Interface IServer
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface IServer extends IHelixCommandExecutor, IAttributeDelegator, IBranchDelegator, IBranchesDelegator, IChangeDelegator, IChangesDelegator, IClientDelegator, IClientsDelegator, IConfigureDelegator, ICounterDelegator, ICountersDelegator, IDBSchemaDelegator, IDepotDelegator, IDepotsDelegator, IReposDelegator, IDescribeDelegator, IDiff2Delegator, IDirsDelegator, IDiskspaceDelegator, IDuplicateDelegator, IExportDelegator, IFileAnnotateDelegator, IFileLogDelegator, IFilesDelegator, IFixDelegator, IFixesDelegator, IFstatDelegator, IGrepDelegator, IGroupDelegator, IGroupsDelegator, IInfoDelegator, IIntegratedDelegator, IInterchangesDelegator, IStatDelegator, IJobDelegator, IJobsDelegator, IJobSpecDelegator, IJournalWaitDelegator, IKeyDelegator, IKeysDelegator, ILabelDelegator, ILabelsDelegator, ILoginDelegator, ILogoutDelegator, ILogTailDelegator, IMonitorDelegator, IMoveDelegator, IObliterateDelegator, IOpenedDelegator, IPasswdDelegator, IPrintDelegator, IPropertyDelegator, IProtectDelegator, IProtectsDelegator, IReloadDelegator, IRenameUserDelegator, IReviewDelegator, IReviewsDelegator, ISearchDelegator, ISizesDelegator, IStreamDelegator, IStreamsDelegator, ITagDelegator, ITriggersDelegator, IUnloadDelegator, IUserDelegator, IUsersDelegator, IVerifyDelegator, IGraphListTreeDelegator, ICommitDelegator, IGraphRevListDelegator, IGraphCommitLogDelegator, IGraphReceivePackDelegator, IListDelegator, IGraphShowRefDelegator, ILogin2Delegator, ISpecDelegator, ILicenseDelegator, IExtensionDelegator, IStreamlogDelegator, IRenameClientDelegator
Provides an interface onto a Perforce SCM server.This is the main interface for Perforce services that are typically Perforce client workspace-independent, or that affect entire Perforce depots or servers. Some of these services are also available through various client, job, changelist, etc., interfaces methods, but in general, most Perforce services are always available through methods on this interface as well.
IServer interfaces for specific Perforce servers are issued by the P4Javs server factory class, ServerFactory; the factory can return interfaces that use a small variety of communication protocols to access the Perforce server.
- See Also:
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static java.lang.String
static java.lang.String
Property key for overriding the default tagged/non-tagged behavior of a command.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
Connect to the Perforce server associated with this server
createUserGroup(IUserGroup group)
Create a new Perforce user group on the Perforce
deleteUserGroup(IUserGroup group)
Delete a Perforce user group from the Perforce server.void
Disconnect from this Perforce<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>[]
execInputStringMapCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.lang.String inString)
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.void
execInputStringStreamingMapComd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.lang.String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>[]
execMapCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap)
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>[]
execQuietMapCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap)
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map without invoking any command
execQuietStreamCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs)
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream without invoking any command callbacks.void
execStreamingMapCommand(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key)
Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional map for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).void
execStreamingMapCommand(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key, IParallelCallback parallelCallback)
Issue a parallelised streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional map for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).java.lang.String
Return the current Perforce authentication ticket being used by this server, if
getAuthTicket(java.lang.String userName)
Return the Perforce authentication ticket for specified
getAuthTicket(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String serverId)
Return the Perforce authentication ticket for specified
getChangelistDiffs(int id, DiffType diffType)
Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with a specific submitted
Get the current charset name for the server<IFileSpec>
getCommitFiles(java.lang.String repo, java.lang.String commit)
Return the Perforce client currently associated with this Perforce server, if any.IServerInfo
Get the server's Info object without calling `p4 info`.int
getGenericCode(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> map)
getInterchanges(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId)
Get a list of changes and / or associated files not yet integrated (unsupported).java.util.List<IChangelist>
getInterchanges(java.lang.String branchSpecName, java.util.List<IFileSpec> fromFileList, java.util.List<IFileSpec> toFileList, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId, boolean reverseMapping, boolean biDirectional)
Get a list of changes and / or associated files not yet integrated, based on branchspecs (unsupported).java.lang.String[]
Return an array of strings representing "known" charsets (
Return the Java properties associated with this
Try to get the Perforce server
Get the Perforce version number of the Perforce server associated with this IServer object, if
getSeverityCode(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> map)
Return the current status of this server<IUserGroup>
getUserGroups(java.lang.String userOrGroupName, boolean indirect, boolean displayValues, int maxGroups)
Get a list of Perforce user groups from the
Return the user name currently associated with this server, if
Get the underlying server's notion of the current working directory.boolean
Returns whether the Perforce server associated with this IServer object is case sensitive.boolean
Return true iff and the server object is connected to the associated Perforce server.boolean
isLoginNotRequired(java.lang.String msgStr)
registerBrowserCallback(IBrowserCallback browserCallback)
Register a Perforce browser callback to launch the browser for a given url for this server.ICommandCallback
registerCallback(ICommandCallback callback)
Register a P4Java command callback with this Perforce server.IProgressCallback
registerProgressCallback(IProgressCallback callback)
Register a P4Java command progress callback with this Perforce server.void
registerSSOCallback(ISSOCallback callback, java.lang.String ssoKey)
Register a Perforce Single Sign On (SSO) callback and key for this server.void
setAuthTicket(java.lang.String authTicket)
Set the server's Perforce authentication ticket to the passed-in string.boolean
setCharsetName(java.lang.String charsetName)
Set the Perforce server's charset to the passed-in charset name.void
setClientPath(java.lang.String clientPath)
Set the Perforce P4CLIENTPATH - directories the client can access.void
setCurrentClient(IClient client)
Set the Perforce client associated with this server.void
setCurrentServerInfo(IServerInfo info)
Set the server's Info object without calling `p4 info`.void
setUserName(java.lang.String userName)
Set the Perforce user name to be used with this server.void
setWorkingDirectory(java.lang.String dirPath)
Set the Perforce server's idea of each command's working directory.boolean
Return true IFF the underlying Perforce server supports the new 2009.1 and later "smart move" command.boolean
Return true if the underlying Perforce server supports Unicode (and is connected).java.lang.String
updateUserGroup(IUserGroup group, boolean updateIfOwner)
Update a Perforce user group on the Perforce server.-
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IAttributeDelegator
setFileAttributes, setFileAttributes, unsetFileAttribute, unsetFileAttributes
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IBranchDelegator
createBranchSpec, deleteBranchSpec, deleteBranchSpec, getBranchSpec, getBranchSpec, updateBranchSpec
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IBranchesDelegator
getBranchSpecs, getBranchSpecs
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IChangeDelegator
deletePendingChangelist, deletePendingChangelist, getChangelist, getChangelist
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IChangesDelegator
getChangelists, getChangelists, getChangelists
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IClientDelegator
createClient, createTempClient, deleteClient, deleteClient, getClient, getClient, getClientTemplate, getClientTemplate, getClientTemplate, switchClientView, switchStreamView, updateClient, updateClient, updateClient
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IClientsDelegator
getClients, getClients
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ICommitDelegator
getBlobObject, getCommitObject, getCommitObject, getGraphCommitLogList, getGraphObject
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IConfigureDelegator
setOrUnsetServerConfigurationValue, showServerConfiguration
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ICounterDelegator
deleteCounter, getCounter, getCounter, setCounter, setCounter
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ICountersDelegator
getCounters, getCounters, getCounters
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDBSchemaDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDepotDelegator
createDepot, deleteDepot, getDepot
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDepotsDelegator
getDepots, getDepots
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDescribeDelegator
getChangelistDiffs, getChangelistDiffsStream, getChangelistExtendedFiles, getChangelistExtendedFiles, getChangelistFiles, getChangelistFiles, getShelvedFiles, getShelvedFiles
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDiff2Delegator
getFileDiffs, getFileDiffs, getFileDiffsStream, getServerFileDiffs
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDirsDelegator
getDirectories, getDirectories
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDiskspaceDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IDuplicateDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IExportDelegator
getExportRecords, getExportRecords, getStreamingExportRecords
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IExtensionDelegator
createExtensionConfig, deleteExtension, getExtensionConfig, installExtension, listExtensions, packageExtension, sampleExtension, updateExtensionConfig
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IFileAnnotateDelegator
getFileAnnotations, getFileAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IFileLogDelegator
getRevisionHistory, getRevisionHistory
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IFilesDelegator
getDepotFiles, getDepotFiles
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IFixDelegator
fixJobs, fixJobs
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IFixesDelegator
getFixes, getFixList
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IFstatDelegator
getExtendedFiles, getExtendedFiles
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGraphCommitLogDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGraphListTreeDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGraphReceivePackDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGraphRevListDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGraphShowRefDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGrepDelegator
getMatchingLines, getMatchingLines
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGroupDelegator
createUserGroup, deleteUserGroup, getUserGroup, updateUserGroup
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IGroupsDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.IHelixCommandExecutor
execMapCmdList, execMapCmdList, execMapCmdList, execStreamCmd, execStreamCmdForBuffer, getErrorOrInfoStr, getErrorStr, getInfoStr, handleErrorStr, handleFileErrorStr, isAuthFail, isInfoMessage
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IInfoDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IIntegratedDelegator
getSubmittedIntegrations, getSubmittedIntegrations
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IInterchangesDelegator
getInterchanges, getInterchanges
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IJobDelegator
createJob, deleteJob, getJob, updateJob
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IJobsDelegator
getJobs, getJobs
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IJobSpecDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IJournalWaitDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IKeyDelegator
deleteKey, getKey, setKey
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IKeysDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ILabelDelegator
createLabel, deleteLabel, deleteLabel, getLabel, updateLabel
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ILabelsDelegator
getLabels, getLabels
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ILicenseDelegator
getLicense, getLimits, getValidServerIPMACAddress, updateLicense
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.impl.mapbased.server.cmd.IListDelegator
getListData, getListData
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ILogin2Delegator
getLogin2Status, getLogin2Status, login2, login2, login2CheckAuth, login2InitAuth, login2ListMethods
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ILoginDelegator
getLoginStatus, isDontWriteTicket, login, login, login, login, login
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ILogoutDelegator
logout, logout
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ILogTailDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IMonitorDelegator
getServerProcesses, getServerProcesses
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IMoveDelegator
moveFile, moveFile
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IObliterateDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IOpenedDelegator
getOpenedFiles, getOpenedFiles
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IPasswdDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IPrintDelegator
getFileContents, getFileContents, getFileContents
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IPropertyDelegator
deleteProperty, getProperty, setProperty
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IProtectDelegator
createProtectionEntries, getProtectionsTable, updateProtectionEntries
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IProtectsDelegator
getProtectionEntries, getProtectionEntries
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IReloadDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IRenameClientDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IRenameUserDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IReposDelegator
getRepos, getRepos, getRepos
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IReviewDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IReviewsDelegator
getReviews, getReviews
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ISearchDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ISizesDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ISpecDelegator
getSpec, updateSpec, updateSpecString
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IStatDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IStreamDelegator
convertSparseStream, createStream, deleteStream, getStream, getStream, updateStream
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IStreamlogDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IStreamsDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ITagDelegator
tagFiles, tagFiles
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.ITriggersDelegator
createTriggerEntries, getTriggerEntries, getTriggersTable, updateTriggerEntries
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IUnloadDelegator
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IUserDelegator
createUser, createUser, deleteUser, deleteUser, getUser, updateUser, updateUser
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IUsersDelegator
getUsers, getUsers
Methods inherited from interface com.perforce.p4java.server.delegator.IVerifyDelegator
Field Detail
static final java.lang.String ATTRIBUTE_STREAM_MAP_KEY
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final java.lang.String IN_MAP_USE_TAGS_KEY
Property key for overriding the default tagged/non-tagged behavior of a command. This is a per-command property, set on a command's "inMap".- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
Method Detail
int getServerVersion() throws ConnectionException
Try to get the Perforce server version. This is likely to be the first time actual connectivity is tested for the server... Since this is called before we know much about the state or type of the Perforce server, we do virtually no real error checking or recovery -- we either get a suitable response and dig out the server version, or we just leave things alone.NOTE: has the side effect of setting the server impl's serverVersion field.
- Returns:
- version
- Throws:
- on error
void connect() throws ConnectionException, AccessException, RequestException, ConfigException
Connect to the Perforce server associated with this server object.This method's detailed semantics depend on the underlying transport implementation, but in general, it's intended to be called before any attempt is made to issue a command to the associated Perforce server. It's also intended to be called after any (intentional or accidental) disconnect.
Note that certain implementations may try to request a client, etc., on connection (in response to property values passed in through the URL, etc.), which may cause a RequestException to be generated.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.AccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the callerRequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestConfigException
- if local I/O exception occurs
java.lang.String createUserGroup(IUserGroup group) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Create a new Perforce user group on the Perforce server.- Parameters:
- non-null IUserGroup to be created.- Returns:
- possibly-null status message string as returned from the server
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request.AccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller.
java.lang.String deleteUserGroup(IUserGroup group) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Delete a Perforce user group from the Perforce server.- Parameters:
- non-null group to be deleted.- Returns:
- possibly-null status message string as returned from the server
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request.AccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller.
void disconnect() throws ConnectionException, AccessException
Disconnect from this Perforce server. Does not affect the current IServer's current user, password, or client settings, but if you later reconnect to the same Perforce server, you may also need to re-login.This command should be run at the point at which this server is not going to be used any more, and attempts to disconnect from the associated server. "Disconnect" here has different meanings according to the underlying transport mechanism, but in practice it will mean that attempting to use this server object to issue Perforce commands will fail, usually with a ConnectionException exception.
- Throws:
- on errorAccessException
- on error
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>[] execInputStringMapCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.lang.String inString) throws P4JavaException
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.
No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.
Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.
- Parameters:
- the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.cmdArgs
- the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.inString
- an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.- Returns:
- a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
- Throws:
- if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters- Since:
- 2011.1
@Deprecated void execInputStringStreamingMapComd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.lang.String inString, IStreamingCallback callback, int key) throws P4JavaException
Deprecated.Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional string for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).Streaming commands allow users to get each result from a suitably-issued command as it comes in from the server, rather than waiting for the entire command method to complete (and getting the results back as a completed List or Map or whatever).
The results are sent to the user using the IStreamingCallback handleResult method; see the IStreamingCallback Javadoc for details. The payload passed to handleResult is usually the raw map gathered together deep in the RPC protocol layer, and the user is assumed to have the knowledge and technology to be able to parse it and use it suitably in much the same way as a user unpacks or processes the results from the other low-level exec methods like execMapCommand.
NOTE: 'streaming' here has nothing at all to do with Perforce 'streams', which are (or will be) implemented elsewhere.
- Parameters:
- the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.cmdArgs
- the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.inString
- an optional string to be sent to the server as standard input unchanged (this must be in the format expected by the server, typically as required when using the "-i" flag to the p4 command line app for the same command). You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.callback
- a non-null IStreamingCallback to be used to process the incoming results.key
- an opaque integer key that is passed to the IStreamingCallback callback methods to identify the action as being associated with this specific call.- Throws:
- if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.- Since:
- 2011.1
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>[] execMapCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map.This method is intended for low-level commands in the spirit and format of the p4 command line interpreter, and offers a simple way to issue commands to the associated Perforce server without the overhead of the more abstract Java interfaces and methods.
No guidance is given here on the format of the returned map; however, it produces the same output as the p4 command line interpreter in -G (Python map) mode.
Note that this method does not allow you to set "usage" options for the command; these may be added later. Note also that although option arguments passed to this method must be in a form recognized by the p4 command line interpreter, that does not mean the method is being implemented by the interpreter -- the actual implementation depends on the options used to get the server object in the first place from the server factory.
- Parameters:
- the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.cmdArgs
- the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.inMap
- an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.- Returns:
- a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>[] execQuietMapCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and return the results as a map without invoking any command callbacks.Basically equivalent to execMapCmd with temporary disabling of any ICommandCallback calls and / or listeners; this turns out to be useful for various reasons we won't go into here...
- Parameters:
- the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.cmdArgs
- the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.inMap
- an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.- Returns:
- a non-null Java Map of results; these results are as returned from issuing the command using the -G option with the p4 command line interpreter.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
execQuietStreamCmd execQuietStreamCmd(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Issue an arbitrary P4Java command to the Perforce server and get the results as a stream without invoking any command callbacks.Basically equivalent to execStreamCmd with temporary disabling of any ICommandCallback calls and / or listeners; this turns out to be useful for various reasons we won't go into here...
- Parameters:
- the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.cmdArgs
- the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.- Returns:
- an InputStream on the command output. This will never be null, but it may be empty. You must properly close this stream after use or temporary files may be left lying around the VM's area.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
void execStreamingMapCommand(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key) throws P4JavaException
Issue a streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional map for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).Streaming commands allow users to get each result from a suitably-issued command as it comes in from the server, rather than waiting for the entire command method to complete (and getting the results back as a completed List or Map or whatever).
The results are sent to the user using the IStreamingCallback handleResult method; see the IStreamingCallback Javadoc for details. The payload passed to handleResult is usually the raw map gathered together deep in the RPC protocol layer, and the user is assumed to have the knowledge and technology to be able to parse it and use it suitably in much the same way as a user unpacks or processes the results from the other low-level exec methods like execMapCommand.
NOTE: 'streaming' here has nothing at all to do with Perforce 'streams', which are (or will be) implemented elsewhere.
- Parameters:
- the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.cmdArgs
- the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.inMap
- an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.callback
- a non-null IStreamingCallback to be used to process the incoming results.key
- an opaque integer key that is passed to the IStreamingCallback callback methods to identify the action as being associated with this specific call.- Throws:
- if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.- Since:
- 2011.1
void execStreamingMapCommand(java.lang.String cmdName, java.lang.String[] cmdArgs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> inMap, IStreamingCallback callback, int key, IParallelCallback parallelCallback) throws P4JavaException
Issue a parallelised streaming map command to the Perforce server, using an optional map for any input expected by the server (such as label or job specs, etc.).Streaming commands allow users to get each result from a suitably-issued command as it comes in from the server, rather than waiting for the entire command method to complete (and getting the results back as a completed List or Map or whatever).
The results are sent to the user using the IStreamingCallback handleResult method; see the IStreamingCallback Javadoc for details. The payload passed to handleResult is usually the raw map gathered together deep in the RPC protocol layer, and the user is assumed to have the knowledge and technology to be able to parse it and use it suitably in much the same way as a user unpacks or processes the results from the other low-level exec methods like execMapCommand.
NOTE: 'streaming' here has nothing at all to do with Perforce 'streams', which are (or will be) implemented elsewhere.
- Parameters:
- the command to be issued; must be non-null, and correspond to a Perforce command recognized by P4Java and defined in CmdSpec.cmdArgs
- the array of command arguments (options and file arguments, etc.) to be sent to the Perforce server. These must be in the form used by the corresponding p4 command line interpreter. Ignored if null.inMap
- an optional map to be sent to the server as standard input, using the Python map format (-G) form. You must remember to issue the relevant command-specific option to enable this if needed.callback
- a non-null IStreamingCallback to be used to process the incoming results.key
- an opaque integer key that is passed to the IStreamingCallback callback methods to identify the action as being associated with this specific call.parallelCallback
- IParallelCallback used to parallelise the task- Throws:
- on error- Since:
- 2017.1
java.lang.String getAuthTicket()
Return the current Perforce authentication ticket being used by this server, if any. This ticket is not always guaranteed to be currently valid, so reuse should be done carefully.- Returns:
- possibly-null Perforce authentication ticket
java.lang.String getAuthTicket(java.lang.String userName)
Return the Perforce authentication ticket for specified user.- Parameters:
- non-null Perforce user name- Returns:
- possibly-null Perforce authentication ticket
- Since:
- 2011.2
java.lang.String getAuthTicket(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String serverId)
Return the Perforce authentication ticket for specified user.- Parameters:
- non-null Perforce user nameserverId
- non-null Perforce server's Returns:
- possibly-null Perforce authentication ticket
- Since:
- 2021.2
boolean isLoginNotRequired(java.lang.String msgStr)
getChangelistDiffs getChangelistDiffs(int id, DiffType diffType) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Get an InputStream onto the file diffs associated with a specific submitted changelist. This method (like the similar "p4 describe" command) will not return diffs for pending changelists.This is one of the guaranteed "live" method on this interface, and will return the diff output as it exists when called (rather than when the underlying implementation object was created). This can be an expensive method to evaluate, and can generate reams and reams (and reams) of output, so don't use it willy-nilly.
Note that unlike the corresponding command-line command, which keeps going in the face of errors by moving on to the next file (or whatever), any errors encountered in this method will cause an exception from this method at the first error, so plan accordingly....
- Parameters:
- the ID of the target changelistdiffType
- if non-null, describes which type of diff to perform.- Returns:
- InputStream onto the diff stream. Note that while this stream will not be null, it may be empty
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
java.util.List<IFileSpec> getCommitFiles(java.lang.String repo, java.lang.String commit) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
- Parameters:
- the graph repocommit
- the commit SHA- Returns:
- non-null (but possibly empty) list of files associated with the commit.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
java.lang.String getCharsetName()
Get the current charset name for the server connection. May be null, in which case there is no associated character set.- Returns:
- charset name associated with this server; may be null.
int getGenericCode(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> map)
java.util.List<IChangelist> getInterchanges(IFileSpec fromFile, IFileSpec toFile, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Get a list of changes and / or associated files not yet integrated (unsupported). Corresponds fairly closely to the p4 interchanges command for filespecs.Note that if showFiles is true, the returned files are attached to the associated changelist, and can be retrieved using the getFiles(false) method -- and note that if you call getFiles(true) you will get a refreshed list of all files associated with the changelist, which is probably different from the list associated with the integration.
Note also that if there are no qualifying changes, this method will return an empty list rather than throw an exception; this behaviour is different to that seen with the p4 command line which will throw an exception.
- Parameters:
- non-null from-file specification.toFile
- non-null to-file specification.showFiles
- if true, show the individual files that would require integration.longDesc
- if true, return a long description in the changelist.maxChangelistId
- if greater than zero, only consider integration history from changelists at or below the given number- Returns:
- non-null (but possibly empty) list of qualifying changelists. Note that the changelists returned here may not have all fields set (only description, ID, date, user, and client are known to be properly set by the server for this command).
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
java.util.List<IChangelist> getInterchanges(java.lang.String branchSpecName, java.util.List<IFileSpec> fromFileList, java.util.List<IFileSpec> toFileList, boolean showFiles, boolean longDesc, int maxChangelistId, boolean reverseMapping, boolean biDirectional) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Get a list of changes and / or associated files not yet integrated, based on branchspecs (unsupported). Corresponds fairly closely to the p4 interchanges command for branchspecs.Note that if showFiles is true, the returned files are attached to the associated changelist, and can be retrieved using the getFiles(false) method -- and note that if you call getFiles(true) you will get a refreshed list of all files associated with the changelist, which is probably different from the list associated with the integration.
Note also that if there are no qualifying changes, this method will return an empty list rather than throw an exception; this behaviour is different to that seen with the p4 command line which will throw an exception.
- Parameters:
- non-null, non-empty branch spec name.fromFileList
- if non-null and not empty, and biDirectional is true, use this as the from file list.toFileList
- if non-null and not empty, use this as the to file list.showFiles
- if true, show the individual files that would require integration.longDesc
- if true, return a long description in the changelist.maxChangelistId
- if greater than zero, only consider integrationreverseMapping
- if true, reverse the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place.biDirectional
- if true, bi-directional option- Returns:
- non-null (but possibly empty) list of qualifying changelists. Note that the changelists returned here may not have all fields set (only description, ID, date, user, and client are known to be properly set by the server for this command).
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
java.lang.String[] getKnownCharsets()
Return an array of strings representing "known" charsets (e.g. "utf8" or "utf32le".Note that in this context, "known" simply means that Perforce servers supported by this API can potentially recognize the charset name and (hopefully) act accordingly.
Charset support in Perforce is described in more detail in the main p4 command documentation; in summary, although the list returned here is comprehensive and quite impressive, unless the Perforce server is actually primed to cope with Unicode (which, by default, they're not), the only charset listed here that will work is "none"; furthermore, actual charset support is somewhat idiosyncratic -- please refer to specific documentation for guidance with this. You probably need to use this method in conjunction with the supportsUnicode() method above.
- Returns:
- a non-null array of strings representing lower-case charset names known to the server.
java.util.Properties getProperties()
Return the Java properties associated with this server. The Properties returned here are the actual properties used in the server and can be updated through this method (i.e. the object is not just a copy). The interpretation of the individual Properties are implementation-specific and not discussed here.- Returns:
- Properties object; may be empty but will not be null.
int getServerVersionNumber()
Get the Perforce version number of the Perforce server associated with this IServer object, if any. This will be in the form 20092 or 20073 (corresponding to 2009.2 and 2007.3 respectively), but the version number will not be available if you're not actually connected to a Perforce server.- Returns:
- positive integer version number or -1 if not known or unavailable.
int getSeverityCode(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> map)
ServerStatus getStatus()
Return the current status of this server object.- Returns:
- non-null ServerStatus representing the server status.
java.util.List<IUserGroup> getUserGroups(java.lang.String userOrGroupName, boolean indirect, boolean displayValues, int maxGroups) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Get a list of Perforce user groups from the server.Note that the Perforce server considers it an error to have both indirect and displayValues parameters set true; this will cause the server to throw a RequestException with an appropriate usage message.
- Parameters:
- if non-null, restrict the list to the specified group or username.indirect
- if true, also displays groups that the specified user or group belongs to indirectly via subgroups.displayValues
- if true, display the MaxResults, MaxScanRows, MaxLockTime, and Timeout values for the named group.maxGroups
- if > 0, display only the first m results.- Returns:
- a non-zero but possibly-empty list of qualifying groups.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request.AccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller.
java.lang.String getUserName()
Return the user name currently associated with this server, if any. User names are set using the setUserName method.- Returns:
- the user name currently associated with this server, if any; null otherwise.
java.lang.String getWorkingDirectory()
Get the underlying server's notion of the current working directory. If this method returns null, the server is using the JVM's current working directory, typically available as the System user.dir property.- Returns:
- current working directory path, or null if not set
IClient getCurrentClient()
Return the Perforce client currently associated with this Perforce server, if any.- Returns:
- IClient representing the current client, or null if no client associated with this server.
boolean isCaseSensitive()
Returns whether the Perforce server associated with this IServer object is case sensitive.- Returns:
- - true if case sensitive, false if case insensitive.
boolean isConnected()
Return true iff and the server object is connected to the associated Perforce server.The meaning of "connected" is generally dependent on the underlying transport layer, but in general, if the server is not connected, issuing server commands to the associated Perforce server will fail with a connection exception.
- Returns:
- - true iff connected, false otherwise
ICommandCallback registerCallback(ICommandCallback callback)
Register a P4Java command callback with this Perforce server.See the ICommandCallback javadocs for callback semantics. Note that only one command callback can be active and registered for a given server at any one time.
- Parameters:
- ICommandCallback object to be registered; if null, command callbacks are disabled.- Returns:
- the previous command callback, if it existed; null otherwise
IProgressCallback registerProgressCallback(IProgressCallback callback)
Register a P4Java command progress callback with this Perforce server.See the IProgressCallback javadocs for callback semantics. Note that only one progress callback can be active and registered for a given server at any one time.
- Parameters:
- IProgressCallback object to be registered; if null, progress callbacks are disabled.- Returns:
- the previous progress callback, if it existed; null otherwise
void registerSSOCallback(ISSOCallback callback, java.lang.String ssoKey)
Register a Perforce Single Sign On (SSO) callback and key for this server.See the ISSOCallback Javadoc comments for an explanation of the SSO callback feature; note that only one SSO callback can be active and registered for a given P4Jserver object at any one time.
Note that SSO callbacks work only with the (default) pure Java (RPC) protocol implementation.
- Parameters:
- ISSOCallback object to be registered; if null, SSO callbacks are disabled.ssoKey
- opaque string to be passed untouched to the callback; can be null, in which case null is passed in to the callback
void registerBrowserCallback(IBrowserCallback browserCallback)
Register a Perforce browser callback to launch the browser for a given url for this server.See the IBrowserCallback Javadoc comments for an explanation of the browser callback feature; note that only one browser callback can be active and registered for a given P4server object at any one time.
- Parameters:
- BrowserCallback object to be registered; if null, browser callbacks are disabled.
void setAuthTicket(java.lang.String authTicket)
Set the server's Perforce authentication ticket to the passed-in string. If the string is null, auth tickets won't be used when talking to the associated Perforce server; otherwise, the auth ticket will be used to authenticate against the Perforce server for each call to the server.No checking is performed on the passed-in ticket, and any changes to existing tickets can cause authentication failures, so you should ensure the passed-in ticket is valid and makes sense for the current context.
- Parameters:
- possibly-null Perforce authentication ticket
void setCurrentServerInfo(IServerInfo info)
Set the server's Info object without calling `p4 info`. Intended to be used for initialising new server connections for parallel threads.- Parameters:
- possibly-null Perforce server information
IServerInfo getCurrentServerInfo()
Get the server's Info object without calling `p4 info`. Intended to be used for initialising new server connections for parallel threads.- Returns:
- the current server's info (may be null)
boolean setCharsetName(java.lang.String charsetName) throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException
Set the Perforce server's charset to the passed-in charset name. The semantics of this are described in the full Perforce documentation, but note that odd things will happen if the named charset isn't recognized by both the JVM and the Perforce server (i.e. "utf8" works fine, but bizarre variants may not). What constitutes a good charset name, and whether or not the server recognises it, is somewhat fraught and may involve retrieving the unicode counter and using the (printed) list of recognised charsets.- Parameters:
- charset name; if null, resets the charset to "no charset".- Returns:
- true if the attempt to set the charset name succeeded; false otherwise. False will only be returned if the JVM doesn't support the charset. (an exception will be thrown if the server doesn't recognize it).
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server doesn't support or recognize the charset name.
void setCurrentClient(IClient client) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Set the Perforce client associated with this server.- Parameters:
- client object- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
void setUserName(java.lang.String userName)
Set the Perforce user name to be used with this server. This does not perform any login or checking, just associates a user name with this session. Once set, the user name is used with all commands where it makes sense.Note that the auth ticket (if available) for this user will also be set to this server instance.
- Parameters:
- Perforce user name; can be null, which is interpreted as "don't associate a user name with this server".
void setWorkingDirectory(java.lang.String dirPath)
Set the Perforce server's idea of each command's working directory. This affects all commands on this server from this point on, and the passed-in path should be both absolute and valid, otherwise strange errors may appear from the server. If dirPath is null, the Java VM's actual current working directory is used instead (which is almost always a safe option unless you're using Perforce alt roots).Note: no checking is done at call time for correctness (or otherwise) of the passed-in path.
- Parameters:
- absolute path of directory to be used, or null
void setClientPath(java.lang.String clientPath)
Set the Perforce P4CLIENTPATH - directories the client can access.A list of directories to which Perforce applications are permitted to write. Any attempt by a Perforce application to access or modify files outside these areas of the filesystem will result in an error message. To specify more than one directory, separate the directories with semicolons.
- Parameters:
- client path
boolean supportsSmartMove() throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Return true IFF the underlying Perforce server supports the new 2009.1 and later "smart move" command. Note that this returns whether the server can support moves only at the time the server is first created; it's entirely possible for the underlying server to change versions, etc., under the user in the meanitme or over time. In any case, if you do try to run a move command on such a server, the results will be safe, if not entirely what you expected. As of 2010.2 it also possible for the server to be configured to disable the move command, in which case this function will return false.- Returns:
- true iff the server supports the smart move command.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
boolean supportsUnicode() throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Return true if the underlying Perforce server supports Unicode (and is connected). In this context "supporting unicode" simply means that the method was able to contact the server and retrieve a "true" unicode-enabled status using the info command.- Returns:
- true iff the underlying server supports Unicode.
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the requestAccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller
java.lang.String updateUserGroup(IUserGroup group, boolean updateIfOwner) throws ConnectionException, RequestException, AccessException
Update a Perforce user group on the Perforce server.- Parameters:
- non-null user group to be updated.updateIfOwner
- if true, allows a user without 'super' access to modify the group only if that user is an 'owner' of that group.- Returns:
- possibly-null status message string as returned from the server
- Throws:
- if the Perforce server is unreachable or is not connected.RequestException
- if the Perforce server encounters an error during its processing of the request.AccessException
- if the Perforce server denies access to the caller.