Rogue Wave Views 5.5.1

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IlvRectangularScale Class Reference

Graphic class. More...

#include <ilviews/graphics/scale.h>

Inheritance diagram for IlvRectangularScale:
IlvScale IlvSimpleGraphic IlvGraphic

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IlvRectangularScale (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &orig, IlvDim size, char *labels[], IlvDirection direction=IlvVertical, IlvPosition position=IlvLeft, IlUShort steps=2, IlUShort substeps=0, IlUShort stepsize=10, IlUShort substepsize=5, IlvPalette *palette=0)
 IlvRectangularScale (IlvDisplay *display, const IlvPoint &orig, IlvDim size, const char *format, IlFloat min, IlFloat max, IlvDirection direction=IlvVertical, IlvPosition position=IlvLeft, IlUShort steps=0, IlUShort substeps=0, IlUShort stepsize=10, IlUShort substepsize=5, IlvPalette *palette=0)
virtual void applyTransform (const IlvTransformer *t)
 Applies a transformation function to the graphic object.
IlBoolean areLabelsCentered () const
 Gets the 'centered labels' flag.
virtual void boundingBox (IlvRect &, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Retrieves the bounding box of the graphic object.
void centerLabels (IlBoolean val)
 Sets the 'centered labels' flag.
const char * className () const
 Returns the class name of an object.
virtual IlvGraphiccopy () const
 Copies this object.
IlBoolean doesDrawOverlappingLabels () const
 Gets the 'draw overlapping labels' flag.
virtual void draw (IlvPort *, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws the graphic object.
virtual void drawBaseLine (IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws the base line.
virtual void drawLabel (IlvPort *dst, IlUShort idx, const IlvPoint &orig, const IlvFloatPoint &offset, const IlvPoint &tickoffset, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws a label.
virtual void drawLabels (IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws all labels.
void drawOverlappingLabels (IlBoolean val)
 Sets the 'draw overlapping labels' flag.
virtual void drawTick (IlvPort *dst, IlUShort idx, const IlvPoint &orig, const IlvFloatPoint &offset, const IlvFloatPoint &suboffset, const IlvPoint &tickoffset, const IlvPoint &subtickoffset, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws a tick mark.
virtual void drawTicks (IlvPort *dst, const IlvTransformer *t=0, const IlvRegion *clip=0) const
 Draws all tick marks.
virtual IlvClassInfogetClassInfo () const
 Gets class information.
IlvDirection getDirection () const
 Gets the direction of the scale.
virtual IlUShort getNumberOfSkippedSteps (const IlvPoint &orig, IlvDim size, IlUShort steps, const IlvFloatPoint &offset, const IlvPoint &tickoffset, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Gets the number of skipped steps.
void getOrigin (IlvPoint &p) const
 Gets the origin of the scale.
IlvPosition getPosition () const
 Gets the position of the scale.
IlvDim getSize () const
 Gets the size of the scale.
IlBoolean hasVerticalLabels () const
 Gets the 'vertical labels' flag.
IlBoolean isStepSizeFixed () const
 Gets the 'fixed step size' flag.
IlBoolean isSubtypeOf (const IlvClassInfo *c) const
 Checks whether this object's class is a subclass.
IlBoolean isSubtypeOf (const char *t) const
 Checks whether this object's class is a subclass of a given parent class.
virtual void labelBBox (IlvRect &rect, IlUShort idx, const IlvPoint &orig, const IlvFloatPoint &offset, const IlvPoint &tickoffset, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Gets a label's bounding box.
virtual void labelsBBox (IlvRect &rect, const IlvFloatPoint &offset, const IlvPoint &tickoffset, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Gets the bounding box of all labels.
void setDirection (IlvDirection direction)
 Sets the direction of the scale.
void setOrigin (const IlvPoint &)
 Sets the origin of the scale.
void setPosition (IlvPosition position)
 Sets the position of the scale.
void setSize (IlvDim size)
 Sets the size of the scale.
void setStepSizeFixed (IlBoolean v)
 Sets the 'fixed step size' flag.
virtual void ticksBBox (IlvRect &rect, const IlvFloatPoint &offset, const IlvPoint &tickoffset, const IlvTransformer *t=0) const
 Gets the bounding box of all ticks.
void useVerticalLabels (IlBoolean v)
 Sets the 'vertical labels' flag.
virtual void write (IlvOutputFile &) const
 Writes an object description to a file.

Static Public Member Functions

static void AddProperty (const IlSymbol *k, IlAny v)
 Adds a property to this object's class.
static IlAny GetProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean p=((IlBoolean) 0))
 Retrieves the property value associated with the key in this object's class.
static const IlvClassInfoHasProperty (const IlSymbol *key, IlBoolean p=((IlBoolean) 0))
 Checks for the existence of a property for this object's class hierarchy.
static IlvGraphicread (IlvInputFile &, IlvPalette *pal)
 Reads an object description from a file.
static IlBoolean RemoveProperty (const IlSymbol *key)
 Removes a property from this object's class.
static IlBoolean ReplaceProperty (const IlSymbol *k, IlAny v)
 Replaces a property in this object's class.

Detailed Description

Graphic class.

Library: views

Use this class to create horizontal and vertical scales like those shown in the following figure:


- IlvRectangularScale -

See also:
IlvCircularScale, IlvGauge.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IlvRectangularScale::IlvRectangularScale ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvPoint orig,
IlvDim  size,
const char *  format,
IlFloat  min,
IlFloat  max,
IlvDirection  direction = IlvVertical,
IlvPosition  position = IlvLeft,
IlUShort  steps = 0,
IlUShort  substeps = 0,
IlUShort  stepsize = 10,
IlUShort  substepsize = 5,
IlvPalette palette = 0 


The point orig specifies the origin of the scale. Its position varies depending on the direction and position parameters. The origin of the scale should not be confused with the origin of the rectangle that contains it, which is located at the upper-left corner. The parameter size specifies the dimension of the scale in its main axis (width for horizontal scale and height for a vertical scale). The direction of the scale is indicated by direction: valid values are IlvVertical (bottom to top) and IlvHorizontal (left to right). The position of the scale is specified by position. Valid values depend on direction: IlvLeft and IlvRight for a vertical scale, IlvTop and IlvBottom for a horizontal scale.

display The display where this object is created.
orig The origin of the scale.
size The dimension of the scale's main axis.
format The printf format of the step labels.
min The minimum value of the scale.
max The maximum value of the scale.
direction The direction of the scale.
position The position of the scale.
steps The number of major ticks to be drawn, which can be 0 for no scales.
substeps The number of minor ticks displayed between major ones.
stepsize The major tick mark size.
substepsize The minor tick mark size.
palette The palette associated with this object.
IlvRectangularScale::IlvRectangularScale ( IlvDisplay display,
const IlvPoint orig,
IlvDim  size,
char *  labels[],
IlvDirection  direction = IlvVertical,
IlvPosition  position = IlvLeft,
IlUShort  steps = 2,
IlUShort  substeps = 0,
IlUShort  stepsize = 10,
IlUShort  substepsize = 5,
IlvPalette palette = 0 


The point orig specifies the origin of the scale. Its position varies depending on the direction and position parameters. The origin of the scale should not be confused with the origin of the rectangle that contains it, which is located at the upper-left corner. The parameter size specifies the dimension of the scale in its main axis (width for horizontal scale and height for a vertical scale). The direction of the scale is indicated by direction: valid values are IlvVertical (bottom to top) and IlvHorizontal (left to right). The position of the scale is specified by position. Valid values depend on direction: IlvLeft and IlvRight for a vertical scale, IlvTop and IlvBottom for a horizontal scale.

display The display where this object is created.
orig The origin of the scale.
size The dimension of the scale's main axis.
labels[] The array of text strings.
direction The direction of the scale.
position The position of the scale.
steps The number of major ticks to be drawn, which can be 0 for no scales.
substeps The number of minor ticks displayed between major ones.
stepsize The major tick mark size.
substepsize The minor tick mark size.
palette The palette associated with this object.

Member Function Documentation

static void IlvRectangularScale::AddProperty ( const IlSymbol key,
IlAny  value 
) [static]

Adds a property to this object's class.

This static function associates the given value with the given key for the class of this object only.

key The key to be associated.
value The value to be associated.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

virtual void IlvRectangularScale::applyTransform ( const IlvTransformer t  )  [virtual]

Applies a transformation function to the graphic object.

Applies the transformer t to the shape of the object. Unless the transformation is a scaling operation, the result of applying it to certain objects can be insignificant. For example, applying a non-scaling transformer to an IlvRectangle object is meaningless, since the rectangle remains a rectangle. On the other hand, meaningful transformations can be applied to objects that are instances of types such as IlvLine or IlvPolyPoints.

[note] applyTransform is one of the most important method to be rewritten for classes derived from IlvGraphic, since it is called by the resize, move, moveResize, scale, etc., methods.
t The transformer value. If 0, no transformation is performed.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::areLabelsCentered (  )  const

Gets the 'centered labels' flag.

IlTrue if the scale draws its labels between the markers, or IlFalse if it draws each label with its corresponding marker.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::boundingBox ( IlvRect bbox,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const [virtual]

Retrieves the bounding box of the graphic object.

Sets bbox, the rectangle reference parameter, to be the bounding box of the object. Since the object can appear within a transformed environment (for example, in a multiview editor), an IlvTransformer object occurs as an optional parameter in order to compute the bounding box in the coordinate system of the transformed environment. When there is no transformation, t is set to 0.

bbox The bounding box to be set.
t A transformer value or 0 if there is no transformation.

Implements IlvScale.

void IlvRectangularScale::centerLabels ( IlBoolean  val  ) 

Sets the 'centered labels' flag.

Sets the centered labels flag to val.

val A Boolean value to set the flag.
const char* IlvRectangularScale::className (  )  const

Returns the class name of an object.

This method is equivalent to getClassInfo()->getClassName().

The class name of the object. For example, for an IlvRectangle object, the className function returns "IlvRectangle".

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

virtual IlvGraphic* IlvRectangularScale::copy (  )  const [virtual]

Copies this object.

Allocates and returns a copy of this object. If the object is composite, the implementation of this member function makes a copy of the object's components.

A copy of the object.
See also:

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::doesDrawOverlappingLabels (  )  const

Gets the 'draw overlapping labels' flag.

IlTrue if the scale allows labels to overlap, and IlFalse otherwise.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::draw ( IlvPort dst,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const [virtual]

Draws the graphic object.

Draws the object in the given IlvPort using the transformer t which might have the value 0. The clip parameter, which can also be 0, represents the clipping region relative to the transformed object.

dst The destination port.
t The transformer value. If 0, no transformation is performed.
clip The clipping region, or 0 if none.

Implements IlvScale.

virtual void IlvRectangularScale::drawBaseLine ( IlvPort dst,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const [virtual]

Draws the base line.

Draws a line from the origin to the last scale marker.

dst The drawing port.
t A transformation.
clip A clipping region.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::drawLabel ( IlvPort dst,
IlUShort  idx,
const IlvPoint orig,
const IlvFloatPoint offset,
const IlvPoint tickoffset,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const [virtual]

Draws a label.

Draws a scale label at the position indicated by index, in the dst port. origin indicates the location of the minimum value representation on the scale.
The offset values allow the dimensions to be handled, without considering whether the values are positive or negative (this is handled elsewhere). offset is the offset of the origin of two major ticks. tickoffset is the absolute offset of the extremity of a tick to its origin.

dst The drawing port.
idx The label position to draw.
orig The location of the minimum value representation on the scale.
offset The offset of the origin of two major ticks.
tickoffset The absolute tick offset to the origin.
t A transformation.
clip A clipping region.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::drawLabels ( IlvPort dst,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const [virtual]

Draws all labels.

Draws the scale labels, computing the two different offsets (see drawLabel), and calls the drawLabel member function for each label in the scale.

dst The drawing port.
t A transformation.
clip A clipping region.
void IlvRectangularScale::drawOverlappingLabels ( IlBoolean  val  ) 

Sets the 'draw overlapping labels' flag.

Allows (if val is IlTrue) or disallows labels from overlapping.

val A Boolean value to set the flag.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::drawTick ( IlvPort dst,
IlUShort  idx,
const IlvPoint orig,
const IlvFloatPoint offset,
const IlvFloatPoint suboffset,
const IlvPoint tickoffset,
const IlvPoint subtickoffset,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const [virtual]

Draws a tick mark.

Draws a scale marker at the position indicated by index, in the dst port. origin indicates the location of the minimum value representation on the scale.
The offset values allow the dimensions to be handled, without considering whether the values are positive or negative (this is handled elsewhere). offset is the offset between the origins of two major ticks, suboffset is the offset between the origins of two minor ticks, tickoffset is the offset from the major tick line origin to its extremity, and subtickoffset is the offset from the origin of the minor tick line to its extremity.

dst The drawing port.
idx The label position to draw.
orig The location of the minimum value representation on the scale.
offset The offset of the origin of two major ticks.
suboffset The offset of the origin of two minor ticks.
tickoffset The absolute major tick offset to the origin.
subtickoffset The absolute minor tick offset to the origin.
t A transformation.
clip A clipping region.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::drawTicks ( IlvPort dst,
const IlvTransformer t = 0,
const IlvRegion clip = 0 
) const [virtual]

Draws all tick marks.

Draws the scale markers, computing the four different offsets (see drawTick), and calls the drawTick member function for each tick in the scale.

dst The drawing port.
t A transformation.
clip A clipping region.
virtual IlvClassInfo* IlvRectangularScale::getClassInfo (  )  const [virtual]

Gets class information.

Returns a pointer to the IlvClassInfo object associated with this object's class.

A pointer to the class information object of the class of this object.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

IlvDirection IlvRectangularScale::getDirection (  )  const

Gets the direction of the scale.

The direction of the scale.
virtual IlUShort IlvRectangularScale::getNumberOfSkippedSteps ( const IlvPoint orig,
IlvDim  size,
IlUShort  steps,
const IlvFloatPoint offset,
const IlvPoint tickoffset,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const [virtual]

Gets the number of skipped steps.

The number of steps to skip when drawing the scale labels and tick marks. The return value is 1 if the draw overlapping labels flag is set to IlTrue. Overload this function if you want to control the display of scale labels on the screen (Show only odd or even numbers.)
void IlvRectangularScale::getOrigin ( IlvPoint p  )  const

Gets the origin of the scale.

The origin parameter indicating the origin of the scale.
IlvPosition IlvRectangularScale::getPosition (  )  const

Gets the position of the scale.

The position of the scale relative to the object.
static IlAny IlvRectangularScale::GetProperty ( const IlSymbol key,
IlBoolean  checkSuperClass = ((IlBoolean) 0) 
) [static]

Retrieves the property value associated with the key in this object's class.

Retrieves the property value associated with the property name key. If the property cannot be found in the class of this object, and if checkSuperClass is set to IlTrue, then the function operates iteratively on each superclass until the property is found. If the property cannot be found, then 0 is returned.

key The key with which the property value is associated.
checkSuperClass IlTrue specifies iterative search on superclasses.
The property value associated with the proper name key, or 0.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

IlvDim IlvRectangularScale::getSize (  )  const

Gets the size of the scale.

The size (the width or the height) of the scale. The size is the distance from the minimum to maximum tick marks on the scale.
static const IlvClassInfo* IlvRectangularScale::HasProperty ( const IlSymbol key,
IlBoolean  checkSuperClass = ((IlBoolean) 0) 
) [static]

Checks for the existence of a property for this object's class hierarchy.

Retrieves a pointer to the IlvClassInfo that indicates a class where the key property exists. If the returned value is non-0, then this property actually exists for this class. If this is not the case and if checkSuperClass is set to IlTrue, then the function operates iteratively on each superclass until a match is found. If the property cannot be found, then 0 is returned.

key The key with which the property value is associated.
checkSuperClass IlTrue specifies iterative search on superclasses.
A pointer to the ClassInfo that indicates a class where the key property exists, or 0.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::hasVerticalLabels (  )  const

Gets the 'vertical labels' flag.

IlTrue if the scale draws its labels in a vertical direction, or IlFalse if it draws them in a horizontal direction.
IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::isStepSizeFixed (  )  const

Gets the 'fixed step size' flag.

IlTrue if the scale has a fixed step size (i.e., distance between two markers), or IlFalse if this distance varies to make the scale fit its size.
IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::isSubtypeOf ( const IlvClassInfo classInfo  )  const

Checks whether this object's class is a subclass.

This method is equivalent to getClassInfo()->isSubtypeOf(classInfo).

classInfo The name of a class on which the object's class is tested.
Either IlTrue or IlFalse, depending on whether or not this object's class is a subclass of the class indicated by classInfo.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::isSubtypeOf ( const char *  parentClass  )  const

Checks whether this object's class is a subclass of a given parent class.

This method is equivalent to getClassInfo()->isSubtypeOf(parentClass).

parentClass A string representing the parent class.
Either IlTrue or IlFalse, depending on whether or not this object's class inherits parentClass attributes. The parentClass parameter should be a string representing the class name of an IlvGraphic subclass. A call to this member function for a given class instance returns IlTrue if given the name of its class.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

virtual void IlvRectangularScale::labelBBox ( IlvRect rect,
IlUShort  idx,
const IlvPoint orig,
const IlvFloatPoint offset,
const IlvPoint tickoffset,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const [virtual]

Gets a label's bounding box.

Uses the rect parameter to return the bounding box of the label of the scale at the position indicated by idx.

idx The index position of the label.
In rect the bounding box of the label.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::labelsBBox ( IlvRect rect,
const IlvFloatPoint offset,
const IlvPoint tickoffset,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const [virtual]

Gets the bounding box of all labels.

Uses the rect parameter to return the bounding box containing all the scale labels.

In rect the bounding box containing all labels.
static IlvGraphic* IlvRectangularScale::read ( IlvInputFile file,
IlvPalette palette 
) [static]

Reads an object description from a file.

Reads an object description from the file input, given the palette graphic attributes. It reads the information that was saved by the member function write to be able to create a new instance of this object. Usually, because of the availability of the constructor that expects an IlvInputFile, read should be equivalent to:

 MyClass::read(IlvInputFile& file, IlvPalette* palette)
     return new MyClass(file, palette);

In the following example, the static member function read of the IlvLabel class could have the following form:

 IlvLabel::read(IlvInputFile& file, IlvPalette* pal)
     IlvPoint pos;
     file.getStream() >> pos;     // Read the position field
     return new IlvLabel(pal->getDisplay(), pos,
     IlvReadString(file.getStream()), pal);
file The name of the file to be read from.
palette The name of the palette for the object.
See also:
DeclareTypeInfoRO, DeclareTypeInfo, IlvPredefinedIOMembers.
[note] The read method is not capitalized like other static methods so that it is consistent with the write method.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

static IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::RemoveProperty ( const IlSymbol key  )  [static]

Removes a property from this object's class.

This static function removes the indicated property to the class of this object.

key The key property to be removed.
IlTrue if the key property was actually found, or IlFalse otherwise.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

static IlBoolean IlvRectangularScale::ReplaceProperty ( const IlSymbol key,
IlAny  value 
) [static]

Replaces a property in this object's class.

This static function replaces the indicated property value to the class of this object.

key The key to be replaced.
value The value to be replaced.
IlTrue if the key property was actually found, or IlFalse otherwise.

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

void IlvRectangularScale::setDirection ( IlvDirection  direction  ) 

Sets the direction of the scale.

Sets the direction of the scale. The direction parameter can be set to any of six values. IlvBottom, IlvTop, IlvLeft and IlvRight indicate where the minimum value of the scale is positioned.
IlvHorizontal indicates that the scale goes from left to right (equivalent to IlvLeft). IlvVertical indicates that the scale goes from bottom to top (equivalent to IlvBottom).

direction The direction of the scale.
void IlvRectangularScale::setOrigin ( const IlvPoint  ) 

Sets the origin of the scale.

Sets the origin of the scale (the location of the minimum value representation) to the value of the origin parameter.

origin The origin of the scale.
void IlvRectangularScale::setPosition ( IlvPosition  position  ) 

Sets the position of the scale.

Sets the position of the scale to the value specified in the position parameter. If the scale is horizontal, possible values for position are IlvTop and IlvBottom. If the scale is vertical, then the possible values are IlvLeft and IlvRight. The values indicate where the scale is drawn in relation to its bounding rectangle.

position The position of the scale.
void IlvRectangularScale::setSize ( IlvDim  size  ) 

Sets the size of the scale.

Sets the size of the scale (the width or the height) of the scale to the value of the size parameter. The size is the distance from the minimum to maximum tick marks on the scale.

size The dimension of the scale's main axis.
void IlvRectangularScale::setStepSizeFixed ( IlBoolean  v  ) 

Sets the 'fixed step size' flag.

Sets the fixed step size flag to flag.

flag A Boolean value to set the flag.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::ticksBBox ( IlvRect rect,
const IlvFloatPoint offset,
const IlvPoint tickoffset,
const IlvTransformer t = 0 
) const [virtual]

Gets the bounding box of all ticks.

Uses the rect parameter to return the bounding box containing all the scale markers.

In rect the bounding box containing all ticks.
void IlvRectangularScale::useVerticalLabels ( IlBoolean  v  ) 

Sets the 'vertical labels' flag.

Sets the vertical labels flag to flag.

flag A Boolean value to set the flag.
virtual void IlvRectangularScale::write ( IlvOutputFile output  )  const [virtual]

Writes an object description to a file.

Writes out, in a file, the object description. This description contains all the information necessary to create an exact copy of this object by means of the member function read. Information concerning any IlvPalette object attached to this object is written out by the object containers. All other information, such as the position and size of the object, is written out by this virtual member function.
For example, suppose we have an IlvLabel class that implements a graphic object drawn as a text string at a given position. It maintains its position in an internal IlvPoint field called _position and its textual content in an internal character array field called _text. The only information we need to save is the contents of those fields. So, the member function write of such an object should have the following form:

 IlvLabel::write(IlvOutputFile& file) const
     // Save the position field
     file.getStream() << IlvSpc() << _position;
     // Save the text field
     IlvWriteString(file.getStream(), _text);
output The the output file to be written to.
See also:

Reimplemented from IlvScale.

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