Rogue Wave Views 5.6

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IlvScrollView Class Reference

View class. More...

#include <ilviews/base/view.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvScrollView:
IlvAbstractView IlvSystemPort IlvPort

Public Member Functions

 IlvScrollView (IlvDisplay *display, IlvSystemView parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue)
 Constructor. More...
 IlvScrollView (IlvAbstractView *parent, const IlvRect &size, IlBoolean visible=IlTrue)
 Constructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvAbstractView
virtual IlBoolean applyValue (const IlvValue &val)
 Applies an accessor. More...
virtual void boundingBox (IlvRect &bbox) const
 Retrieves the relative dimensions of the view. More...
virtual IlBoolean changeValue (const IlvValue &val)
 Changes the value of an accessor. More...
IlBoolean enableMultitouch (IlBoolean enable)
 Allows the view to receive multitouch events. More...
void ensureVisible (const IlvPoint &point)
 Ensures that a point remains visible. More...
void ensureVisible (const IlvRect &rect)
 Ensures that a rectangle remains visible.: More...
virtual void erase (const IlvRect &rect, IlBoolean reDraw=IlFalse)
 Erases an area of this view. More...
virtual void erase (IlBoolean reDraw=IlFalse)
 Entirely erases the view. More...
virtual void frameBBox (IlvRect &bbox) const
 Retrieves the dimension of the view frame. More...
IlvColorgetBackground () const
 Retrieves the background color of this view. More...
IlvBitmapgetBackgroundBitmap () const
 Gets the background bitmap of this view. More...
IlvCursorgetCursor () const
 Retrieves the cursor currently set in this view. More...
IlvIntensity getOpacity () const
 Returns the opacity level of the view. More...
IlvAbstractViewgetParent () const
 Gets the parent of this view. More...
IlvSystemView getShellSystemView () const
 Gets the system-dependent identifier of the top shell of this view. More...
IlvSystemView getSystemView () const
 Gets the system-dependent identifier of this view. More...
void getTransparentColorKey (IlvIntensity &r, IlvIntensity &g, IlvIntensity &b) const
 Returns the color used as a key for transparency. More...
virtual void globalBBox (IlvRect &bbox) const
 Retrieves the absolute dimensions of the view. More...
IlBoolean hasGrab () const
 Queries if this view has the display grab. More...
virtual void hide ()
 Hides the view. More...
IlBoolean isLayered () const
 Returns whether the view is layered or not. More...
IlBoolean isMultitouchEnabled ()
 Queries if the view is set to receive multitouch events. More...
virtual IlBoolean isScrolled () const
 Queries for scrolling capabilities. More...
IlBoolean isSensitive () const
 Retrieves the sensitivity of this view to input events. More...
virtual void lower ()
 Pushes this view below the others. More...
virtual void move (const IlvPoint &position)
 Moves the view. More...
virtual void moveResize (const IlvRect &newSize)
 Reshapes the view. More...
virtual void position (IlvPoint &position) const
 Retrieves the position of the view. More...
virtual IlvValuequeryValue (IlvValue &val) const
 Retrieves the value of an accessor. More...
virtual void raise ()
 Brings this view on top. More...
void removeWindowProc (IlvWindowProc windowProc, IlAny procArgument=0)
 Removes a user-defined window procedure. More...
virtual void resize (IlvDim w, IlvDim h)
 Resizes the view. More...
virtual void setBackground (IlvColor *c)
 Sets the background color of this view. More...
virtual void setBackgroundBitmap (IlvBitmap *b)
 Sets the background bitmap of this view. More...
void setCursor (IlvCursor *cursor)
 Sets the cursor for this view. More...
IlBoolean setFocus ()
 Sets the input focus to this view. More...
void setLayered (IlBoolean layered)
 Sets whether the window is layered or not. More...
void setOpacity (IlvIntensity level)
 Sets the opacity value of the view. More...
void setSensitive (IlBoolean sensitivity)
 Sets the sensitivity of this view to input events. More...
void setTransparentColorKey (IlvIntensity r, IlvIntensity g, IlvIntensity b)
 Sets the transparency color key value. More...
void setWindowProc (IlvWindowProc windowProc, IlAny procArgument=0)
 Sets a Windows window procedure. More...
virtual void show ()
 Shows the view. More...
virtual void sizeVisible (IlvRect &rect) const
 Retrieves the visible part of the view. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvSystemPort
 IlvSystemPort (IlvDisplay *display, IlvWindowsHandle HDC, IlvDim width=0, IlvDim height=0)
 Windows-specific constructor. More...
virtual void clearArea (const IlvRect &, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const
 Clears a rectangular area of the screen. More...
virtual void clearArea (const IlvRegion &, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const
 Clears a region of the screen. More...
virtual void clip (const IlvRect *) const
 Limits the drawing to the given rectangular area. More...
virtual void clip (const IlvRegion *) const
 Limits the drawing to the given region. More...
virtual IlUShort depth () const
 Gives the depth of the port. More...
virtual void drawArc (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlFloat, IlFloat) const
 Draws an arc. More...
virtual void drawBitmap (const IlvPalette *, const IlvSystemPort *, const IlvRect &, const IlvPoint &) const
 Draws an image. More...
virtual void drawBitmap (const IlvPalette *, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvRect &, const IlvRegion *=0, IlvPosition=IlvCenter, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const
 Draws an image. More...
virtual void drawIString (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const char *, int, IlvPosition=IlvLeft) const
 Draws a string at the given position. More...
virtual void drawLine (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const IlvPoint &) const
 Draws a line between 2 points. More...
virtual void drawPoint (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &) const
 Draws a point at the given position. More...
virtual void drawPoints (const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *) const
 Draws a series of points. More...
virtual void drawPolyLine (const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *) const
 Draws a series of connected lines. More...
virtual void drawPolyLine (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, IlUInt, const IlvDeltaPoint *) const
 Draws a series of connected lines relatively to a reference. More...
virtual void drawRectangle (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &) const
 Draws the given rectangle. More...
virtual void drawRoundRectangle (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlUShort) const
 Draws a round rectangle. More...
virtual void drawSegments (const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *, const IlvPoint *) const
 Draws a set of segments. More...
virtual void drawString (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const char *, int, IlvPosition=IlvLeft) const
 Draws a string at the given position. More...
virtual void drawTransformedString (const IlvPalette *, const char *, int, const IlvTransformer &, const IlvRegion *=0) const
 Draws a transformed string. More...
virtual void drawTransparentBitmap (const IlvPalette *, const IlvSystemPort *, const IlvRect &, const IlvPoint &) const
 Draws a transparent bitmap. More...
virtual void end ()
 Closed the dump device. More...
virtual void fillArc (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlFloat, IlFloat) const
 Fills the arc. More...
virtual void fillPaths (const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPointArray *) const
 Fills the shape defined by the given paths. More...
virtual void fillPolyLine (const IlvPalette *, IlUInt, const IlvPoint *, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const
 Fills a polygon. More...
virtual void fillPolyLine (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, IlUInt, const IlvDeltaPoint *, IlBoolean=IlFalse) const
 Fills a polygon. More...
virtual void fillRectangle (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &) const
 Fills the given rectangle. More...
virtual void fillRoundRectangle (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, IlUShort) const
 Fills a round rectangle. More...
IlvWindowsHandle getDC () const
 Gets the Windows Handle Device Context. More...
virtual IlBoolean initDevice (const char *, IlvRect *=0)
 Initializes the dump device. More...
virtual IlBoolean isABitmap () const
 Indicates that this port is a bitmap (not a view or a dump device). More...
virtual IlBoolean isASystemPort () const
 Indicates that this port is a true system port (not a dump device). More...
virtual IlBoolean isBad () const
 Indicates whether this port is valid. More...
virtual IlBoolean newPage () const
 Produces an output page and prepares for a new page. More...
void releaseDC ()
 Releases the Windows Handle Device Context. More...
virtual void send (const char *) const
 Sends character strings to an output device. More...
virtual void setTransformer (const IlvTransformer &)
 Applies another transformer to the coordinates provided for the drawing functions. More...
virtual void stretchBitmap (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvTransformer &, const IlvRect *=0) const
 Stretches a bitmap. More...
virtual void stretchBitmap (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvRect *=0) const
 Stretches a bitmap. More...
virtual void stretchBitmapData (const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvBitmapData *src, const IlvRect &from, const IlvRect &to, IlBoolean opaque=IlFalse) const
 Draws a bitmap data. More...
virtual void stretchTransparentBitmap (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPoint &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvTransformer &, const IlvRect *=0) const
 Stretches a transparent bitmap. More...
virtual void stretchTransparentBitmap (const IlvPalette *, const IlvRect &, const IlvBitmap *, const IlvRect *=0) const
 Stretches a transparent bitmap. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IlvPort
 IlvPort (IlvDisplay *display=0)
 Constructor. More...
void composeAlpha (IlvIntensity alpha)
 Composes the current alpha value of the port. More...
virtual void drawArrow (const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPoint &from, const IlvPoint &to, IlFloat position) const
 Draws an arrow. More...
virtual void drawBezier (const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPoint *points) const
 Draws a set of Bzier curves. More...
virtual void drawClosedBezier (const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPoint *points) const
 Appends a closing curve to a set of Bézier curves. More...
virtual void drawILabel (const IlvPalette *palette, const char *label, int length, const IlvRect &drawRect, const IlvRegion *clip=0, IlvPosition align=IlvCenter) const
 Draws a label in a rectangle. More...
virtual void drawLabel (const IlvPalette *palette, const char *label, int length, const IlvRect &drawRect, const IlvRegion *clip=0, IlvPosition align=IlvCenter) const
 Draws a label in a rectangle. More...
virtual void drawMarker (const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPoint &location, IlvMarkerType type=IlvMarkerSquare, IlUShort size=IlvDefaultMarkerSize) const
 Draws a marker. More...
virtual void drawMnemonicLabel (const IlvPalette *palette, const char *label, const IlvRect &drawRect, const IlvRegion *clip=0, IlvPosition align=IlvCenter, IlBoolean underline=IlTrue) const
 Draws an underlined letter in a label. More...
virtual void drawOutlineRectangle (const IlvPalette *outlinePalette, const IlvPalette *fillPalette, const IlvRect &rect, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws a rectangle with border effects. More...
virtual void drawPaths (const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPointArray *paths) const
 Draws an array of paths as polylines. More...
virtual void drawReliefDiamond (const IlvPalette *, const IlvPalette *invertedPalette, const IlvPalette *topShade, const IlvPalette *bottomShade, const IlvRect &bbox, IlUShort thickness, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws a diamond with depth effects. More...
virtual void drawReliefRectangle (const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPalette *invertedPalette, const IlvPalette *topShade, const IlvPalette *bottomShade, const IlvRect &bbox, IlUShort thickness, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws a filled rectangle with depth effects. More...
virtual void drawShadowRectangle (const IlvPalette *palette, const IlvPalette *invertedPalette, const IlvRect &bbox, IlUShort thickness, IlvPosition shadowPosition, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws a filled rectangle with its shadow. More...
virtual void fillBezier (const IlvPalette *palette, IlUInt count, const IlvPoint *points) const
 Fills an area specified by a set of Bézier curves. More...
IlvIntensity getAlpha () const
 Provides the alpha value of the port. More...
IlvAntialiasingMode getAntialiasingMode () const
 Provides the anti-aliasing mode of the port. More...
IlvDisplaygetDisplay () const
 Returns a pointer to the IlvDisplay of this port. More...
IlvDim height () const
 Provides the height of the port. More...
virtual IlBoolean isADevice () const
 Indicates that this port is a dump device. More...
void setAlpha (IlvIntensity alpha)
 Sets the alpha value of the port. More...
void setAntialiasingMode (IlvAntialiasingMode mode)
 Sets the anti-aliasing mode of the port. More...
void size (IlvDim &w, IlvDim &h) const
 Gives the dimensions of the port. More...
IlvDim width () const
 Provides the width of the port. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IlvSystemPort
static IlvBitmapDataGetBitmapData (IlvSystemPort *port, const IlvRect *rect=0)
 Creates an IlvBitmapData from a rectangular area in an IlvSystemPort. More...

Detailed Description

View class.

Library: display

A scroll view contains a pair of scroll bars, allowing the user to scroll the lower-level drawing view contained within the scroll view. IlvScrollView is a possible parent for an IlvView object.


To operate properly, this class needs a widget toolkit linked to your application. If you do not want or do not have the associated libraries, refer to the pure Rogue Wave Views implementation, IlvScrolledView.
An IlvScrollView must contain a single child view, which can be bigger than its parent. The IlvScrollView handles all automatic scrolling operations by means of scroll bars located on the right and bottom of the scrolling view. You can manipulate the scroll bars to display new areas of the subview.

See Also
IlvScrolledView, IlvView.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IlvScrollView::IlvScrollView ( IlvDisplay display,
IlvSystemView  parent,
const IlvRect size,
IlBoolean  visible = IlTrue 


This constructor creates a view that is a child of the existing system view indicated by parent. This constructor thus handles a non-Rogue Wave Views window object within an IlvScrollView object. This can be any of your system windows, such as those created by other applications.

displayThe display instance.
parentThe parent view.
sizeThe dimensions of the view.
visibleSpecifies whether the scroll view object is visible.
IlvScrollView::IlvScrollView ( IlvAbstractView parent,
const IlvRect size,
IlBoolean  visible = IlTrue 


This constructor initializes a scroll view object that is a child of the parent view. The dimensions of the view are indicated by size. The new scroll view object is not visible if visible has the value IlFalse.

parentThe parent view.
sizeThe dimensions of the view.
visibleSpecifies whether the scroll view object is visible.

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