Common parameters for modes AUTOMATIC and BY_CLUSTER_IDS

This section applies only if the clustering mode is set to AUTOMATIC or BY_CLUSTER_IDS . Both modes work in a similar way. The main difference is that the clustering mode AUTOMATIC can handle graphs where clusters are not or only partially specified; the clustering mode BY_CLUSTER_IDS requires a full specification of all clusters and throws an exception when performing a layout on a graph with incomplete cluster specification.

Cluster membership and order of the nodes in a cluster (CL)

Specifying clusters explicitly is not necessary in clustering mode BY_SUBGRAPHS , because the subgraphs form the clusters. In clustering mode AUTOMATIC , clusters can optionally be specified. In mode BY_CLUSTER_IDS , they must be specified before performing the layout.
Example of specifying node cluster (CL algorithm)
To specify to which cluster each node of the graph belongs:
You must declare the clustering information in the node rules, like this:
node {
    ClusterId : "@clusterIds";
    StarCenter : "@starCenter";
where clusterIds refers to a node property whose value in the data model is given in the following syntax: <cluster-id>,<index>;<cluster-id>,<index>;... . Each cluster-id , index pair represents the identifier of the cluster and the ordering index of the node in this cluster. The index can be omitted. If only one pair is specified, this means the node belongs to only one cluster. If several pairs are specified for a node, this means that this node belongs to more than one cluster.
In the node rule above, starCenter is a node property whose value in the data model must be either “true” of “false”. The nodes for which the value is “true” are considered “star centers” by the layout algorithm (see Star clusters (CL)).
In Java
To specify the cluster membership, use a cluster identifier; that is, an instance of a subclass of the class IlvClusterId (which is abstract). Two subclasses are provided:
You can combine these two types of identifiers as any other subclass of IlvClusterId . For example, you can write:
// create identifier for first cluster (integer)
IlvClusterNumber clusterId1 = new IlvClusterNumber(1);
// create identifier for second cluster (string)
IlvClusterNumber clusterId2 = new IlvClusterName("R&D network");
Then, if node1 to node3 belong to the first cluster, you can write:
layout.setClusterId(node1, clusterId1);
layout.setClusterId(node2, clusterId1);
layout.setClusterId(node3, clusterId1);
Assume that layout is an instance of IlvCircularLayout .
If you want the nodes to be drawn in a special order (for example, node1 -> node2 -> node3 ), you must also specify an index (an integer value) for each node:
layout.setClusterId(node1, clusterId1, 0);
layout.setClusterId(node2, clusterId1, 1);
layout.setClusterId(node3, clusterId1, 2);
Two methods allow you to specify the cluster to which a node belongs:
void setClusterId(Object node, IlvClusterId clusterId)    
void addClusterId(Object node, IlvClusterId clusterId)    
If you call the first method, the node belongs only to the cluster whose identifier is clusterId . The second method allows you to specify that a node belongs to more than one cluster.
These methods have another version with an additional argument, an integer value representing the index:
void setClusterId(Object node, IlvClusterId clusterId, int index)   
void addClusterId(Object node, IlvClusterId clusterId, int index)   
This value is used to order the nodes on the cluster. If you specify these indices, the algorithm sorts the nodes in ascending order according to the index values.
The values of the index cannot be negative. They do not need to be continuous; only the order of the values is important.
To obtain the specified index of a node in a given cluster, use the method:
int getIndex(Object node, IlvClusterId clusterId)  
If no index is specified for the node, the method returns the value IlvCircularLayout.NO_INDEX . It is a negative value.
To obtain an enumeration of the cluster identifiers for the clusters to which the node belongs, use the method:
Enumeration getClusterIds(Object node)  
The elements of the enumeration are instances of a subclass of IlvClusterId .
To efficiently obtain the number of clusters to which a node belongs, use the method:
int getClusterIdsCount(Object node)  
To remove a node from the cluster with the specified identifier, use the method:
void removeClusterId(Object node, IlvClusterId clusterId)  
To remove a node from all the clusters to which it belongs, use the method:
void removeAllClusterIds(Object node)  

Root clusters (CL)

The algorithm arranges the clusters of each connected component of the graph of clusters around a “root cluster”. By default, the algorithm can choose this cluster. Optionally, you can specify one or more root clusters (one for each connected component).
Example of specifying root clusters (CL algorithm)
To specify one or more root clusters (one for each connected component):
It is not possible to specify root clusters in CSS.
In Java
Use the method:
void setRootClusterId(IlvClusterId clusterId)  
To obtain an enumeration of the identifiers of the clusters that have been specified as root clusters, use the method:
Enumeration getRootClusterIds()  
This parameter has no effect if the clustering mode is BY_SUBGRAPHS .

Star clusters (CL)

Example of specifying star center (CL algorithm)
To specify whether a node is the center of a star:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
starCenter : "true";
In Java
Use the method:
void setStarCenter(Object node, boolean starCenter)  
To know whether a node is the center of a star, use the method:
boolean isStarCenter(Object node)  
By default, a node is not the center of a star.
This parameter has no effect if the clustering mode is BY_SUBGRAPHS .

Get the contents, the position, and the size of the clusters (CL)

At times, you might need to know the position and the size of the circle on which the nodes for each cluster are drawn. It may be the case if you want to perform some reshaping operations on the links. To do so, you can obtain a vector containing all the cluster identifiers after the layout is performed. In clustering mode AUTOMATIC , the vector can contain generated cluster identifiers if no clusters were specified.
Example of obtaining a vector that contains all the cluster identifiers (CL algorithm)
To obtain a vector containing all the cluster identifiers after the layout is performed:
It is not possible to get the contents, position, or size of the clusters via CSS.
To obtain a vector containing all the cluster identifiers after the layout is performed:
In Java
Use the method:
Vector getClusterIds()  
The vector contains instances of a subclass of IlvClusterId . By browsing the elements of this Vector , you can get the necessary information for each cluster:
float getClusterRadius(int clusterIndex)   
IlvPoint getClusterCenter(int clusterIndex)   
Vector getClusterNodes(int clusterIndex)   
The getClusterNodes method returns the nodes that make up the cluster. The argument clusterIndex represents the position of the cluster in the Vector returned by the method getClusterIds() .
Do not use these methods if the clustering mode is BY_SUBGRAPHS .

Dimensional parameters (CL)

This section illustrates the dimensional parameters used in the Circular Layout algorithm. These parameters are explained in the sections that follow.
The clustering mode BY_CLUSTER_IDS also works with a disconnected graph offset. It is explained in the section Handling of disconnected graphs.
The dimensional
parameters used by the Circular Layout algorithm
Dimensional parameters for the Circular Layout algorithm

Offset (CL)

The layout algorithm tries to preserve a minimum distance between nodes (see figure Dimensional parameters for the Circular Layout algorithm).
Example of specifying the offset (CL algorithm)
To specify the offset:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
offset: "20.0";
In Java
Use the method:
void setOffset(float offset)  

Level offset (CL)

If the clustering mode is BY_SUBGRAPHS , the level offset parameter controls the minimal offset between nodes that belong to the same cluster.
If the clustering mode is BY_CLUSTER_IDS , the following scenario applies.
As explained in The CL algorithm, interconnected rings and clusters are drawn on concentric circles around a root cluster. The radius of each concentric circle is computed to avoid overlapping clusters. In some cases, you might want to increase this radius to obtain a clearer drawing of the network. To meet this purpose, the radius is systematically increased with a “level offset” value (see figure Dimensional parameters for the Circular Layout algorithm).
Example of specifying the level offset (CL algorithm)
To specify the level offset:
Add to the GraphLayout section:
levelOffset : "30.0";
In Java
Use the method:
void setLevelOffset(float offset)  
The default value is zero.
This parameter has no effect if the clustering mode is BY_SUBGRAPHS .