines the options to be used when submitting Perforce changelists associated
with this Perforce client.
IClientViewMapping |
Defines an individual Perforce client view mapping between a depot file
and a local Perforce client file.
ICommandCallback |
Provides a simple server command and command results notification callback
interface for P4Java consumers.
ICommit |
ICommitDelegator |
IConfigureDelegator |
Interface for a ConfigureDelegator implementation.
ICounterDelegator |
ICountersDelegator |
Defintion of the counters comamnds supported in P4Java.
IDbSchema |
Defines Perforce DB schema associated with a Perforce server (admin / superuser feature).
IDBSchemaDelegator |
Interface for DBSchemaDelegator implementations.
IDepot |
Provides an interface onto, and a set of methods to access a specific
Perforce depot contained in a Perforce server.
IDepot.DepotType |
IDepotDelegator |
Interface for a DepotDelegator implementation.
IDepotsDelegator |
The Interface IDepotsDelegator.
IDescribeDelegator |
IDiff2Delegator |
IDirsDelegator |
Interface for an implementation to handle dirs command.
IDiskSpace |
Defines disk space information on the server.
IDiskspaceDelegator |
Interface to handle the Diskspace command.
IDuplicateDelegator |
Interface to handle the Duplicate command.
IExportDelegator |
Interface to handle the Export command.
IExtendedFileSpec |
Extends the basic IFileSpec with methods and fields for use with the IServer
getExtendedFiles method and other specialized methods.
IExtension |
IExtensionDelegator |
IExtensionSummary |
IFileAnnotateDelegator |
Interface to handle the Annotate command.
IFileAnnotation |
Describes a Perforce file annotation as returned from the annotation command.
IFileDiff |
IFileDiff.Status |
Status of diff
IFileLineMatch |
Interface for file line matches resulting from grep commands
IFileLineMatch.MatchType |
Match type
IFileLogDelegator |
Interface for FileLogDelegator implementations.
IFileOperationResult |
Defines the broadest operations available on file specs returned
from Perforce file operations.
IFileRevisionData |
Describes a Perforce file revision in detail, including the changelist number and
associated description, action, user, etc.
IFilesDelegator |
Interface for an implementation for 'p4 files'.
IFileSize |
Describes information about the size of the files in the depot.
IFileSpec |
Defines the basic set of information and operations on a Perforce file
under P4Java, and performs as the common currency for a lot of file-list
based methods, usually encapsulated as Java lists as both input and output
for common server and client file-based methods such as where, sync, add, etc.
IFilterCallback |
Interface used to filter out individual key/value pairs from the results map
using the execMapCmd and/or other command methods.
IFix |
Describes a Perforce job fix record.
IFixDelegator |
Interface for implementations of 'p4 fix'.
IFixesDelegator |
Interface for the 'p4 fixes' command.
IFstatDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 fstat'.
IGraphCommitLogDelegator |
IGraphListTree |
IGraphListTreeDelegator |
IGraphObject |
IGraphReceivePackDelegator |
IGraphRef |
IGraphRevListDelegator |
IGraphShowRefDelegator |
IGrepDelegator |
The Interface for 'p4 grep' implementations.
IGroupDelegator |
Define the supported p4 groups commands in p4java.
IGroupsDelegator |
Define the supported p4 groups commands in p4java.
IHelixCommandExecutor |
IInfoDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 info'.
IIntegratedDelegator |
Interface for intregrations.
IInterchangesDelegator |
IJob |
The minimal Perforce job interface.
IJobDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 job'.
IJobsDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 jobs'.
IJobSpec |
Metadata definitions for jobs associated with a specific server.
IJobSpec.IJobSpecField |
Interface onto the main jobspec field specifier.
IJobSpecDelegator |
Interface for jobspec commands.
IJournalWaitDelegator |
Interface for journal wait.
IKeyDelegator |
IKeysDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Keys command.
ILabel |
Defines and describes a Perforce label.
ILabelDelegator |
Interface to handle the Label command.
ILabelMapping |
Extends IMapEntry to provide a Perforce label-specific
view map entry type.
ILabelsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Labels command.
ILabelSummary |
Defines summary information for Perforce labels.
ILicense |
ILicenseDelegator |
ILicenseLimits |
IListDelegator |
ILogCallback |
General P4Java-wide logger callback interface.
ILogCallback.LogTraceLevel |
Defines the various trace levels available.
ILogin2Delegator |
ILoginDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 login'.
ILogoutDelegator |
Inteface for 'p4 logout'.
ILogTail |
Defines the last block(s) of the errorLog.
ILogTailDelegator |
Inteface for log tail.
IMapEntry |
Defines an individual view map entry.
IMapEntry.EntryType |
Defines the specific type of a given view map entry.
IMonitorDelegator |
Interface to handle the Monitor command.
IMoveDelegator |
Interface to handle the Move command.
InfoDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 info' commands.
InputMapper |
A useful class with methods to map certain classes to maps suitable for feeding
to the IServer execMapCmd method's input map.
IntegratedDelegator |
Implementation for integrated delegator.
IntegrateFilesOptions |
Options for the IClient.integrateFiles method.
IntegrationOptions |
A helper class to gather together some of the (infinitely complex)
less-common options available to the integrate method in one object.
InterchangesDelegator |
InterchangesDelegator.InterchangesDelegatorHidden |
InvalidUrlException |
IObliterateDelegator |
Interface to handle the Obliterate command.
IObliterateResult |
Record stats returned by the obliterateFiles method.
IOpenedDelegator |
Interface for p4 opened.
IOptionsServer |
An extension of the basic IServer interface to provide Options object-based
method access to Perforce server functionality and objects.
IParallelCallback |
IPasswdDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Passwd command.
IPrintDelegator |
Interface to handle the Print command.
IProgressCallback |
Provides a simple server command and command progress callback
and control interface for P4Java consumers.
IProperty |
Provides storage of property values for use by applications that wish to
persistently store their configuration settings and other property data in
the server.
IPropertyDelegator |
Interface to handle the Property command.
IProtectDelegator |
Interface to handle the Protect command.
IProtectionEntry |
Describes a protection entry (line) in a Perforce protection
IProtectionsTable |
Describes a Perforce protections table.
IProtectsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Protects command.
IReloadDelegator |
Interface to handle the Reload command.
IRenameClientDelegator |
Interface to handle the RenameClient command.
IRenameUserDelegator |
Interface to handle the RenameUser command.
IRepo |
IReposDelegator |
IResolveRecord |
Integration resolve action records as returned by getExtendedFiles
with the equivalent of the fstat -Or option.
IReviewChangelist |
Describes a Perforce review changelist record.
IReviewDelegator |
Interface to handle the Review command.
IReviewsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Reviews command.
IReviewSubscription |
Defines the view mapping for Perforce user review subscriptions.
IRevisionIntegrationData |
Used to specify Perforce file integration data in short form
for specific file revisions.
IRevListCommit |
ISearchDelegator |
Interface to handle the Search command.
IServer |
Provides an interface onto a Perforce SCM server.
IServerAddress |
Provides a specification for identifying a Perforce server as a resource in a
IServerAddress.Protocol |
Specifies the connection protocol
IServerControl |
The minimal control interface all IServer impl classes must implement.
IServerImplMetadata |
Provides an interface onto information about Perforce server
implementations available through the server factory.
IServerImplMetadata.ImplType |
Describes the various known implementation types.
IServerInfo |
Provides a snapshot onto what the Perforce server knows about both
itself and the Perforce client.
IServerIPMACAddress |
IServerProcess |
Defines the fields available for each Perforce server process
object returned from the IServer getServerProcessList method.
IServerResource |
Defines methods available on all participating objects returned from
P4Java server and client methods that represent server-side objects
such as changelists, jobs, etc.
ISizesDelegator |
Interface to handle the Sizes command.
ISpecDelegator |
ISSOCallback |
Defines the Perforce Single Sign On (SSO) callback interface.
ISSOCallback.Status |
SSO callback return status.
IStatDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 stat' imlementation.
IStream |
Defines a full Perforce stream specification.
IStream.IExtraTag |
Defines an "extraTag*" field
IStreamComponentMapping |
IStreamComponentMapping.Type |
IStreamDelegator |
Interface to handle the Stream command.
IStreamIgnoredMapping |
Define (optional) a list of file or directory names to be ignored in client
IStreamingCallback |
Interface used to communicate individual results to users using the
execStreaminMapCommand and / or other streaming command methods.
IStreamingServer |
IStreamIntegrationLog |
StreamIntegrationLog is typically returned from the server as part of the streamlog command.
IStreamIntegrationStatus |
Defines the stream's cached integration status with respect to its parent.
IStreamIntegrationStatus.ICachedState |
Defines the cached state of the stream's integration status without
refreshing stale data.
IStreamlog |
Defines the methods and operations available on Perforce
streamlogs returned from the server.
IStreamlogDelegator |
IStreamRemappedMapping |
Define (optional) an individual stream view path is to be remapped in client
IStreamsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Streams command.
IStreamSummary |
Defines the summary Perforce stream metadata typically returned by the
getStreamSummaryList() method, corresponding to "p4 streams" and similar.
IStreamSummary.IOptions |
Stream options are flags to configure stream behavior.
IStreamSummary.ParentView |
ParentView: 'inherit' or 'noinherit'.
IStreamSummary.Type |
Types of streams include 'mainline', 'release', 'development', 'virtual'
'task', 'sparsedev' and 'sparserel'.
IStreamViewMapping |
Defines an individual file path in the stream view.
IStreamViewMapping.PathType |
Defines the possible path types.
ISystemFileCommandsHelper |
An interface that specifies a set of useful file-level functions
(such as recognizing a symbolic link or setting writable or
executable bits) that are not always implemented by vanilla
Java installations, and that can be used by P4Java to implement
these file operations when the surrounding JVm or JDK does not
do a good job.
ITagDelegator |
Interface to handle the Tag command.
ITriggerEntry |
Describes a protection entry (line) in a Perforce triggers
ITriggerEntry.TriggerType |
ITriggersDelegator |
Interface to handle the Triggers command.
ITriggersTable |
Describes a Perforce triggers table.
IUndoDelegator |
IUnloadDelegator |
Interface to handle the Unload command.
IUser |
Defines a full Perforce user object.
IUserDelegator |
Interface to handle the User command.
IUserGroup |
Defines Perforce user group attributes and methods.
IUsersDelegator |
Interface to handle the Users command.
IUserSummary |
Defines a Perforce user summary as returned from an IServer
getUsers method and similar.
IUserSummary.UserType |
Describes the type (service or standard) of this user.
IVerifyDelegator |
Interface to handle the Verify command.
IWhereDelegator |
Job |
Simple generic default implementation class for the IJob interface.
JobDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 job'..
JobsDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 jobs'..
JobSpec |
Simple generic default implementation class for the IJobSpec interface.
JobSpecDelegator |
Implementation for jobspec commands.
Joiner |
JournalWaitDelegator |
Implementation for journal wait.
JournalWaitOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's journalWait method.
KeyDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Key command.
KeyOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's setKey method.
KeysDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Keys command.
Label |
Default implementation class for the ILabel interface.
Label.LabelMapping |
LabelDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Label command.
LabelsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Labels command.
LabelSummary |
Default implementation of the ILabelSumamry interface.
LabelSyncOptions |
Label sync options subclass for use with IClient.labelSync.
License |
LicenseDelegator |
LicenseLimits |
ListData |
Holds data fetched from p4 list command
ListDelegator |
This class acts as a delegator that executes the command 'p4 list'
ListOptions |
This class is used to encapsulate all the information
that forms the options part of the 'p4 list' command
LockFilesOptions |
Options subclass for IClient.lockFiles.
Log |
Simple P4Java-wide logger class based on the ILogCallback callback
Login2Delegator |
Login2Options |
LoginDelegator |
Implementation for 'p4 login'.
LoginOptions |
Options subclass for IOptionsServer.login.
LogoutDelegator |
Handles the 'p4 logout' command.
LogTail |
Default implementation of the ILogTail interface.
LogTailDelegator |
Implementation for logtail.
LogTailOptions |
Options class for Perforce IOptionsServer.getLogtail methods.
LowResourceException |
MapChar |
MapDisambiguate |
MapEntry |
Default implementation of the IMapEntry interface.
MapFlag |
MapHalf |
MapItem |
MapItemArray |
MapJoiner |
MapJoiner2 |
MapKeys |
Helper class containing all known map keys for the map-based
implementation as static String fields.
MapPair |
MapPair - pair of MapItem entries that are candidates for Join
MapPairArray |
MapPairArray - array of MapPairs, candidates for MapHalf::Join
MapPairArray::Match() - match a MapItem against the tree,
adding any potentially matching entries to the
MapParam |
MapParams |
MapStrings |
Mapstrings.h - mapping table intial substrings
MapTable |
MapTableBuilder |
MapTableT |
MapTree |
MapUnmapper |
Provides unmapping services to the P4Java RPC implementation.
MapWrap |
MatchingLinesOptions |
Options objects for the IOptionsServer getMatchingLines command.
MD5Digester |
Provide MD5 digest methods for the rest of the RPC implementation.
MergeFilesOptions |
Options for the IClient.mergeFiles method.
MessageGenericCode |
Defines known Perforce error message generic codes.
MessageSeverityCode |
Defines known Perforce error severity codes.
MessageSubsystemCode |
Defines known Perforce message error subsystem codes as returned from the P4Java
message and exception system.
Metadata |
Defines public version, date, etc., metadata about the P4Java API.
MonitorDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Monitor command.
MoveDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Move command.
MoveFileOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer moveFile method.
NoSuchObjectException |
Exception class to use to signal missing objects within p4java; this
is not used for missing objects on the Perforce server side.
NtsServerImpl |
NTS (non-thread-safe) version of the P4Java RPC implementation.
NullPointerError |
Error class used to signal null pointers.
ObliterateDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Obliterate command.
ObliterateFilesOptions |
Options-based method options for IOptionsServer obliterateFiles method(s).
ObliterateResult |
The various record stats returned by the obliterateFiles method.
OneShotServerImpl |
A one-shot (connection-per-command) version of the RPC protocol
OpenedDelegator |
Implementation for p4 opened.
OpenedFilesOptions |
Options-based method options for IServer and IClient openedFiles method(s).
Options |
Abstract P4Java method options superclass.
OptionsException |
A P4Java extension used to signal to participating
users that an error occurred in Options object processing.
OptionsHelper |
OptionsSpecType |
OSUtils |
P4Charset |
P4JavaError |
Class intended to be used to signal unrecoverable errors that a client
or other package should probably not handle or that signal serious
errors without known fixes.
P4JavaException |
Superclass for all P4Java-generated exceptions.
P4JavaExceptions |
P4ResultMapUtils |
ParallelSyncOptions |
Simple default options object for IClient.syncParallel.
Parameters |
Internal helper class for Server parameter processing using the Options class
and other typical server command parameters.
PasswdDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Passwd command.
PathAnnotations |
Conveniently bundles up possible Perforce path-based metadata
annotations and associated operations.
PauseTimeException |
PerforceCharsetProvider |
CharsetProvider implementation which makes available the charsets provided by
PerforceCharsets |
Encapsulates Perforce-wide charset information for servers.
PerforceEnvironment |
Provides access to Perforce environment variables.
PerforceMessages |
Handles formatting Perforce messages.
PerforceShiftJISCharset |
Charset implementation which performs P4ShiftJIS encoding.
PerformanceMonitor |
Utility class for general RPC performance measuring, monitoring,
and reporting.
PopulateFilesOptions |
Options class for the IClient 'populateFiles' method.
Preconditions |
PrintDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Print command.
ProgressHandle |
PropertiesHelper |
Properties helper class with generally useful methods.
Property |
Default implementation of the IProperty interface.
PropertyDefs |
Defines keys and default values for common and useful P4Java-wide
PropertyDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Property command.
PropertyOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer's setProperty and deleteProperty methods.
ProtectDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Protect command.
ProtectionEntry |
Default IProtectionEntry implementation class.
ProtectionsTable |
Default IProtectionsTable implementation class.
ProtectsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Protects command.
ProtocolCommand |
Used to specify Perforce RPC protocol-related parameters
on the first call to a Perforce server on an RPC connection.
ProtocolError |
Signals a serious and probably unrecoverable protocol error
in an underlying transport layer.
ProtocolFunctionDispatcher |
General dispatcher for incoming protocol functions.
ReconcileFilesOptions |
IClient reconcileFiles method Options definitions.
ReconcileHandle |
ReloadDelegator |
Interface to handle the Reload command.
ReloadOptions |
Options class for Perforce reload methods.
RenameClientDelegator |
Implementation to handle the RenameClient command.
RenameUserDelegator |
Implementation to handle the RenameUser command.
ReopenFilesOptions |
Options-based method options for IClient reopenFiles method(s).
Repo |
ReposDelegator |
ReposOptions |
Options required by the repos command
RequestException |
An exception to be used to signal that the Perforce server has detected
an error in processing or fielding a request.
ResolvedFilesOptions |
Options class for the IClient.resolvedFiles method.
ResolveFilesAutoOptions |
Options class for IClient.resolveFilesAuto.
ResolveRecord |
Default implementation class for the IResolveRecord interface.
ResourceException |
Exception superclass for all P4Java resource-related exceptions.
ResultListBuilder |
ResultMapParser |
Utility to parse a result map and test for info/error messages etc.
RevertFilesOptions |
Options-based method options for IClient revertFiles method(s).
ReviewChangelist |
Default implementation of the IReviewChange interface.
ReviewDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Review command.
ReviewsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Reviews command.
ReviewSubscription |
Default ReviewSubscription implementation class.
RevListCommit |
Represents a list of revision items made through Graph Depot functionality
RpcByteBufferOutput |
Provides a Perforce-specific extension to the basic Java ByteBuffer to allow
us to intercept methods and implement our own extensions.
RpcCmdSpec |
Encapsulates all we know about a command coming in from the upper
levels of the P4Java implementation.
RpcConnection |
Main abstract class for sending and receiving packets (etc.) to and from the
Perforce server.
RpcConnectionFlowControl |
Provides Perforce flow control services for the Perforce server connection.
RpcCRC32Checksum |
Provides a wrapper to the basic Java CRC32 to allow us to use the JZlib pure
Java implementation of the CRC32 checksum from RFC1952.
RpcFunction |
General Perforce RPC function utilities and definitions.
RpcFunctionMapKey |
Defines Perforce RPC function keys and associated methods.
RpcFunctionMetadata |
Defines some simple metadata about Perforce RPC functions.
RpcFunctionSpec |
Defines the various Perforce RPC function names.
RpcFunctionType |
How we classify a Perforce RPC function for dispatch, encoding,
and other processing.
RpcGZIPInputStream |
A lightweight wrapper around the JZlib ZIP input stream for
processing compressed streams being sent from Perforce servers
when the client "client compress" mode is enabled.
RpcGZIPOutputStream |
A fairly lightweight filter output stream that implements Perforce's
GZIP-based connection stream compression for Perforce clients that have
the Perforce "client compression" option set.
RpcInflaterOutputStream |
RpcInputStream |
Provides a Perforce-specific extension to the basic Java
InputStream to allow us to intercept methods and implement
our own extensions.
RpcLineEndFilterInputStream |
Filter input stream to do Perforce-specific line end
munging where necessary.
RpcLineEndFilterOutputStream |
Simple FilterOutputStream extension to deal with Perforce text file
line end translation.
RpcMarshalable |
Defines the methods required to marshal an arbitrary object
onto a ByteBuffer for the Perforce RPC connection.
RpcMessage |
Definitions and methods for processing, encapsulating, and
handling RPC error and info codes on and off the wire.
RpcOutputStream |
Provides a Perforce-specific extension to the basic Java OuputStream to allow
us to intercept methods and implement our own extensions.
RpcPacket |
Describes the format of, and implements a bunch of methods for,
Perforce RPC packets as pushed across the wire between
Perforce clients and servers.
RpcPacketDispatcher |
Top-level client-side packet dispatcher.
RpcPacketDispatcher.RpcPacketDispatcherMode |
Specifies the mode the dispatcher's currently running in.
RpcPacketDispatcher.RpcPacketDispatcherResult |
An enum used by subsidiary function and packet dispatchers to
tell this level of dispatcher what to do.
RpcPacketField |
Describes a value / name packet pair as marshaled
on to or off the RPC wire between Perforce clients and servers.
RpcPacketFieldPatternRule |
Defines the rule for pattern matching the field names.
RpcPacketFieldRangeRule |
Defines the rule for a range of fields with a start field (inclusive) and a stop
field (non-inclusive).
RpcPacketFieldRule |
Super class representing the rule for skipping the charset conversion of the
RPC packet field values (bytes).
RpcPacketFieldType |
Defines the various Perforce RPC packet field types and associated
RpcPacketPreamble |
The five byte preamble appended to every text packet payload.
RpcPerforceDigestType |
RpcPerforceFile |
Encapsulates and implements a lot of Perforce-specific information
and operations on Perforce client-side files by extending the basic class with Perforce-specific fields and methods.
RpcPerforceFileType |
Definitions for Perforce client and server file types.
RpcPerforceFileType.RpcServerTypeStringSpec |
RpcPropertyDefs |
A convenience class used to hold all publicly-visible
properties keys used by the RPC implementation.
RpcRshInputStream |
Implements the lowest level of the P4Java RPC 'rsh' input stream architecture.
RpcRshOutputStream |
Implements the lowest level of the P4Java RPC 'rsh' output stream architecture.
RpcServer |
RPC-based Perforce server implementation superclass.
RpcSocketHelper |
Helper class for creating and configuring sockets.
RpcSocketInputStream |
Implements the lowest level of the P4Java RPC input socket stream architecture.
RpcSocketOutputStream |
Implements the lowest level of the P4Java RPC output stream architecture.
RpcSocketPool |
RpcSocketPool.ShutdownHandler |
Shutdown handler for cleaning up before a socket is closed
RpcSSLSocketFactory |
A factory for creating SSL socket objects.
RpcSSLSocketFactory.TrustAllTrustManager |
This class allow any X509 certificates to be used to authenticate the
remote side of a secure socket, including self-signed certificates.
RpcStreamConnection |
Socket stream I/O based implementation of the RpcConnection class.
RpcSystemFileCommandsHelper |
Default JDK 6 implementation of the ISystemFileCommandsHelper interface.
RpcUnicodeInputStream |
InputStream wrapper that detects and skips the Unicode BOM (Byte Order Mark)
in Unicode encoded text files.
RpcUnicodeInputStream.BOM |
Types of Unicode BOMs.
RpcUserAuthCounter |
Keeps track of the user's login/out counts per RPC server.
SearchDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Search command.
SearchJobsOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer's searchJobs method.
Server |
Generic abstract superclass for implementation-specific server
implementations that use a command-style server interface implementation.
ServerAddress |
Default implementation of the IServerAddress interface.
ServerAddressBuilder |
The purpose of this class is for building a server address object.
ServerConfigurationValue |
Encapsulates the server configuration values that are available through the
IOptionsServer set/get server configuration methods.
ServerConfigurationValue.ConfigType |
Currently-known server configuration value types.
ServerFactory |
The main P4Java server factory class.
ServerInfo |
Default simple implementation for server info interface.
ServerIPMACAddress |
ServerProcess |
Simple default generic implementation class for the P4JServerProcess interface.
ServerResource |
Abstract implementation class for the IServerResource interface.
ServerStats |
Simple class to centralize statistics gathering and reporting for
the RPC implementation server objects.
ServerStatus |
Used to describe the protocol-independent status of an IServer object.
SetFileAttributesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer setFileAttributes method.
ShelveFilesOptions |
Options class for the IClient.shelveFiles method and associated
convenience methods.
SizesDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Sizes command.
SpecDelegator |
StatDelegator |
Implemetation for 'p4 stat'.
Stream |
Simple default implementation class for the IStream interface.
Stream.ExtraTag |
Simple default generic IExtraTag implementation class.
Stream.StreamComponentMapping |
Stream.StreamIgnoredMapping |
Simple default implementation of the IStreamIgnoredMapping interface.
Stream.StreamRemappedMapping |
Simple default implementation of the IStreamRemappedMapping interface.
Stream.StreamViewMapping |
Simple default implementation of the IStreamViewMapping interface.
StreamDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Stream command.
StreamIntegrationLog |
StreamIntegrationStatus |
Default implementation class for the IStreamIntegrationStatus interface.
StreamIntegrationStatus.CachedState |
Simple default generic ICachedState implementation class.
StreamIntegrationStatusOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server getStreamCachedIntegrationStatus
Streamlog |
Simple default generic implementation class for the IStreamlog interface.
StreamlogDelegator |
StreamlogOptions |
StreamOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server create / update / delete stream methods.
StreamsDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Streams command.
StreamSummary |
Default implementation class for the IStreamSummary interface.
StreamSummary.Options |
Simple default generic IOptions implementation class.
StringHelper |
StringHelper |
Mildly-useful String and String-related helper methods that
should probably be factored out elsewhere...
SubmitOptions |
Options class for the IChangelist.submit method.
SwitchClientViewOptions |
Options object for the IOptionsServer switchClientView method.
SymbolicLinkHelper |
Abstract helper class for dynamically determine and use symbolic link support
in the Java NIO package (JDK 7 or above).
SyncOptions |
Simple default options object for IClient.sync.
SysFileHelperBridge |
Intended as a small helper class to bridge any system / JDK impedance
SystemInfo |
Provides system information about the Java runtime environment
TagDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Tag command.
TagFilesOptions |
Options class for the IOptionsServer.tagFiles method.
TempFileInputStream |
A simple extension to the normal FileInputStream to allow us to
subvert a few things like close() for our own nefarious purposes.
TextNormalizationHelper |
This helper class dynamically loads the "java.text.Normalizer" in JDK 6 or
above using reflection.
Tracer |
Simple P4Java tracer class based on the Log trace callback
TriggerEntry |
Default ITriggerEntry implementation class.
TriggersDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Triggers command.
TriggersTable |
Default ITriggersTable implementation class.
TrustException |
Special subclass of ConnectionException to signal the case of attempting to
establish trust for a SSL connection to the Perforce server.
TrustException.Type |
TrustOptions |
Options class for the Perforce IOptionsServer.addTrust method.
UndoFilesOptions |
UnicodeHelper |
Provides default and / or bridged (to Eclipse, etc.) Unicode helper
UnimplementedError |
Error class used to signal an unimplemented feature or method.
UnloadDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Unload command.
UnloadOptions |
Options class for Perforce unload methods.
UnlockFilesOptions |
Options class for IClient.unlockFiles.
UnshelveFilesOptions |
Options class for the IClient.unshelveFiles method and associated
convenience methods.
UpdateClientOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server create / update / delete client methods.
UpdateUserGroupOptions |
Combined Options class for user group create / update / delete methods.
UpdateUserOptions |
Combined Options subclass for the server create / update / delete user methods.
UsageOptions |
Global server usage options class.
User |
Simple default IUser implementation class.
UserDelegator |
Implementation to handle the User command.
UserFunctionDispatcher |
Process and dispatch user commands coming in from the server.
UserGroup |
Simple generic implementation class for the IUserGroup interface.
UsersDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Users command.
UserSummary |
Default implementation class for IUserSummary interface.
Utf8ByteHelper |
Utf8Utils |
VerifyDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Verify command.
VerifyFilesOptions |
Options class for IOptionsServer.verifyFiles method.
ViewDepotType |
Enum representing the ViewDepotType which is part of the client spec.
ViewMap<E extends IMapEntry> |
Defines the common operations to Perforce view maps.
ViewMap.MapDirection |
WhereDelegator |
WindowsRpcSystemFileCommandsHelper |
Windows specific implementation to help with file permissions.
ZeroconfHelper |
ZeroconfServerInfo |