Setting properties for females

You can use the value of sex, which is either male or female, to style subsets of person nodes differently. The color of a person node can be used to distinguish between male and female: blue for a man, red for a woman.
To create a rule for females:
  1. Select node.person in the Style Rules.
  2. Click Edit > Create Style Rule.
    The Create Style Rule Wizard opens.
  3. Click Next.
    In the Conditions page, the condition user-defined type is person is already present as it has been defined for the node.person rule.
  4. Click the plus button to add a new condition.
  5. Select sex, then equals, and type female.
    See the following figure.
    Creating a data rule with an attribute condition
  6. Click Finish.
    The new rule is in the Style Rules and is selected.
  7. Right-click the rule name and rename it to something shorter: node.person[sex=female].
To set the female property:
  1. Select the node.person[sex=female] rule in the Style Rules pane.
  2. In the Styling Customizer, select female for the sex parameter.
You can undo any unwanted changes in your Style Rules or Styling Customizer by clicking Edit > Undo.
The result is as shown in the following figure.
Customized person nodes for men and women