Rogue Wave Views 5.6

Rogue Wave Views
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
oCstd::allocator< T >STL class
oCstd::array< T >STL class
oCstd::auto_ptr< T >STL class
oCstd::basic_string< Char >STL class
oCstd::basic_string< char >
oCstd::basic_string< wchar_t >
oCstd::bitset< Bits >STL class
oCstd::complexSTL class
oCstd::list< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::forward_list< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::map< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_map< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::basic_string< Char >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multimap< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::set< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::string::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_set< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::wstring::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multiset< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_multiset< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::vector< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::deque< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::list< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::forward_list< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::map< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_map< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multimap< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::basic_string< Char >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::set< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::string::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_set< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multiset< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::wstring::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_multiset< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::vector< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::deque< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCIlvPrintableComposite::CoordinatesThis class represents the concept of coordinates of a component of a composite
oCstd::deque< T >STL class
oCIlvPSPrinter::DialogHandleClass to handle a dialog to initialize or modify the settings
oCstd::error_categorySTL class
oCstd::error_codeSTL class
oCstd::error_conditionSTL class
oCstd::exceptionSTL class
oCIlvPSPrinter::DialogHandle::FactoryFactory class to create a dialog handle
oCstd::forward_list< T >STL class
oCIlCalendarAbstract base class managing a calendar date
oCIlIUrlStreamInput stream class
oCIlListA predefined list class that stores IlvAnys
oCIlListIteratorA predefined list iterator class that iterates on IlLists
oCIlListIteratorOf(NAME)An unsafe iterator of lists
oCIlListOf(NAME)A generic class that handles lists
oCIlNumericClass managing large numbers
oCIlPathListThe purpose of this class is to provide a way to order the search path of files
oCIlPathNameClass that manages path names in a portable way
oCIlPoolOf(Char)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to char
oCIlPoolOf(IlUInt)A memory pool of arrays of IlUInts
oCIlPoolOf(IlvDoublePoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvDoublePoints
oCIlPoolOf(IlvFloatPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvFloatPoints
oCIlPoolOf(IlvPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvPoints
oCIlPoolOf(IlvRect)A memory pool of arrays of IlvRects
oCIlPoolOf(NAME)A generic class that handles memory pools
oCIlPoolOf(Pointer)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to void
oCIlPredefinedUnitsUtility class holding all time units
oCIlSafeListIteratorOf(NAME)A safe iterator of lists
oCIlSharedPtr< T >Manages the storage of a pointer, providing a limited garbage-collection facility, possibly sharing that management with other objects
oCIlStringClass that manages strings in single or multibytes
oCIlSymbolSymbol class
oCIlTimeUnitBase class representing a time unit (second, hour, year...)
oCIlTimeZoneDummy IlTimeZone class - not really used
oCIlvAbstractCOMInterface< INTERFACE >This pure template abstract class is a base class for COM encapsulation
oCIlvAbstractCOMInterface< IOleObject >
oCIlvAbstractCOMInterface< IViewObject >
oCIlvAbstractLibraryInitializationRoot class for the initialization of the COM or ATL libraries
oCIlvAcceleratorBase class for accelerators
oCIlvActionObject class encapsulating the interpretation of an action of the user in a given context. Similar in principle to callbacks, with added features
oCIlvActionFlagsFlags indicating the properties of an IlvAction object
oCIlvActionMessageNotification message sent to observers of IlvActionHistory objects
oCIlvActionSelectionHandlerLinks an IlvActionHistory object to its context
oCIlvBitmapAnimationHandlerAnimation handler class
oCIlvBitmapDataBitmap data base class
oCIlvBitmapDataAlgorithmBitmap data algorithm base class
oCIlvBitmapFilterBitmap filter base class
oCIlvBitmapInformationBitmap information base class
oCIlvBitmapStreamerBitmap streamer base class
oCIlvBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
oCIlvClassInfoClass information
oCIlvColorMapColormap class
oCIlvCOMErrorBase class for the exceptions that may be raised by the classes that encapsulate COM interfaces
oCIlvCOMGraphicFacadeClass that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be shared by several IlvGraphicCOMAdapter
oCIlvCommandFlagsFlags describing the state of a command
oCIlvControlBrowserClass that encapsulate a dialog to select an ActiveX
oCIlvDeltaPointGeometric class
oCIlvDisplayDisplay class
oCIlvDisplayConfigDisplay configuration base class
oCIlvDisplayTestApiTest API class
oCIlvDoublePointGeometric class
oCIlvErrorError handling class
oCIlvEventEvent handling class
oCIlvEventLoopEvent loop class
oCIlvEventPlayerEvent player class
oCIlvFileSelectorFile selector system dialog
oCIlvFloatPointGeometric class
oCIlvFloatRectGeometric class
oCIlvGradientGeometryResource class
oCIlvGradientGraphicBBoxManagerGraphic class
oCIlvGraphicGraphic class
oCIlvGraphicHolderHolder class
oCIlvImValueClass to help in Input Method management
oCIlvInformationDialogSystem dialog box class
oCIlvInputFileInput/Output class
oCIlvInteractorAbstract base class for interactors
oCIlvLookFeelHandlerLook & feel base class
oCIlvMessageDatabaseMessage handling class
oCIlvNamedPropertyNamed property class
oCIlvObjectLFHandlerObject look & feel base class
oCIlvObserverObserver class, notified of changes occurring in a set of IlvObservable objects
oCIlvOutputFileInput/Output class
oCIlvOwnership< OBJECT, HASHSIZE >This class is a smart pointer with the additional property of dealing with the ownership of the object
oCIlvOwnership< ADAPTEE >
oCIlvOwnership< IlvCOMGraphicFacade >
oCIlvPaperFormatBase class for the paper format classes
oCIlvPathSteppingDataGraphic path-related class
oCIlvPerlinNoiseKen Perlin's noise generator
oCIlvPointGeometric class
oCIlvPointArrayGeometric class
oCIlvPortPort class
oCIlvPostScriptEncoderBase PostScript encoder class
oCIlvPrintableThis class encapsulates the object to be printed
oCIlvPrintableAreaAbstract class that represents an area of a logical page
oCIlvPrintableDocumentClass that manages the document to print
oCIlvPrintableJobClass of printing settings
oCIlvPrintableLayoutBase class for the layout classes
oCIlvPrinterBase class for the printer classes
oCIlvPrinterPreviewDisplayerClass to actually display the printing preview
oCIlvPrintUnitBase class for the measurement system classes
oCIlvPromptDialogString entry dialog
oCIlvPushAlphaThis class is used to temporarily modify the alpha component of an IlvPort
oCIlvPushClipThis class is used to temporarily modify the clip of an IlvPalette
oCIlvQuantizerQuantizer base class
oCIlvQuestionDialogA system dialog box that asks a question
oCIlvRectGeometric class
oCIlvRefCountPtr< LOCKABLE >Non-intrusive Reference Counter smart pointer
oCIlvRefCountPtr< IlvAbstractLibraryInitialization >
oCIlvRefCountPtr< IlvOwnership< ADAPTEE > >
oCIlvRefCountPtr< IlvOwnership< IlvCOMGraphicFacade > >
oCIlvRegionGeometric class
oCIlvRegionOptimizerUtility class to optimize a region
oCIlvRegionUpdaterUtility class to update invalidated display regions
oCIlvResourceResource class
oCIlvScriptScripting class
oCIlvScriptContextScripting class
oCIlvScriptFunctionScripting class
oCIlvScriptLanguageScripting class
oCIlvSelectionInterfaceInterface used to create selection objects
oCIlvSmartDataBase class for reference counting
oCIlvSmartSetGroup class
oCIlvTableTable class
oCIlvTimeConverterClass for converting dates
oCIlvTimeIntervalHolds a time interval
oCIlvTimeIteratorIterator class
oCIlvTimerTimer class
oCIlvTimeScalePaintContextUtility class for IlvTimeScale
oCIlvTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
oCIlvTimeScrollableDate and time-related abstract class
oCIlvTimeUtilUtility class for dealing with dates and calendars
oCIlvTransferFunctionBase transfer function
oCIlvTransformerGeometric transformation class
oCIlvTransitionHandlerTransition Handler class
oCIlvTransitionSchedulerTransition Scheduler class
oCIlvValueGraphic related class
oCIlvValueTypeClassBase class for value types
oCIlvViewHandlerClass used to handle events that occurs on an IlvView
oCIlvWindowsPrinterDCFactoryWindows-specific class to create a printer device context
oCIlXmlDocumentIInterface for XML documents
oCIlXmlNodeFactoryNode factory used when parsing XML documents
oCIlXmlNodeIInterface for XML nodes
oCIlXmlNodeIteratorIInterface for XML node iterators
oCstd::ios_baseSTL class
oCstd::deque< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_set< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::vector< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multiset< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::string::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::wstring::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multimap< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::basic_string< Char >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCIlvPrintableDocument::IteratorIterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableDocument
oCstd::unordered_multiset< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::list< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::forward_list< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCIlvPrintableComposite::IteratorIterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableComposite
oCstd::set< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::map< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_map< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::list< T >STL class
oCstd::map< K, T >STL class
oCstd::multimap< K, T >STL class
oCstd::multiset< K >STL class
oCIlvPrintableComposite::PositionCoordinateThis is an abstract class representing the concept of the end point of a segment
oCstd::priority_queue< T >STL class
oCstd::queue< T >STL class
oCstd::deque< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::string::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_map< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multiset< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::vector< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::multimap< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::forward_list< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::wstring::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_multiset< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::list< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::map< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::unordered_set< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::basic_string< Char >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCstd::set< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
oCIlvPrintableComposite::SegmentCoordinatesThis is an abstract class that represents the concept of the position, on an axis, of a component
oCstd::set< K >STL class
oCstd::smart_ptr< T >STL class
oCstd::stack< T >STL class
oCstd::system_errorSTL class
oCstd::threadSTL class
oCIlvPrintableDocument::ThresholdHookHook class to decide what to do when there are too many pages to print
oCstd::unique_ptr< T >STL class
oCstd::unordered_map< K, T >STL class
oCstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >STL class
oCstd::unordered_multiset< K >STL class
oCstd::unordered_set< K >STL class
oCstd::valarray< T >STL class
oCstd::vector< T >STL class
\Cstd::weak_ptr< T >STL class

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Rogue Wave is a registered trademark of Rogue Wave Software, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.