Rogue Wave Views 5.5.1

Rogue Wave Views
Foundation Package API Reference Guide

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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
IlvPrintableComposite::CoordinatesThis class represents the concept of coordinates of a component of a composite
IlvPrintableComposite::DeducedPositionCoordinateThis class is used to represent the concept of a deduced end point of a segment, that is computed by the calling object
IlvPrintableComposite::DeducedSegmentCoordinatesThis class is used to represent the deduced position, on an axis, of a component that are computed by the calling object
IlvPrintableComposite::DeltaRelativePositionCoordinateThis class is used to represent the concept of the end point of a segment relatively in pixel to the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite
IlvPrintableComposite::DeltaRelativeSegmentCoordinatesThis class is used to represent the position in pixel, on an axis, of a component relatively to the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite
IlvPSPrinter::DialogHandleClass to handle a dialog to initialize or modify the settings
IlvPSPrinter::DialogHandle::FactoryFactory class to create a dialog handle
IlCalendarAbstract base class managing a calendar date
IlGregorianCalendarClass that provides the standard calendar used by most of the world
IlIUrlStreamInput stream class
IlListA predefined list class that stores IlvAnys
IlListIteratorA predefined list iterator class that iterates on IlLists
IlListIteratorOf(NAME)An unsafe iterator of lists
IlListOf(NAME)A generic class that handles lists
IlNumericClass managing large numbers
IlPathListThe purpose of this class is to provide a way to order the search path of files
IlPathNameClass that manages path names in a portable way
IlPoolOf(Char)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to char
IlPoolOf(IlUInt)A memory pool of arrays of IlUInts
IlPoolOf(IlvDoublePoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvDoublePoints
IlPoolOf(IlvFloatPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvFloatPoints
IlPoolOf(IlvPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvPoints
IlPoolOf(IlvRect)A memory pool of arrays of IlvRects
IlPoolOf(NAME)A generic class that handles memory pools
IlPoolOf(Pointer)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to void
IlPredefinedUnitsUtility class holding all time units
IlSafeListIteratorA predefined safe list iterator class that iterates on IlLists
IlSafeListIteratorOf(NAME)A safe iterator of lists
IlStringClass that manages strings in single or multibytes
IlSymbolSymbol class
IlTimeUnitBase class representing a time unit (second, hour, year...)
IlTimeUnitDayDay time unit
IlTimeUnitHourHour time unit
IlTimeUnitMilliSecondMillisecond time unit
IlTimeUnitMinuteMinute time unit
IlTimeUnitMonthMonth time unit
IlTimeUnitQuarterQuarter time unit
IlTimeUnitSecondSecond time unit
IlTimeUnitWeekWeek time unit
IlTimeUnitYearYear time unit
IlTimeZoneDummy IlTimeZone class - not really used
IlvAbstractCOMInterface< INTERFACE >This pure template abstract class is a base class for COM encapsulation
IlvAbstractLibraryInitializationRoot class for the initialization of the COM or ATL libraries
IlvAbstractViewView class
IlvAcceleratorBase class for accelerators
IlvActionObject class encapsulating the interpretation of an action of the user in a given context. Similar in principle to callbacks, with added features
IlvActionFlagsFlags indicating the properties of an IlvAction object
IlvActionHistoryA repository of user actions
IlvActionMessageNotification message sent to observers of IlvActionHistory objects
IlvActionSelectionHandlerLinks an IlvActionHistory object to its context
IlvAlphaBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
IlvAnimatorNamed property class
IlvArcGraphic class
IlvArrowLineGraphic class
IlvArrowPolylineGraphic class
IlvASCII85EncoderASCII85 encoder class
IlvASCIIHexEncoderASCII Hex encoder class
IlvATLInterface< INTERFACE >This class loads a control by using ATLHOST
IlvATLInterfaceErrorException class for ATL interface query
IlvATLLibraryInitializationErrorException class for ATL library initialization
IlvATLModuleInitializationThis class initializes the ATL library
IlvAttachmentsHandlerClass used to handle attachments of graphic objects
IlvBasicLFHandlerLook & feel class
IlvBitmapPort class
IlvBitmapAnimationHandlerAnimation handler class
IlvBitmapAnimatorNamed property class
IlvBitmapDataBitmap data base class
IlvBitmapDataAlgorithmBitmap data algorithm base class
IlvBitmapDataQuickResamplerQuick bitmap data resampler class
IlvBitmapDataSmoothResamplerSmooth bitmap data resampler class
IlvBitmapFilterBitmap filter base class
IlvBitmapInformationBitmap information base class
IlvBitmapStreamerBitmap streamer base class
IlvBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
IlvBitmapTransitionHandlerTransition Handler class
IlvBlendFilterBlend filter
IlvBMPStreamerBitmap streamer class
IlvButtonInteractorButton interactor class
IlvBWBitmapDataBitmap data class
IlvCalendarScaleCalendar time scale class
IlvChangeValueCommandA command class for storing simple attribute changes made to an object of the class IlvValueInterface
IlvCircularGaugeGraphic class
IlvCircularScaleGraphic class
IlvClassInfoClass information
IlvClosedSplineGraphic class
IlvColorResource class
IlvColorMapColormap class
IlvColorMatrixFilterColor matrix filter
IlvColorPatternResource class
IlvCOMCreateInstanceErrorException class for COM instance creation
IlvCOMErrorBase class for the exceptions that may be raised by the classes that encapsulate COM interfaces
IlvCOMGraphicFacadeClass that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be shared by several IlvGraphicCOMAdapter
IlvCOMGraphicFacadeDrawErrorException class for IlvCOMGraphicFacade drawing
IlvCOMInterface< INTERFACE >This class queries for a specific interface from an IUnknown* or from another IlvAbstractCOMInterface
IlvCOMInterfaceErrorException class for COM interface query
IlvCOMInterfaceFromCLSID< INTERFACE >This class queries for a specific interface from an CLSID
IlvCOMLibraryInitializationThis class initializes the COM library
IlvCOMLibraryInitializationErrorException class for COM library initialization
IlvCommandDefines actions that can be undone
IlvCommandFlagsFlags describing the state of a command
IlvCommandHistoryA command stack allowing the implementation of the undo/redo functionality
IlvComponentTransferFilterComponent transfer filter
IlvComposeFilterCompose filter
IlvContainerView container class
IlvContainerAcceleratorContainer accelerator class
IlvContainerRectangleView rectangle class
IlvControlBrowserClass that encapsulate a dialog to select an ActiveX
IlvConvolutionFilterConvolution filter
IlvCursorCursor class
IlvDayTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvDeltaPointGeometric class
IlvDiffuseLightingFilterDiffuse Lighting filter
IlvDiscreteTransferDiscrete transfer function
IlvDisplaceFilterDisplace filter
IlvDisplayDisplay class
IlvDisplayConfigDisplay configuration base class
IlvDisplayTestApiTest API class
IlvDissolveBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
IlvDistantLightDistant Light
IlvDoublePointGeometric class
IlvDragDropInteractorDrag-drop interactor for graphic objects
IlvDrawingViewView class
IlvDrawSelectionBase class for selection objects
IlvElasticViewView class
IlvEllipseGraphic class
IlvErrorError handling class
IlvEventEvent handling class
IlvEventLoopEvent loop class
IlvEventPlayerEvent player class
IlvFileSelectorFile selector system dialog
IlvFilledArcGraphic class
IlvFilledCircularGaugeGraphic class
IlvFilledEllipseGraphic class
IlvFilledLabelGraphic class
IlvFilledRectangleGraphic class
IlvFilledRoundRectangleGraphic class
IlvFilledSplineGraphic class
IlvFilteredGraphicGraphic class
IlvFilterFlowBitmap filter flow class
IlvFixedQuantizerFixed Colormap Quantizer base class
IlvFixedSizeGraphicGraphic class
IlvFloatPointGeometric class
IlvFloatRectGeometric class
IlvFloodFilterFlood filter
IlvFontResource class
IlvGadgetThe base class for all the gadgets classes
IlvGadgetInteractorThe base class for gadget interactors
IlvGammaTransferGamma transfer function
IlvGaugeGraphic class
IlvGaugeInteractorInteractor class for IlvGauge objects
IlvGaussianBlurFilterGaussian Blur filter
IlvGradientGeometryResource class
IlvGradientGraphicBBoxManagerGraphic class
IlvGradientPatternResource class
IlvGraphicGraphic class
IlvGraphicAdapter< ADAPTEE >Frame class to adapt any object as an IlvGraphic
IlvGraphicAnimatorNamed property class
IlvGraphicCOMAdapterClass that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be used as an IlvGraphic
IlvGraphicComAdapterInteractorInteractor that lets the user to interact with the ActiveX associated to an IlvGraphicComAdapter
IlvGraphicHandleGraphic class
IlvGraphicHolderHolder class
IlvGraphicHolderToolTipHandlerTooltip handler class
IlvGraphicInstanceGraphic handle class
IlvGraphicPathGraphic class
IlvGraphicSetGraphic class
IlvGridRectangleGraphic class
IlvHalfDayTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvHourTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvHueRotateFilterHue rotate filter
IlvIconGraphic class
IlvIdentityTransferIdentity transfer function
IlvImageFilterImage filter
IlvImValueClass to help in Input Method management
IlvIndexedBitmapDataBitmap data class
IlvInformationDialogSystem dialog box class
IlvInputFileInput/Output class
IlvInteractorAbstract base class for interactors
IlvJPGStreamerBitmap streamer class
IlvLabelGraphic class
IlvLightingFilterLighting filter
IlvLineGraphic class
IlvLinearGradientGeometryResource class
IlvLinearTimeConverterLinear time converter class
IlvLinearTransferLinear transfer function
IlvLineStyleResource class
IlvListLabelGraphic class
IlvLookFeelHandlerLook & feel base class
IlvLuminanceToAlphaFilterLuminance To Alpha filter
IlvMacroCommandDefines a list of commands to be executed in one operation
IlvMarkerImplements graphic objects that are drawn with fixed-size symbols
IlvMergeFilterMerge filter
IlvMessageDatabaseMessage handling class
IlvMinuteTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvModifiedFlagObserverReports the modifications made to a document
IlvMonthTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvMorphologyFilterMorphology filter
IlvMotifLFHandlerLook and feel handler class
IlvMoveInteractorManager interactor class
IlvMoveReshapeInteractorInteractor to move or resize graphic objects
IlvNamedPropertyNamed property class
IlvNetscapeQuantizerNetscape fixed colormap quantizer class
IlvObjectLFHandlerObject look & feel base class
IlvObservableObservable class, sending notification to a set of Observer objects
IlvObserverObserver class, notified of changes occurring in a set of IlvObservable objects
IlvOffsetFilterOffset filter
IlvOutlinePolygonGraphic class
IlvOutputFileInput/Output class
IlvOwnership< OBJECT, HASHSIZE >This class is a smart pointer with the additional property of dealing with the ownership of the object
IlvPaletteResource class
IlvPaperFormatBase class for the paper format classes
IlvPathDrawingDataGraphic path related class
IlvPathSteppingDataGraphic path-related class
IlvPatternResource class
IlvPerlinNoiseKen Perlin's noise generator
IlvPNGStreamerBitmap streamer class
IlvPointGeometric class
IlvPointArrayGeometric class
IlvPointLightPoint Light
IlvPolygonGraphic class
IlvPolylineGraphic class
IlvPolyPointsGraphic class
IlvPolyPointsSelectionRepresents the selectable portions of an IlvPolyPoints object
IlvPolySelectionGraphic class
IlvPortPort class
IlvPostScriptEncoderBase PostScript encoder class
IlvPPMStreamerBitmap streamer class
IlvPrintableThis class encapsulates the object to be printed
IlvPrintableActualAreaThis class is used to represent an actual area where to print
IlvPrintableAreaAbstract class that represents an area of a logical page
IlvPrintableCompositeThis class lets you merge several IlvPrintable objects in the same IlvPrintable
IlvPrintableContainerThis class encapsulates an IlvContainer so that it can be printed with this library
IlvPrintableDocumentClass that manages the document to print
IlvPrintableFormattedTextThis class encapsulates a text with various attributes so that it can be printed with this library
IlvPrintableFrameThis class prints a frame (a rectangle)
IlvPrintableGraphicThis class encapsulates an IlvGraphic so that it can be printed with this library
IlvPrintableJobClass of printing settings
IlvPrintableLayoutBase class for the layout classes
IlvPrintableLayoutFixedSizeThis class defines a layout using a given size on the paper
IlvPrintableLayoutIdentityThis class defines a layout using the same size as the printable
IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePagesThis class defines a layout using a matrix of pages
IlvPrintableLayoutOnePageThis class defines a layout using a single page
IlvPrintableNullAreaThis class is used to represent an area that is not used
IlvPrintableScalableThis class encapsulates an object that may be scaled
IlvPrintableTextThis class encapsulates a text so that it can be printed with this library
IlvPrintCMUnitClass for measurement system in centimeters
IlvPrinterBase class for the printer classes
IlvPrinterPreviewThis class lets you preview pages
IlvPrinterPreviewDisplayerClass to actually display the printing preview
IlvPrintInchUnitClass for measurement system in inches
IlvPrintPicaUnitClass for measurement system in pica
IlvPrintPointUnitClass for measurement system in points
IlvPrintUnitBase class for the measurement system classes
IlvPromptDialogString entry dialog
IlvPSColorDeviceClass implementing a dump device in PostScript (color-enabled)
IlvPSDeviceClass implementing a dump device in PostScript
IlvPSPrinterClass for printing to a PostScript printer
IlvPushAlphaThis class is used to temporarily modify the alpha component of an IlvPort
IlvPushClipThis class is used to temporarily modify the clip of an IlvPalette
IlvQuantizerQuantizer base class
IlvQuarterTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvQuestionDialogA system dialog box that asks a question
IlvQuickQuantizer332 fixed colormap quantizer class
IlvRadialGradientGeometryResource class
IlvRectGeometric class
IlvRectangleGraphic class
IlvRectangularGaugeGraphic class
IlvRectangularScaleGraphic class
IlvRefCountPtr< LOCKABLE >Non-intrusive Reference Counter smart pointer
IlvRegionGeometric class
IlvRegionOptimizerUtility class to optimize a region
IlvRegionUpdaterUtility class to update invalidated display regions
IlvReliefDiamondGraphic class
IlvReliefGaugeGraphic class
IlvReliefLabelGraphic class
IlvReliefLineGraphic class
IlvReliefRectangleGraphic class
IlvRepeatButtonInteractorButton interactor with auto-repeat behavior
IlvReshapeInteractorInteractor to resize graphic objects
IlvReshapeSelectionDefault selection object for graphic objects
IlvResourceResource class
IlvRGBBitmapDataBitmap data class
IlvRGBStreamerBitmap streamer class
IlvRoundRectangleGraphic class
IlvRunLengthEncoderRunLength encoder class
IlvSaturationFilterSaturation filter
IlvScaleScale class
IlvScriptScripting class
IlvScriptContextScripting class
IlvScriptFunctionScripting class
IlvScriptLanguageScripting class
IlvScrollViewView class
IlvSelectionInterfaceInterface used to create selection objects
IlvSelectorGraphic class
IlvSelectorInteractorInteractor for IlvSelector instances
IlvShadowLabelGraphic class
IlvShadowRectangleGraphic class
IlvSimpleBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
IlvSimpleGraphicGraphic class
IlvSliderGaugeGraphic class
IlvSmartDataBase class for reference counting
IlvSmartSetGroup class
IlvSpecularLightingFilterSpecular Lighting filter
IlvSplineGraphic class
IlvSplineSelectionSpecialization of IlvPolyPointSelection to represent the selectable portions of an IlvSpline object
IlvSpotLightSpot Light
IlvSystemPortPort class
IlvTableTable class
IlvTableTransferTable transfer function
IlvTestApiTest API class
IlvTIFFStreamerBitmap streamer class
IlvTileFilterTile filter
IlvTimeConverterClass for converting dates
IlvTimeIntervalHolds a time interval
IlvTimeIteratorIterator class
IlvTimerTimer class
IlvTimeScaleGraphic class that displays a time scale
IlvTimeScalePaintContextUtility class for IlvTimeScale
IlvTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvTimeScrollableDate and time-related abstract class
IlvTimeUtilUtility class for dealing with dates and calendars
IlvToggleInteractorInteractor to add toggle behavior to graphic objects
IlvToolTipNamed Property class
IlvToolTipHandlerTooltip handler class
IlvTransferFunctionBase transfer function
IlvTransformedGraphicGraphic handle class
IlvTransformerGeometric transformation class
IlvTransitionHandlerTransition Handler class
IlvTransitionSchedulerTransition Scheduler class
IlvTransparentIconGraphic class
IlvTurbulenceFilterTurbulence filter
IlvValueGraphic related class
IlvValueTypeClassBase class for value types
IlvViewView class
IlvViewCOMAdapterClass that encapsulate an ActiveX so that it may be used as an IlvView
IlvViewHandlerClass used to handle events that occurs on an IlvView
IlvViewRectangleGraphic class
IlvVXLFHandlerLook and feel handler class
IlvWBMPStreamerBitmap streamer class
IlvWeekTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvWindows95LFHandlerLook and feel handler class
IlvWindowsDeviceWindows-specific class to predefine printer devices
IlvWindowsDisplayConfigDisplay configuration class for Windows applications
IlvWindowsLFHandlerLook and feel handler class
IlvWindowsPointThis class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure POINT in Rogue Wave Views code
IlvWindowsPrinterClass for printing on the Windows printer
IlvWindowsPrinterDCDialogFactoryWindows-specific class to create a printer device context from the Windows dialog
IlvWindowsPrinterDCFactoryWindows-specific class to create a printer device context
IlvWindowsRectThis class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure RECT in Rogue Wave Views code
IlvWindowsVirtualDeviceWindows-specific class to predefine devices
IlvWUQuantizerWU quantizer class
IlvXDisplayConfigDisplay configuration class for X Window applications
IlvYearTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
IlvZoomableIconGraphic class
IlvZoomableLabelGraphic class
IlvZoomableMarkerIlvMarker subclass with zoomable capability
IlvZoomableTransparentIconAn icon that has transparent areas and that can be reshaped
IlXmlAttributeDefault implementation of XML attributes
IlXmlAttributeIInterface for XML attributes
IlXmlCDataDefault implementation of XML CData entities
IlXmlCDataIInterface for XML processing instruction entities
IlXmlCharRefDefault implementation of XML CharRefs
IlXmlCharRefIInterface for XML CharRefs
IlXmlCommentDefault implementation of XML comments
IlXmlCommentIInterface for XML comments
IlXmlDocumentDefault implementation for XML documents
IlXmlDocumentIInterface for XML documents
IlXmlElementDefault implementation of XML elements
IlXmlElementIInterface for XML elements
IlXmlNodeArrayIteratorXML node array iterator
IlXmlNodeFactoryNode factory used when parsing XML documents
IlXmlNodeIInterface for XML nodes
IlXmlNodeIteratorXML node iterator
IlXmlNodeIteratorIInterface for XML node iterators
IlXmlNodeListIteratorInterface for XML node list iterators
IlXmlNodePtrArrayIteratorXML node pointer array iterator
IlXmlPIDefault implementation of XML processing instructions
IlXmlPIIInterface for XML processing instruction entities
IlXmlTextDefault implementation of XML texts
IlXmlTextIInterface for XML texts
IlvPrintableDocument::IteratorIterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableDocument
IlvPrintableComposite::IteratorIterator class to walk through the objects stored in an IlvPrintableComposite
IlvPrintableComposite::PositionCoordinateThis is an abstract class representing the concept of the end point of a segment
IlvPrintableComposite::RatioRelativePositionCoordinateThis class is used to represent the concept of the end point of a segment with a percentage of the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite. The ratio is actually stored in hundredths of a percent
IlvPrintableComposite::RatioRelativeSegmentCoordinatesThis class is used to represent the position, on an axis, of a component. It is a percentage of the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite. It is stored in hundredths of a percent
IlvPrintableComposite::RelativePositionCoordinateThis abstract class is used to represent the concept of the end point of a segment relatively to the bounding box of an IlvPrintableComposite
IlvPrintableComposite::RelativeSegmentCoordinatesThis is an abstract class that represents the concept of relative position, on an axis, of a component
IlvPrintableComposite::SegmentCoordinatesThis is an abstract class that represents the concept of the position, on an axis, of a component
IlvPrintableDocument::ThresholdHookHook class to decide what to do when there are too many pages to print

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