Rogue Wave Views 5.6

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resource.h File Reference
#include <ilviews/base/region.h>
#include <ilog/string.h>


class  IlvColor
 Resource class. More...
class  IlvCursor
 Cursor class. More...
class  IlvFont
 Resource class. More...
class  IlvLineStyle
 Resource class. More...
class  IlvPalette
 Resource class. More...
class  IlvPushClip
 This class is used to temporarily modify the clip of an IlvPalette. More...
class  IlvResource
 Resource class. More...


#define IlvFullIntensity
 The maximum value for an intensity. More...


typedef IlUShort IlvFontSize
 The size of a font. More...
typedef IlUShort IlvIntensity
 The intensity of a color RGB component. More...


enum  IlvAntialiasingMode { IlvDefaultAntialiasingMode, IlvNoAntialiasingMode, IlvUseAntialiasingMode }
 The different anti-aliasing modes. More...
enum  IlvArcMode { IlvArcPie, IlvArcChord }
 The different ways to fill an arc. More...
enum  IlvDrawMode {
  IlvModeSet, IlvModeOr, IlvModeAnd, IlvModeXor,
  IlvModeNot, IlvModeInvert, IlvModeNotOr, IlvModeNotAnd,
 The different logical modes for drawing. More...
enum  IlvFillRule { IlvEvenOddRule, IlvWindingRule }
 The different ways to fill a polygonal area. More...
enum  IlvFillStyle { IlvFillPattern, IlvFillMaskPattern, IlvFillColorPattern, IlvFillGradientPattern }
 The different ways to fill an area. More...
enum  IlvFontStyle { IlvNormalFontStyle, IlvBoldFontStyle, IlvUnderlinedFontStyle, IlvItalicFontStyle }
 The different basic font styles. More...
enum  IlvGradientAspectRatio { IlvGradientAspectRatioNo, IlvGradientAspectRatioInside, IlvGradientAspectRatioOutside }
 The gradient aspect ratio setting. More...
enum  IlvGradientSpread { IlvGradientPadSpread, IlvGradientRepeatSpread, IlvGradientReflectSpread }
 The gradient spread. More...
enum  IlvGradientTransformMode { IlvGradientTransformGraphic, IlvGradientTransformGraphicNoResize, IlvGradientNoTransform }
 The gradient transform mode. More...

Detailed Description

[library display ilviews/base/resource.h] Declaration of the graphic resource classes.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define IlvFullIntensity

The maximum value for an intensity.

IlvFullIntensity The IlvIntensity type stores any unsigned integer value on 16 bits. IlvFullIntensity is the greatest value that can be represented with an IlvIntensity.

See Also

Typedef Documentation

The size of a font.

The size of a font, in pixels, is defined as an unsigned, 16-bit integer quantity.

Some display systems may have limitations regarding the maximum font size that you can use, so that large fonts may not be allocated.
See Also
IlvDisplay::getFont(const char*, IlvFontSize, IlvFontStyle, const char*).

The intensity of a color RGB component.

The IlvIntensity type stores any unsigned integer value on 16 bits and is used to specify an RGB value.

See Also

Enumeration Type Documentation

The different anti-aliasing modes.

This enumeration indicates what sort of anti-aliasing mode you want for your drawing.

See Also

The anti-aliasing mode is the default one.


No anti-aliasing is used.


Anti-aliasing is forced.

enum IlvArcMode

The different ways to fill an arc.

When you use a drawing command that fills an arc (typically IlvPort::fillArc), this enumeration indicates how you want the arc to be closed.

See Also
IlvPalette::setArcMode, IlvGraphic::setArcMode.

The arc is filled like a pie slice.


The arc is filled by adding a chord between the two arc ends, and filling the entire resulting area.

The different logical modes for drawing.

This enumeration indicates the different modes that can be used when drawing in an IlvPort. When affecting a destination port to draw something, you can apply a logical function that is applied on your source and destination color values to perform some rendering effects. Most of the time, however, the actual resulting color cannot be predicted.

Usually, you will be using the IlvModeSet mode, which simply copies the source color value (the color you are using) to the destination port, regardless of the color value of the replaced pixel. The IlvModeXor mode performs a XOR operation on the source and target pixel values, so that if you draw the same thing twice at the same time, the result would be just as if you had not performed any drawing at all. This is the mode that Rogue Wave Views sometimes uses to give visual feedback during interactive operations.

Here, the different possible values are described, indicating what will be the final destination color value (DST) depending on the source color value (SRC) and the original color value of the destination pixel (ORIG).

See Also
IlvPalette::setMode, IlvGraphic::setMode.





: DST = SRC and ORIG


: DST = SRC xor ORIG


: DST = not ORIG


: DST = not SRC


: DST = not (SRC or ORIG)


: DST = not (SRC and ORIG)


: DST = not (SRC xor ORIG)

The different ways to fill a polygonal area.

When you use a drawing command that fills a polygon (typically IlvPort::fillPolyLine), and if the resulting polygon has segments that cross each other, there are different ways to decide whether a point should be considered as part of the polygon (and therefore, painted) or not. This enumeration lets you specify what behavior you expect.

See Also
IlvPalette::setFillRule, IlvGraphic::setFillRule.

A point is considered inside the polygon if an infinite ray that contains that point would cross the polygon path an odd number of times. This mode may leave unfilled areas if your polygon is self-intersecting.


A point is considered inside the polygon if an infinite ray that contains that point would cross the polygon path an unequal number of clockwise and counterclockwise direct path segments (assume that a clockwise directed path segment is one that would cross the ray from left to right, as seen from the considered point, and the other way round for a counterclockwise directed path segment).

The different ways to fill an area.

When you use a drawing command that fills an area (such as IlvPort::fillRectangle), and if you have set a pattern to the palette, then the pattern may be used in different ways.

See Also
IlvPalette::setFillStyle, IlvGraphic::setFillStyle.

The palette uses the monochrome pattern that was set by IlvPalette::setPattern.

The pattern is copied to the destination port using the foreground color of the palette for each '1' pixels of the pattern, and the background color of the palette for each '0' pixels of the pattern.


The palette uses the monochrome pattern that was set by IlvPalette::setPattern.

The pattern is copied to the destination port using the foreground color of the palette for each '1' pixels of the pattern, and leaving the destination pixels unchanged for each '0' pixels of the pattern.


The palette uses the colored pattern that was set by IlvPalette::setColorPattern.

The pattern is entirely copied to the destination port.


The palette uses the gradient pattern that was set by IlvPalette::setGradientPattern.

The pattern is entirely copied to the destination port.

The different basic font styles.

When allocating a font (using IlvDisplay::getFont), you can specify the style of this font using the values defined in this enumeration.

[note] The values defined in this enumeration can be ORed in order to accumulate several style modifiers. For example, if you need an underlined, bold font, you will be using:
See Also
IlvDisplay::getFont(const char*, IlvFontSize, IlvFontStyle, const char*).

The font has no special style.


The font is blod.


The font is underlined.


The font is slanted.

The gradient aspect ratio setting.

This enumeration specifies how to keep the aspect ratio when calculating the gradient transformation to apply when drawing your gradient pattern. This setting is only used with the IlvGradientTransformGraphic gradient transform mode.

See Also

Do not keep aspect ratio.


Keep aspect ratio and ensure that the transformed gradient pattern fits within the graphic/port bounding box.


Keep aspect ratio and ensure that the graphic/port bounding box fits within the transformed gradient pattern.

The gradient spread.

This enumeration specifies how the gradient should spread outside of its boundaries.

See Also

Use solid colors.


Repeat the gradient.


Reflect the gradient.

The gradient transform mode.

This enumeration specifies which transformation to apply when drawing your gradient pattern.

See Also

The transformation is calculated relative to the graphic object bounding box.


The transformation is a translation to the upper left corner of the graphic object.


No transformation.

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