Setting properties in the Styling Customizer for person nodes

With the node.person rule selected, you will set name and birthdate properties in the Styling Customizer.
To set properties for the person nodes:
  1. Select the node.person rule in the Style Rules pane.
  2. In the Parameters tab of the Styling Customizer, set name to @firstname+" "+@name, as follows:
    • Right-click in the field.
    • Choose Enter an Expression.
    • Delete the current value.
    • Select @firstname from the list of available expressions.
    • Type +" "+.
    • Select @name from the list of expressions.
    • Press Enter.
      The at sign (@) is an operator specifying a model value: it prefixes the name of an attribute in the data model. The expression used here concatenates the value of the firstname attribute, a space, and the value of the name attribute.
  3. Set birthdate to @birthdate in the same way and press Enter.
You can see the diagram change as you work, see the following figure.
Customized person nodes
You can undo any unwanted changes in your Style Rules or Styling Customizer by clicking Edit > Undo.