Generic features and parameters of the HL

Overview of generic features

Allowed time (HL)

The layout algorithm stops if the allowed time setting has elapsed. (For a description of this layout parameter in the IlvGraphLayout class, see Allowed time.) If the layout stops early because the allowed time has elapsed, the nodes and links are not moved from their positions before the layout call and the result code in the layout report is IlvGraphLayoutReport.STOPPED_AND_INVALID .

Layout of connected components (HL)

The layout algorithm can use the generic mechanism to lay out connected components. (For more information about this mechanism, see Layout of connected components.) When using this mechanism, each component is laid out in its own individual level structure. Nodes of the first level of one component can be placed at a different position than nodes of the first level of another component.
The generic mechanism to lay out connected components is, however, disabled by default. In this case, the layout algorithm can still handle disconnected graphs. It merges all components into a global level structure.

Link clipping (HL)

The layout algorithm can use a link clip interface to clip the end points of a link. (See Link clipping.)
This is useful if the nodes have a non-rectangular shape such as a triangle, rhombus, or circle. If no link clip interface is used, the links are normally connected to the bounding boxes of the nodes, not to the border of the node shapes. See Using a link clipping interface (HL) for details of the link clipping mechanism.

Link connection box (HL)

The layout algorithm can use a link connection box interface (see Link connection box) in combination with the link clip interface. If no link clip interface is used, the link connection box interface has no effect. For details, see Using a link connection box interface (HL).

Spline routing (HL)

The layout algorithm supports the generic spline routing mechanism (see Spline routing). If the style of a link is polyline or orthogonal and the link is a spline, it is routed by the generic spline routing mechanism when it is enabled.

Percentage of completion calculation (HL)

The layout algorithm calculates the estimated percentage of completion. This value can be obtained from the layout report during the run of the layout. (For a detailed description of this features, see Percentage of completion calculation and Graph layout event listeners.)

Preserve fixed links (HL)

The layout algorithm does not reshape the links that are specified as fixed. In fact, fixed links are ignored. (For more information about link parameters in the IlvGraphLayout class, see Preserve fixed links and Link style (TL).)

Preserve fixed nodes (HL)

The layout algorithm does not move the nodes that are specified as fixed. (For more information about node parameters in the IlvGraphLayout class, see Preserve fixed nodes.) Moreover, the layout algorithm ignores fixed nodes and also does not route the links that are incident to the fixed nodes. It can result in unwanted overlapping nodes and link crossings. However, this feature is useful for individual, disconnected components that can be laid out independently.

Save parameters to named properties (HL)

The layout algorithm is able to save its layout parameters into named properties. This can be used to save layout parameters to .ivl files. (For a detailed description of this feature, see Save parameters to named properties and Saving layout parameters and preferred layouts).

Stop immediately (HL)

The layout algorithm stops after cleanup if the method stopImmediately is called. (For a description of this method in the IlvGraphLayout class, see Stop immediately.) If the layout stops early because the allowed time has elapsed, the nodes and links are not moved from their positions before the layout call and the result code in the layout report is IlvGraphLayoutReport.STOPPED_AND_INVALID .