Adding a death fact to person nodes

At this stage, the person nodes have a label showing the person’s name and birthdate. You will now add a death fact for the persons that are dead. This fact will not appear for living persons. Therefore you need to create a style rule to insert the death date only for dead persons.
To add a death fact to person nodes:
  1. Select the node.person rule.
  2. Click Edit > Create Style Rule.
  3. Click Next.
    In the Conditions page, the condition user-defined type is person is already present as it has been defined for the node.person rule.
  4. Click the plus button to add a new condition.
  5. Select the attribute deathdate and select exists and not null.
  6. Click Finish.
    The new rule is in the Style Rules and is selected.
  7. Right-click the rule name and rename it to something shorter: node.person[deathdate].