JViews Diagrammer Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | G | I | J | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U | V | Z


about-to-change event
When a property value is about to be notified to the model, it is advisable to notify interested listeners as well so that they have an opportunity to constrain or even to veto the proposed new property value.
adjustment session
A sequence of changes defined between setXYZAdjusting(true) and setXYZAdjusting(false) statements. Adjustment sessions are used to indicate to listeners of the changes that the changes are part of a sequence. This allows to optimize listeners to validate the changes only at the end of the adjustment session, when the setAdjusting(false) statement is issued. The performance of an application can improve dramatically if adjustment sessions are used in the proper way.Examples of changes that can be included in an adjustment session are: changes to a style sheet, to the contents of a manager, to the SDM model, and many more.
A program designed to be executed from within an application and not directly from the operating system. An applet is usually a simple, single-function program that ships with a larger product.




(CSS) A single character that may separate two selectors.
connected component
A connected graph or subgraph. A connected component of a flat graph G is a maximal connected subgraph of G.
(CSS) Cascading Style Sheets. A mechanism for adding style, such as fonts, colors, spacing, to Web documents. The CSS language is specified by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendations. Full Recommendations exist for CSS level 1 and level 2.
CSS class
(CSS) An optional part of a selector. A CSS class is a word preceded by a dot, which represents a user-defined type to be used in pattern-matching.
CSS for Java
(CSS) A proprietary translation of CSS2 by JViews to make it available for styling Java™ objects.
(CSS) Cascading Style Sheets, level 2. A style sheet language that allows authors to attach style to structured documents, such as HTML documents or XML applications. CSS2 separates the presentation style from the content and thus simplifies Web authoring and site maintenance.


In Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, an instance of the class IlvDashboardDiagram. It is an extension of the diagram component that manages a collection of symbols and links. Use the Dashboard Editor to develop dashboards and the Dashboard API to display dashboards in Swing applications.
Dashboard API
In Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, the ilog.views.dashboard package. This collection of classes is used to develop Dashboard Editor applications and add dashboards to Swing applications.
Dashboard Editor
The GUI supplied for developing a dashboard.
data model
The interface with which business objects must comply to be represented in a diagram. The data model may make use of your business objects directly or require a transformation of them. One major feature of Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer is that the data model is separated from the visualization part.
data source
A container of data supported by Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, such that all or part of the data can be loaded into the Designer and used in a diagram. Examples of data sources are a Microsoft® Access® database, a CSV (comma-separated values) file, an XML file in diagram format.
(CSS) The elements of the right side of a style rule. The declaration set is enclosed within curly brackets. Each declaration is a property-value pair. Each property-value pair ends with a semi-colon. A property-value pair sets a rendering property on a graphic object that represents a model object.
The degree of a node v of a graph G is the number of graph edges which touch v.
The GUI supplied for developing a diagram component.
diagram component
In Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, an instance of the class IlvDiagrammer. This is a Swing component used to manage a diagram. It contains a grapher that manages a collection of nodes and links, and a view to display the diagram. The nodes in a diagram are represented by symbols.
diagram format
The set of XML elements used by the Designer to save data in an XML file. The Designer can load XML files that are in this format directly.
double buffering
The rendering technique of first drawing to an offscreen image (back buffer), and when the image is complete, copying the offscreen image to the screen (front buffer). In applets, drawing is almost always done with double buffering to reduce flickering. See also triple buffering.


(CSS) The primary syntactic construct of a document language. Most CSS style sheet rules use the name of an element (such as <P>, <TABLE>, <OL> for HTML) to specify rendering information. In CSS for Java™ objects, the role of element is attributed to the term model object.”


A series of one or more events triggered by the user.
A Java™ object that is used to manage a collection of nodes and links.


image map
Images on the client side with an attached map that points out certain hot spots or clickable areas. They are typically used for displaying tooltips.
An agent for a graphic object that allows the user to obtain specific behavior from the object concerned.


JavaServer™ Faces.
JavaServer™ Pages.


In Rogue Wave JViews Framework, the storage area of a manager in which graphic objects are placed. A manager uses multiple layers, referenced by index numbers. Objects in a higher-numbered layer are displayed in front of objects in a lower-numbered layer.
In Rogue Wave JViews Diagrammer, an interface allowing you to connect events that occur in the manager view with actions to be performed.


In Rogue Wave JViews Framework, a holding place for grouping graphic objects and for coordinating their behavior and display in multiple layers and multiple views.
manager view
See view.
model objects
The application objects in an SDM data model.


See zoomable.


A set of items from which to select, typically used in a graphical application. Examples are a color palette for assigning a color to a graphic object, an object palette for building a composite graphic object.
To pan is to move a display such as a diagram or map within a GUI window or pane, in this case, the Diagram pane. The purpose of panning is to control which portion of the diagram or map is visible.
(CSS) The process of analyzing a selector to find the model objects to which the style rule applies.
polyline drawing
A drawing where each link is drawn as a polygonal chain.
The combination of a style sheet and a data source, identified in a project file (.idpr file) in XML format.
(CSS) A named characteristic of a graphic object to which you can assign values.
(CSS) A CSS construct in a selector. A pseudo-class is a word preceded by a colon (:). It represents a state given by the execution context and not by the underlying data model nor by the structure of the document.
(CSS) A CSS construct in a selector. A pseudo-element is a word preceded by a colon (:). It represents a state given by the structure of the document and not by the underlying data model nor by the execution context.


rich client
(or fat client or thick client) A way of deploying a client/server application such that the client performs most of the processing itself rather than depending on the server facilities. All users have to install and maintain their own copy of the program but may be able to do useful work when disconnected from the server. User response can be quicker and more intelligent due to application state existing locally ("model" as well as "view"). See also thin client.


SDM model
selection box
A dashed box that appears around nodes or links when they are selected in the Designer.
(CSS) The left side of a style rule. A selector consists of a mandatory object type, which is a class in a data model, and optional tags, pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, and attribute conditions. A selector undergoes pattern-matching to determine the scope of the style rule.
separable model architecture
A Swing variant of the traditional MVC design of user-interface objects, where the view and controller parts are bundled together.
style file
(CSS) A file containing CSS statements.
style rule
(CSS) A formal statement which conforms to the CSS syntax and is used to attach styles to model objects. A style rule contains a selector and a declaration.
style sheet
(CSS) A list of style rules for customizing the appearance of a diagram in a diagram component. A style sheet is saved in a file with extension .css.
(Styling) An object that is created during the application of a declaration in a CSS style sheet, by virtue of a declaration value of the form @#identifier, @=identifier, or @+identifier. It is styled through the same CSS style sheet, although it is not contained in the original CSS model.
Swimlanes (also known as the Rummler-Brache approach) provide a way of imposing organizational structure on processes. The lanes, which are organizational bands representing different participants or departments in an organization, are placed around subsets of the process steps. The swimlane enclosing a set of steps delineates the ownership of those steps for process management purposes.
The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is the window toolkit of the Eclipse™ development environment and the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP).
A symbol is a collection of graphic objects, parameters and conditions used to give a dynamic representation of changing data. It is made up of objects and other symbols. Symbols are created using the Symbol Editor. A finished symbol is manipulated by being imported into other Rogue Wave JViews applications such as the Designer, the Dashboard Editor, or directly using the Rogue Wave JViews Java™ API.
Symbol Editor
The GUI supplied for developing symbols.


A style sheet that gives a particular look-and-feel. It is available as a starter style sheet.
thin client
(or light client or clientless) A thin client is a way of deploying a client/server application such that the client side is small, with no Java™ running on the client. Users require only a Web browser and an Internet connection. The user interface is executed within the browser with no local system administration and the business logic is executed on a remote server. See also rich client.
triple buffering
A rendering technique that uses three frame buffers instead of two as in double buffering. With two buffers, front and back, the front buffer is being displayed while the back buffer is being drawn. When the back buffer is ready, it has to wait until the current scan of the screen is finished before the buffers can be swapped. With three buffers, there is no waiting time. Triple buffering results in smoother animation, especially if the screen has a slow refresh rate. See also double buffering.


user-defined type
A type that is not necessarily defined in a class of the data model but is recognized implicitly from the data in an XML data file or JDBC database that has been read into JViews Diagrammer. In CSS syntax, the user-defined type appears as a CSS class.


In Rogue Wave JViews, the AWT or Swing component where graphic objects are displayed. To display graphic objects contained in the different layers of a grapher, you create at least one view, and often multiple views. The grapher lets you connect as many views as you require to display graphic objects.


A graphic object is said to be zoomable if its bounding box follows the zoom level. Otherwise, the object is nonzoomable.