Generic features and parameters of the CL

The IlvCircularLayout class supports the following parameters defined in the IlvGraphLayout class. See Base class parameters and features.
Extra feature for JViews Diagrammer:
The following comments describe the particular way in which these parameters are used by this subclass.

Layout of connected components (CL)

The layout algorithm can use the generic mechanism to lay out connected components. (For more information about this mechanism, see Layout of connected components).

Layout region (CL)

This parameter has no effect if the clustering mode is BY_SUBGRAPHS.
It is not possible to allow the user to control the size of the layout by specifying a bounding box for the drawing. The layout algorithm chooses the size to have enough space to avoid overlapping nodes and clusters.
The layout region setting (either your own or the default setting) is used only to choose the position of the center of the drawing. This means that only the center of the layout region is considered. All three ways to specify the layout region are available for this subclass. See Layout region.

Link clipping (CL)

The layout algorithm can use a link clip interface to clip the end points of a link. (See Link clipping.)
This is useful if the nodes have a nonrectangular shape such as a triangle, rhombus, or circle. If no link clip interface is used, the links are normally connected to the bounding boxes of the nodes, not to the border of the node shapes. See Using a link clipping interface with the Circular Layout for details of the link clipping mechanism.

Link connection box (CL)

The layout algorithm can use a link connection box interface to calculate the center of a node. See Link connection box.
It is used when the option to connect links to node centers or link clipping is enabled.
It is only used if the link style is straight line. It is also used for self-links and multilinks, depending on the self-link or multilink mode.

Preserve fixed links (CL)

The layout algorithm does not reshape the links that are specified as fixed. (See Preserve fixed links.)

Preserve fixed nodes (CL)

The layout algorithm does not move the nodes that are specified as fixed. (See Preserve fixed nodes.)

Save parameters to named properties (CL)

The layout algorithm is able to save its layout parameters into named properties. This can be used to save layout parameters to .ivl files. (For a detailed description of this feature, see Save parameters to named properties and Saving layout parameters and preferred layouts.)