SourcePro® 2020 |
SourcePro® API Reference Guide |
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CDComplexFFT2DServer | Performs two-dimensional (2-D) double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of an RWGenMat<DComplex> matrix |
CDComplexFFTServer | Performs double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of an RWMathVec<DComplex> vector |
CDoubleCosineServer | Performs double precision fast sine or cosine transforms of a real vector |
CDoubleFFTServer | Performs double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of a real vector |
CHistogram | Constructs and maintains a histogram of input data |
CLeastSqFit | Constructs a linear least squares fit to a straight line from input data |
Crw_forward_list | Maintains a collection of some type T implemented as a singly-linked, forward-iteration-only list |
Crw_hashmap | Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V , implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances |
Crw_hashmultimap | Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V , implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances where multiple instances of the same K are allowed |
Crw_hashmultiset | Maintains a collection of some type T , in which there may be many equivalent instances of T |
Crw_hashset | Maintains a collection of some type T , in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of some given instance of T |
Crw_linear_algebra_traits | A collection of traits typedefs |
Crw_linear_algebra_traits< DComplex > | A collection of traits typedefs specialized on DComplex |
Crw_linear_algebra_traits< double > | A collection of traits typedefs specialized on double |
Crw_linear_algebra_traits< float > | A collection of traits typedefs specialized on float |
Crw_numeric_traits | Helper class containing typedefs associated with numeric types, useful when creating a new numeric type |
Crw_orderedhashmap | Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V , implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances, in which key insertion order is preserved |
Crw_orderedhashmultimap | Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V , implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances where multiple instances of the same K are allowed and key insertion order are preserved |
Crw_orderedhashmultiset | Maintains a collection of some type T , in which there may be many equivalent instances of T and key insertion order are preserved |
Crw_orderedhashset | Maintains a collection of some type T , in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of some given instance of T and key insertion order are preserved |
Crw_slist | Maintains a collection of some type T implemented as a singly-linked list |
CRWAddObservations | Holds information about adding observations to a parameter calculation |
CRWAddPredictors | Holds information about the addition of predictor variables to a parameter calculation |
CRWAnsiLocale | Implements the RWLocale interface, and encapsulates the C++ Standard Library locale |
CRWAny | Encapsulates an object of an arbitrary type |
CRWAsymmetricKey | Encapsulates the underlying cryptographic library's representation of the asymmetric key |
CRWAtomicCounter | Maintains a reference count safely in a multithreaded environment |
CRWAtomicFlag | Atomically sets and clears a bit flag |
CRWAuditStreamBuffer | Constructs a stream and audits the bytes that pass through it |
CRWBag | Corresponds to the Smalltalk class Bag, representing a group of unordered elements not accessible by an external key |
CRWBagConstIterator | Iterator for class RWBag, which allows sequential access to all the elements of RWBag but allows no changes |
CRWBagIterator | Iterator for class RWBag, which allows sequential access to all the elements of RWBag |
CRWBalanceDecomp | Encapsulates the decomposition implicit in the permutation and balance transformations on a nonsymmetric matrix before computing its eigenvalues |
CRWBalanceTransform | Encapsulates the permutation and balance transformations on a nonsymmetric matrix before computing its eigenvalues |
CRWBandFact | Encapsulates the factorization of banded matrices used to solve a system of equations |
CRWBandMat | Encapsulates a banded matrix |
CRWBandTriDiagDecomp | Encapsulates a symmetric tridiagonal decomposition of a symmetric banded matrix |
CRWBarrier | Synchronizes a number of concurrent threads at a specific point in their processing |
►CRWBasicUString | Represents and manages an array of UTF-16 values |
CRWBench | Abstract base class to facilitate automatic benchmarking of some piece of code |
CRWBilateralExchange | Implements a standard form of currency conversion |
CRWBinaryTree | Represents a group of ordered elements, as sorted by a comparison method, and allowing duplicates |
CRWBinaryTreeConstIterator | Iterator for class RWBinaryTree that allows no changes to the values in the binary tree |
CRWBinaryTreeIterator | Iterator for class RWBinaryTree |
CRWbistream | Restores variables stored in binary format by RWbostream |
CRWBitRef | Represents an l-value to the RWBitVec and RWTBitVec classes |
CRWBitVec | Represents a bit vector whose length can be changed at runtime |
CRWBodyBase | Base class for body classes |
CRWbostream | Stores variables in binary format |
CRWBoundsErr | Exception class that reports invalid indexes into buffers |
CRWBTree | Represents a group of ordered elements not accessible by an external key, and for which duplicates are not allowed |
CRWBTreeDictionary | Represents a dictionary for the storage and retrieval of key-value pairs, and implemented as a B-tree |
CRWBTreeOnDisk | Represents an ordered collection of associations of keys and values, with keys ordered based on an external function and with duplicate keys not allowed |
CRWBufferedCharInputStreamImp | Implements a buffer that can be used with narrow character input streams |
CRWBufferedPageHeap | Deprecated. Abstract base class representing a virtual page heap accessed through a buffer |
CRWBufferedRecvPortal | Provides buffering of recv() calls only, possibly improving performance by limiting calls to the underlying RWPortal |
CRWBufferedSendPortal | Provides buffering of send() calls only, possibly improving performance by limiting calls to the underlying RWPortal |
CRWByteArrayOutputStream | Handle class for binary output streams, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a byte array |
CRWByteArrayOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for binary output streams, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a byte array |
CRWByteFromStreambufInputStreamImp | Concrete class that connects a binary stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer |
CRWByteInputStream | Handle class for all binary input stream implementation classes |
CRWByteInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all binary input stream implementation classes |
CRWByteOutputStream | Handle class for all binary output stream implementation classes |
CRWByteOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all binary output stream implementation classes |
CRWByteToStreambufOutputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a binary stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer |
CRWCacheManager | Caches fixed-length blocks to and from an associated RWFile |
CRWCancellation | Represents an exception that is thrown to cancel a thread |
CRWCConstSubString | Allows some subsection of an RWCString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent |
CRWCertificateKeyMismatchError | Thrown when the provided RWX509Certificate is not valid for the given RWPrivateKey |
CRWCertificateNotValidError | Thrown when a provided certificate is not valid |
CRWCertificateOrKeyTooLargeError | Deprecated. Thrown when the key data is too large to be used |
CRWChainedByteArrayOutputStreamImp | Concrete class implementing the byte array output stream interface |
CRWChainedCharArrayOutputStreamImp | Concrete class implementing the narrow character array output stream interface |
CRWChainedMemoryStreambuf | Implementation of the std::streambuf interface as a linked list of buffers |
CRWChainedUCharArrayOutputStreamImp | Concrete class implementing the UTF-16 character array output stream interface |
CRWChainedWCharArrayOutputStreamImp | Concrete class implementing the wide character array output stream interface |
CRWCharArrayOutputStream | Handle class for narrow character output streams that allow retrieval of their inserted data as a narrow character array |
CRWCharArrayOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for narrow character output streams that allow retrieval of their inserted data as a character array |
CRWCharFromStreambufInputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a narrow character stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer |
CRWCharInputStream | Handle class for all narrow character input stream implementation classes |
CRWCharInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all narrow character input stream implementation classes |
CRWCharOutputStream | Handle class for all narrow character output stream implementation classes |
CRWCharOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all narrow character output stream implementation classes |
CRWCharToStreambufOutputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a narrow character stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer |
CRWCJRef | Used by the RWHermMat classes to reference data that may need to be conjugated |
CRWClockTimer | Measures elapsed wall clock time |
CRWCODecomp | Encapsulates a complete orthogonal decomposition |
CRWCollectable | Contains virtual functions for identifying, hashing, comparing, storing and retrieving collectable objects |
CRWCollectableAssociation | Associates a key with a value in the Essential Tools Module "dictionary" collection classes |
CRWCollectableDate | Inherits from classes RWDate and RWCollectable |
CRWCollectableDateTime | Provides a polymorphically persistable RWDateTime |
CRWCollectableInt | Provides a polymorphically persistable RWInteger |
CRWCollectableString | Provides a polymorphically persistable RWCString |
CRWCollectableTime | Deprecated. Inherits classes RWTime and RWCollectable |
CRWCollectableWString | Provides a polymorphically persistable RWWString |
CRWCollection | Contains virtual functions for inserting and retrieving pointers to RWCollectable objects into the collection classes |
CRWCompactObjectInputStreamImp | Reads objects encoded in a compact format from the supplied RWDataInputStream |
CRWCompactObjectOutputStreamImp | Writes objects in a compact format to the supplied RWDataOutputStream |
CRWCompressedIOStream | Compresses and serializes data to or deserializes and decompresses data from an associated std::streambuf |
CRWCompressedIStream | Deserializes and decompresses data from an associated std::streambuf |
CRWCompressedOStream | Compresses data and serializes it to an associated std::streambuf |
CRWCompressedStreamBuffer | Derived stream buffer that reads and writes compressed data to an associated std::streambuf |
CRWCondition | A condition variable used to delay and reawaken a thread based on program state |
CRWConstIterator | Contains virtual functions for positioning and resetting the const iterator |
CRWConversionErr | Exception class that reports character encoding conversion errors |
CRWConvertGenMat | Converts between RWGenMat types with different datatypes |
CRWConvertMathArray | Converts between RWMathArray types with different datatypes |
CRWConvertMathVec | Converts between RWMathVec types with different datatypes |
CRWCopyOnWriteCConstSubString | Alternate implementation of RWCConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined |
CRWCopyOnWriteCString | Alternate implementation of RWCString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined |
CRWCopyOnWriteCSubString | Alternate implementation of RWCSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined |
CRWCopyOnWriteWConstSubString | Alternate implementation of RWWConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined |
CRWCopyOnWriteWString | Alternate implementation of RWWString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined |
CRWCopyOnWriteWSubString | Alternate implementation of RWWSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is defined |
CRWCRegexp | Deprecated. Represents a regular expression |
CRWCriticalSection | Provides mutual exclusion for a critical section of code in which only one thread should execute at a time |
CRWCString | Offers powerful and convenient facilities for manipulating strings |
CRWCSubString | Allows some subsection of an RWCString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent |
CRWCTokenizer | Breaks a string into separate tokens, delimited by an arbitrary whitespace. Can be used as an alternative to the C++ Standard Library function std::strtok() |
CRWCurrency | A repository for currency information |
CRWCurrencyBook | Stores RWCurrency objects in which each is identified by a unique mnemonic |
CRWDataFromByteInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the data from binary conversion input stream implementation classes |
CRWDataFromCharInputStreamImp | Abstract base class from which all input stream implementation classes that convert from data to narrow characters must derive |
CRWDataFromVirtualInputStreamImp | Adapter class that allows virtual input stream class RWvistream to be used where data input stream class RWDataInputStream is required |
CRWDataInputStream | Handle class for all the data input stream implementation classes |
CRWDataInputStreamImp | Abstract base class from which all data input stream implementation classes must derive |
CRWDataOutputStream | Handle class for all the data output stream implementation classes |
CRWDataOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class from which all data output stream implementation classes must derive |
CRWDataToByteOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class from which all output stream implementation classes that convert from data to binary must derive |
CRWDataToCharOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class from which all output stream implementation classes that convert from data to narrow characters must derive |
CRWDataToVirtualOutputStreamImp | Adapter class that allows virtual output stream class RWvostream to be used where data output stream class RWDataOutputStream is required |
CRWDataView | Base class for all classes that provide a view into a contiguous block of memory |
CRWDate | Represents a date stored as a Julian day number |
CRWDateTime | Represents a date and time stored in milliseconds |
CRWDaylightBoundary | Struct used by RWDaylightRule to define the beginning and ending of daylight saving time |
CRWDaylightRule | Struct that defines daylight saving time rules |
CRWDBAbstractBuffer | Encapsulates a buffer of data, including its indicator array |
CRWDBAssignment | Represents the result of applying the RWDBColumn::assign() method to an RWDBExpr |
CRWDBBinaryCallback | Base class for user-defined callback methods that fetch and send binary data |
CRWDBBinaryVector | Deprecated. Transfers binary arrays between the application and the database |
CRWDBBinaryVectorElement | Deprecated. Encapsulates arrays of unsigned characters stored in RWDBBinaryVector instances |
CRWDBBlob | Stores Binary Large Objects (Blobs) and includes relevant accessors |
CRWDBBoundExpr | Acts as a placeholder in a dynamic SQL statement, providing a type-safe interface for binding a local variable to a dynamic SQL statement |
CRWDBBulkInserter | Used to insert an RWDBTBuffer array into a database table. (To insert scalar values, use RWDBInserter.) |
CRWDBBulkReader | Reads result sets, represented as arrays of RWDBTBuffer or RWDBDateVector, that are associated with an RWDBTable or RWDBSelector. (For reading scalar values, use RWDBReader.) |
CRWDBCacheManager | Base class for user-defined metadata cache managers |
CRWDBCharCallback | Base class for user-defined callback methods that fetch and send character data |
CRWDBCheckConstraint | Represents check constraints, used when creating a database table or fetching a database table schema |
CRWDBCheckConstraintList | Holds an ordered collection of RWDBCheckConstraint instances |
CRWDBCollectableExpr | Adds RWCollectable semantics to RWDBExpr |
CRWDBColumn | Represents a column within a table or schema, or a particular parameter of a stored procedure |
CRWDBCompoundSelector | Represents the result of the set operators Union , Intersection , or Difference applied to RWDBSelector |
CRWDBConnCallback | Handle class for connection callbacks that encapsulate a reference-counted pointer to the RWDBConnCallbackImp body class |
CRWDBConnCallbackImp | Abstract base class from which all custom connection callbacks must derive |
CRWDBConnection | Represents an explicit database connection object that can be used in place of the implicit database connection provided by RWDBDatabase |
CRWDBCriterion | Represents the result of applying logical operators to RWDBExpr. It encapsulates search conditions that are used in SQL WHERE clauses and CHECK constraints |
CRWDBCritFormDefinition | Base class for a family of classes used to define functional notation for RWDBCriterion |
CRWDBCritFuncDef0 | Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking no parameters |
CRWDBCritFuncDef1 | Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 1 parameter |
CRWDBCritFuncDef2 | Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 2 parameters |
CRWDBCritFuncDef3 | Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 3 parameters |
CRWDBCritFuncDef4 | Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 4 parameters |
CRWDBCursor | Encapsulates a database cursor |
CRWDBDatabase | Manages connections with database servers |
CRWDBDatabaseCallback | Handle class for database callbacks, encapsulating a reference-counted pointer to the RWDBDatabaseCallbackImp body class |
CRWDBDatabaseCallbackImp | Abstract base class from which all custom database callbacks derive |
CRWDBDataCallback | Base class for user-defined callbacks |
CRWDBDateTime | Deprecated. Represents a date and time stored as the number of milliseconds |
CRWDBDateVector | Deprecated. Used as a buffer when transferring date values between the application and the database |
CRWDBDB2CLILibEnvironmentHandle | Provides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters |
CRWDBDB2CLILibSystemHandle | Encapsulates a single SQLHDBC used by the RWDBConnection |
CRWDBDecimalVector | Deprecated. Transfers decimal arrays of width width between the application and the database. width between the application and the database |
CRWDBDecimalVectorElement | Deprecated. Encapsulates arrays of decimals stored in RWDBDecimalVector objects |
CRWDBDeleter | Encapsulates an SQL DELETE statement |
CRWDBDuration | Represents a time span in number of seconds |
CRWDBEnvironmentHandle | Abstract base class from which all vendor-specific environment handles must derive. Environment handles are methods that can set or retrieve certain configuration parameters |
CRWDBExpr | A C++ representation of expressions used in constructing SQL statements |
CRWDBExprFormDefinition | Base class for a family of classes that defines functional notation for RWDBExpr |
CRWDBExprFuncDef0 | Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take no parameters |
CRWDBExprFuncDef1 | Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 1 parameter |
CRWDBExprFuncDef2 | Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 2 parameters |
CRWDBExprFuncDef3 | Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 3 parameters |
CRWDBExprFuncDef4 | Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 4 parameters |
CRWDBForeignKey | Represents foreign keys in a database, used when creating a database table or fetching a database table schema |
CRWDBForeignKeyList | Holds an ordered collection of RWDBForeignKey instances |
CRWDBIdentityConstraint | Represents an identity constraint of a column within a table or schema |
CRWDBInMemoryCacheManager | In memory metadata cache manager |
CRWDBInserter | Encapsulates an SQL INSERT statement |
CRWDBJoinExpr | Used to build outer join constructs |
CRWDBManager | A monostate class that manages RWDBDatabase instances, thus mediating access to database servers |
CRWDBMBString | Represents a multibyte character string, ensuring that these get handled correctly by databases that differentiate between multibyte and single byte character strings |
CRWDBMemTable | Represents a table of data that resides in program memory |
CRWDBMsSqlLibEnvironmentHandle | Provides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with Microsoft SQL Server |
CRWDBMsSqlLibSystemHandle | Provides a mechanism for making direct calls to the Microsoft SQL Server API, and some methods for setting access module-specific properties |
CRWDBMultiRow | Provides a mechanism by which a collection of bindable objects can be used with the RWDBValue and RWDBRow interface |
CRWDBMySqlLibAdapterFactory | |
CRWDBMySqlLibEnvironmentHandle | Provides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with MySQL |
CRWDBMySqlLibSystemHandle | Provides a mechanism for making direct calls to the MySQL API |
CRWDBNativeType1 | Represents an Oracle PL/SQL cursor type |
CRWDBNullIndicator | Provides a way to determine whether some given data is NULL |
CRWDBOCIEnvironmentHandle | Provides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with Oracle OCI |
CRWDBOCISystemHandle | Provides a mechanism for making direct calls to the Oracle OCI API, and some methods for setting access module-specific properties |
CRWDBODBCLibEnvironmentHandle | Provides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with ODBC |
CRWDBODBCLibSystemHandle | Provides a mechanism for making direct calls to the ODBC API |
CRWDBOSql | Encapsulates a database-specific SQL statement with all its input and output bindings |
CRWDBPGSEnvironmentHandle | Provides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with PostgreSQL |
CRWDBPGSSystemHandle | Provides a mechanism for making direct calls to the PostgreSQL API, and some methods for setting access module-specific properties |
CRWDBPhraseBook | A lookup table containing keywords and phrases used by specific databases |
CRWDBPrimaryKey | Represents a primary key, used when creating a database table or fetching a database table primary key |
CRWDBReader | Provides row-by-row access to tabular data |
CRWDBResult | Represents a sequence of zero or more RWDBTable instances |
CRWDBRow | An ordered collection of RWDBValue instances |
CRWDBSchema | An ordered collection of RWDBColumn instances, encapsulating the database notion of a schema |
CRWDBSearchedCaseExpr | Used to build searched CASE expressions |
CRWDBSelector | Encapsulates the SQL SELECT statement |
CRWDBSelectorBase | Base class for selector classes RWDBSelector and RWDBCompoundSelector |
CRWDBSimpleCaseExpr | Used to build simple CASE expressions |
CRWDBStatus | Encapsulates the error state of an object or operation |
CRWDBStoredProc | Encapsulates a database stored procedure, providing a uniform API to the common operations related to them |
CRWDBStoredProcEntry | Class to hold RWDBStoredProc metadata for cache managers |
CRWDBStringVector | Deprecated. Transfers character arrays of width width between the application and the database |
CRWDBStringVectorElement | Deprecated. Encapsulates arrays of characters stored in RWDBStringVector objects |
CRWDBSybCtLibEnvironmentHandle | Provides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with the Sybase Open Client Client-Library |
CRWDBSybCtLibSystemHandle | Provides a mechanism for making direct calls to the Sybase Open Client Client-Library API and some methods for setting access module-specific properties |
CRWDBSystemHandle | Base class for database-specific classes that provide direct access to the database API |
CRWDBTable | Base class for a family of classes that represent the abstract notion of a database table in a number of different ways |
CRWDBTableEntry | Class to hold RWDBTable metadata for cache managers |
CRWDBTBuffer | Template class that encapsulates a fixed-sized array of elements of type T |
CRWDBTMemTableBase | Abstract base class for the derived class RWDBTPtrMemTable |
CRWDBTPtrMemTable | Represents a parameterized memory table |
CRWDBTracer | Provides a runtime trace facility for DB Interface Module applications |
CRWDBUChar16Callback | Base class for user-defined callbacks that fetch and send UTF-16 character data |
CRWDBUniqueConstraint | Represents unique constraints, used when creating a database table or fetching a database table schema |
CRWDBUniqueConstraintList | Holds an ordered collection of RWDBUniqueConstraint instances |
CRWDBUpdater | Encapsulates the SQL UPDATE statement |
CRWDBValue | Provides storage for C++ primitive types and structured types used by the DB Interface Module, and adds NULL/NOT NULL semantics |
CRWDBVector | Deprecated. Used as a buffer when transferring data between the application and the database |
CRWDBVendorDate | Deprecated. Encapsulates vendor-specific date structures |
CRWDecimal | Exactly represents a decimal fraction |
CRWDecimalBase | Base class for the family of Rogue Wave decimal classes |
CRWDecimalFormat | Encapsulates formatting information for converting a decimal number to a string |
CRWDecimalFormatScope | Encapsulates decimal format specifiers |
CRWDecimalInexactErr | Signals problems in computations involving the Rogue Wave decimal classes |
CRWDecimalOverflowErr | Signals overflow problems in computations involving the Rogue Wave decimal classes |
CRWDecimalPortable | Represents an arbitrary precision decimal fraction, providing maximum portability |
CRWDenseTriDiagDecomp | Encapsulates the symmetric tridiagonal decomposition of a dense symmetric matrix |
CRWDirectoryIterator< const char * > | Provides a specialization of the class template for const char* , with no iteration of subdirectories |
CRWDirectoryIterator< RWCString > | Provides a specialization of the class template for RWCString, with recursive iteration of subdirectories |
CRWDirEntry | A convenience class that encapsulates parsing and component storage of directory entries typical of those returned from the FTP LIST command |
CRWDiskPageHeap | Deprecated. Specialized type of buffered page heap that swaps its pages to disk as necessary |
CRWDivisionExchange | Concrete currency exchange implementation class that converts a source currency to a target currency by dividing the amount of the source currency by the associated conversion factor |
CRWDivisionGroup | A collection of currency objects that convert a source currency to a target currency by dividing the amount of the source currency by a conversion factor |
CRWDlistCollectables | Represents a group of ordered items, not accessible by an external key |
CRWDlistCollectablesConstIterator | Traverses the linked-list from the first (head) to the last (tail) item |
CRWDlistCollectablesIterator | Traverses the linked-list from the first (head) to the last (tail) item |
CRWEigDecomp | Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a nonsymmetric matrix |
CRWEigServer | Abstract base class for the nonsymmetric eigenvalue servers |
CRWeistream | Specializes the base class RWbistream to restore values previously stored by RWeostream |
CRWEnhancedXmlObjectInputStreamImp | Reads objects encoded in XML from the supplied RWDataInputStream |
CRWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp | Writes objects as XML into the supplied RWDataOutputStream |
CRWeostream | Specializes the base class RWbostream to store values in a portable binary format |
CRWEscrowImpBase | A base class that breaks the circular dependency between RWTEscrowImp and RWTIOUResult, used when implementing new concrete RWTEscrowImp classes |
CRWEuroGroup | A collection of all currencies replaced by the Euro, in which each object implements the RWTriangularExchange conversion type |
CRWExchange | Handle class for the abstract body class RWExchangeImpl from which all concrete currency converters derive |
CRWExchangeFactory | Factory class that creates currency exchange objects |
CRWExchangeGroup | The handle for the implementation class RWExchangeGroupImpl, the abstract base class for all currency exchange group implementations. A currency exchange group is a collection of currencies that use the same currency-conversion rules |
CRWExchangeGroupImpl | Abstract base class from which all exchange group implementation classes must derive. Implements the handle-body pattern in which RWExchangeGroup is the handle |
CRWExchangeImpl | The abstract base class from which all currency implementation classes must derive |
CRWExchangeRate | Encapsulates a source currency, a target currency, and a conversion factor, which is, by convention, a multiplicative conversion factor |
CRWExchangeRateTable | Stores exchange rates as unique pairs of source and target currencies |
CRWExternalErr | Exception class that reports errors caused by external sources over which the library has no control |
CRWExternalStreamException | Base class for the stream exceptions |
CRWFactory | Creates an instance of an RWCollectable object, given a class ID |
CRWFIFOMutexLock | Guarantees that blocking threads acquire the mutex in the same order that they called the acquire() member function |
CRWFile | Represents an abstraction of a filesystem regular file |
CRWFileErr | Exception class that reports the failure of file IO operations |
CRWFileManager | Allocates and deallocates storage in a disk file, much like a "freestore" manager |
CRWFileStat | Provides file statistical information in a portable manner |
CRWFilteredByteInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered binary input stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredByteOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered binary output stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredCharInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered narrow character input stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredCharOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered narrow character output stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredDataInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered data input stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered data output stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredUCharInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered UTF-16 character input stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredUCharOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered UTF-16 output stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredWCharInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered wide character input stream implementation classes |
CRWFilteredWCharOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the filtered wide character output stream implementation classes |
CRWFixedDecimal | Exact representation of a decimal fraction with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point, with automatic rounding to ensure correct number of decimal places |
CRWFromUTF8Converter | Converts char , RWCString or std::string UTF-8 values to UTF-16 |
CRWFtpAgent | Provides basic FTP file and directory access, handling more FTP protocol details than RWFtpClient, but without as much flexibility |
CRWFtpClient | Provides low-level access to the FTP client-side protocol |
CRWFtpDataReply | Specialization class of RWFtpReply containing an RWSocketPortal for data that is to be read from or written to the underlying socket |
CRWFtpPwdReply | A specialization class of RWFtpReply that attempts to parse the FTP protocol reply for the current directory information |
CRWFtpReply | The base class for all FTP protocol reply messages |
CRWFtpsClient | Provides low-level access to the FTPS (FTP with SSL) client-side protocol |
CRWFtpsDataReply | Specialization class of RWFtpsReply containing an RWPortal for data read from or written to the underlying socket |
CRWFtpsPwdReply | Specialization class of RWFtpsReply for parsing the FTP protocol reply for the current directory information |
CRWFtpsReply | The base class for all FTPS protocol reply messages |
CRWFunctor0 | Deprecated. Represents the group of functors that are invoked without any arguments and whose invocation returns no value |
CRWFunctor0Imp | Deprecated. Abstract base class for functor body classes that are invoked with no caller arguments and return no value |
CRWFunctorList0 | Deprecated. A sequence of functors whose invocation takes no arguments |
CRWGenFact | A templatized LU factorization class that holds the LU factorization of a general square matrix of type T |
CRWGenMat | A templatized general matrix class |
CRWGenMatConstIterator | The random access iterator for the RWGenMat collection class |
CRWGenMatIterator | The random access iterator for the RWGenMat collection class |
CRWGenMatIteratorBase | The base class for RWGenMat iterators |
CRWGPValueFunctor | Calculates the G statistic for a logistic model in comparison to the intercept-only model |
CRWHandleBase | Base class for all handle classes. Increments a reference count for each class instance that is bound to an instance of the RWBodyBase class |
CRWHashDictionary | Represents a group of unordered values, accessible by external keys |
CRWHashDictionaryConstIterator | Allows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashDictionary and, as a const iterator, does not change anything in the underlying data structure |
CRWHashDictionaryIterator | Allows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashDictionary |
CRWHashTable | A simple hash table for objects inheriting from RWCollectable. Uses chaining (as implemented by class RWSlistCollectables) to resolve hash collisions |
CRWHashTableConstIterator | Allows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashTable and, as a const iterator, it does not change anything in the underlying data structure |
CRWHashTableIterator | Allows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashTable |
CRWHermBandMat | Encapsulates a Hermitian banded matrix. A Hermitian banded matrix is Hermitian, and nonzero only near the diagonal |
CRWHermEigDecomp | Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix |
CRWHermEigServer | Abstract base class for the Hermitian eigenvalue server |
CRWHermFact | Encapsulates factorizations of Hermitian matrices |
CRWHermMat | Encapsulates a Hermitian matrix |
CRWHermPDQREigServer | The server for the positive definite QR method of computing eigenvalues |
CRWHermQREigServer | The default server for the QR method of computing eigenvalues |
CRWHermRangeEigServer | The Hermitian eigenvalue server class, allowing the computation of only the eigenvalues in a given range and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors |
CRWHermRFQREigServer | The server for the root-free QR method of computing eigenvalues |
CRWHermSomeEigServer | The Hermitian eigenvalue server class, allowing the computation of a subset of the eigenvalues and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors |
CRWHessEigServer | Encapsulates Hessenberg decomposition eigenvalue servers used to construct eigenvalue decomposition objects of type RWEigDecomp from Hessenberg decompositions |
CRWHessenbergDecomp | Encapsulates a Hessenberg decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation |
CRWHttpAgent | Provides a high-level interface for issuing common HTTP requests |
CRWHttpAuthorizationHeaderBase | Helper class that defines the header label and type for derived HTTP Authorization headers |
CRWHttpBasicAuthorizationHeader | Helper class that defines an Authorization header for Basic Access Authentication |
CRWHttpClient | Provides a low-level interface for communicating with an HTTP server |
CRWHttpClientManager | Provides a high-level interface for issuing HTTP requests using a cache of connected RWHttpClient instances |
CRWHttpConnectionError | Exception class thrown when the requested HTTP connection could not be established |
CRWHttpContentLengthHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP Content-Length entity header |
CRWHttpContentTypeHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP Content-Type header |
CRWHttpDate | Helper class to convert an RWDateTime instance to a date from a string and vice versa, conforming to the HTTP/1.1 specification |
CRWHttpDateHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP Date header |
CRWHttpEntityTag | Describes an HTTP entity tag |
CRWHttpEntityTagHeaderBase | Helper class that defines the basic formatting and structure of headers that take an entity tag as an argument |
CRWHttpFromHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP From header |
CRWHttpGenericHeader | Helper class that defines a generic HTTP header |
CRWHttpHandlerError | Exception class thrown when the handler function fails to process the entire body of a message passed to it |
CRWHttpHeaderBase | Abstract base class from which all HTTP header classes derive |
CRWHttpHeaderList | Stores and organizes a collection of RWHttpHeaderBase objects |
CRWHttpHeaderParseError | Exception class thrown when any portion of the HTTP header cannot be parsed due to non-conformance with the HTTP specification |
CRWHttpHostHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP Host header |
CRWHttpIfDateRangeHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP If-Range header with HTTP-date |
CRWHttpIfEntityTagRangeHeader | Helper class that defines the HTTP If-Range header with entity tag |
CRWHttpIfModifiedSinceHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP If-Modified-Since header |
CRWHttpInvalidBodyError | Exception class thrown when an invalid body is associated with a handle or the information provided to the body cannot be processed |
CRWHttpNoPendingRepliesError | Exception class thrown when a reply is requested but there are no pending RWHttpRequests |
CRWHttpRange | Helper class that describes a Byte Range for requesting a portion of a document |
CRWHttpRangeHeader | Helper class that defines an HTTP Range header |
CRWHttpRecursiveRedirectError | Exception class thrown if a redirect location is already in the list of visited locations |
CRWHttpReply | Encapsulates HTTP headers and a protocol reply |
CRWHttpReplyError | Exception class thrown if unexpected data is found in the reply to and HTTP request |
CRWHttpRequest | Encapsulates an entire HTTP request including the request line, header list, and request body |
CRWHttpRequestBody | Encapsulates reading an HTTP message body |
CRWHttpRequestError | Exception class thrown if data without a Content-Length is sent to a server with version less than HTTP/1.1 |
CRWHttpRequestStreamBody | Encapsulates reading an HTTP message body from an std::istream |
CRWHttpRequestStringBody | Encapsulates reading an HTTP message body from an RWCString |
CRWHttpsCertificateNameMismatch | Exception class indicating that the default name mismatch callback has been invoked |
CRWHttpsCertificateNameParseError | Exception class indicating that the default name check callback cannot extract the CommonName from an RWX509Certificate |
CRWHttpSocketClient | Handle class for parent RWHttpClient, providing implementation-specific details for HTTP clients |
CRWHttpsSecureSocketClient | Handle class for parent RWHttpClient, providing implementation-specific details for HTTPS clients |
CRWHttpsSecurityManager | Sets various parameters for the HTTPS package |
CRWHttpUserAgentHeader | Defines an HTTP User-Agent request header |
CRWIdentityDictionary | A hash table for key-value pairs. Items are found by requiring them to be identical |
CRWIdentitySet | Finds items that have the same address as the key |
CRWIncompleteStreamOperation | Reports errors due to an incomplete stream operation |
CRWInet6Addr | Encapsulates a complete IPv6 address |
CRWInet6AddrFactory | Used by RWSockAddrFactory to create instances of RWInet6Addr |
CRWInet6Host | Encapsulates an Internet host IPv6 address and its names |
CRWInet6Type | Constructs an RWSockType for an IPv6 address type |
CRWInetAddr | Encapsulates a complete Internet address that includes type information, a host, and a port |
CRWInetAddrFactory | Used by RWSockAddrFactory to create instances of RWInetAddr |
CRWInetHost | Encapsulates an Internet host IP address and its names |
CRWInetHostNotFoundError | Reports that an Internet host address lookup failed |
CRWInetPort | Encapsulates an Internet port and its service names |
CRWInetServiceNotFoundError | Reports that an internet service name lookup failed |
CRWInetType | Constructs an RWSockType for an Internet address type |
CRWInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the input stream implementation classes |
CRWInteger | Useful as a base class for classes that use integers as keys in dictionaries, and so forth |
CRWInternalErr | Exception class that reports errors that occur within the Essential Tools Module |
CRWInterval | A class template for describing an interval of values |
CRWIstreamDataFromCharInputStreamImp | Reads data in US-ASCII format from a narrow character stream |
CRWIsvDlink | Base class for an item in intrusive doubly-linked lists |
CRWIsvSlink | Base class for an item in intrusive singly-linked lists |
CRWIterator | Contains virtual functions for positioning and resetting the iterator |
CRWLeastSqCh | Represents a factorization of a system of equations with no exact solution such that the Cholesky method of least squares can be used |
CRWLeastSqQR | Represents a factorization of a system of equations with no exact solution such that the complete orthogonal factorization method of least squares can be used |
CRWLeastSqQRCalc | Calculates linear regression parameters using QR decomposition |
CRWLeastSqQRPvtCalc | Calculates linear regression parameters using QR decomposition with pivoting |
CRWLeastSqSV | Represents a factorization of a system of equations with no exact solution such that the singular value method of least squares can be used |
CRWLeastSqSVDCalc | Implements the calculation of linear regression parameters using singular value decomposition |
CRWLinearRegression | Constructs a linear regression model from a matrix of predictor variable data and a vector of observation variable data |
CRWLinearRegressionANOVA | Provides information on the variance of residual errors for a linear regression model |
CRWLinearRegressionFTest | Tests that the estimated parameters in a linear regression model are equal to a hypothesized vector of values |
CRWLinearRegressionParam | Models an estimated linear regression parameter using a T distribution |
CRWLinRegModelSelector | Encapsulates four different model selection algorithms for linear regression: forward, backward, stepwise, and exhaustive |
CRWLinRegressFStatistic | Function object that takes the data and parameters associated with a linear regression model and returns the F statistic for that model |
CRWLocale | Defines an interface that formats the conversion of strings to and from dates and times |
CRWLocaleSnapshot | Creates an snapshot of a locale by querying the program's environment to determine the formatting conventions in effect at the moment of instantiation |
CRWLogisticFitAnalysis | Calculates a number of goodness of fit quantities for a given RWLogisticRegression instance |
CRWLogisticIterLSQ | Calculates model parameter estimates from logistic regression data using the iterative least squares method |
CRWLogisticLevenbergMarquardt | Calculates model parameter estimates from logistic regression data using the Levenberg-Marquardt method |
CRWLogisticRegression | Performs basic logistic regression on a matrix of predictor variables and a vector of observations |
CRWLogisticRegressionParam | Container class for logistic regression parameter estimates and their associated statistical quantities |
CRWLogRegModelSelector | For a logistic regression model, selects a subset of predictor variables that accounts for the variation in the regression model's observation variable |
CRWLowerTriMat | Encapsulates lower triangular matrices, which are zero above the diagonal |
CRWMathArray | A templatized arbitrary dimension array class |
CRWMathArrayConstIterator | The random access iterator for the RWMathArray collection class |
CRWMathArrayIterator | The random access iterator for the RWMathArray collection class |
CRWMathArrayIteratorBase | A base class for RWMathArray iterators |
CRWMathVec | A templatized vector class |
CRWMathVecConstIterator | The const random access iterator for the RWMathVec collection class |
CRWMathVecIterator | The random access iterator for the RWMathVec collection class |
CRWMathVecIteratorBase | A base class for RWMathVec iterators |
CRWMathVecPick | Allows selected elements to be addressed in a vector, without creating a new view |
CRWMimeContentDescriptionHeader | Represents the Content-Description header of a MIME part |
CRWMimeContentDisposition | Represents the value of a Content-Disposition header of a MIME part |
CRWMimeContentDispositionHeader | Represents the Content-Disposition header of a MIME part |
CRWMimeContentIdHeader | Represents the Content-ID header of a MIME part |
CRWMimeContentLocationHeader | Represents the Content-Location header of a MIME part |
CRWMimeContentTransferEncodingHeader | Represents the Content-Transfer-Encoding header of a MIME part |
CRWMimeContentType | Represents the value of a MIME Content-Type header |
CRWMimeContentTypeHeader | Represents the Content-Type header of a MIME part |
CRWMimeError | Base class for the heirarchy of exceptions in the MIME package |
CRWMimeGenericHeader | Represents Internet Message Format headers other than the headers defined by MIME |
CRWMimeHeader | Base class for classes that represent message headers as defined in the Internet Message format specification (RFC 2822) |
CRWMimeMultipart | Represents a MIME part with the media type multipart |
CRWMimeMultipartRelatedType | Represents a Content-Type value with the media type multipart and the subtype related |
CRWMimeMultipartType | Represents a Content-Type value with the media type multipart |
CRWMimeParameter | Represents a parameter within the content of a MIME header |
CRWMimeParameterList | Contains a bounds-checked vector of RWMimeParameter objects |
CRWMimeParseError | Reports the failure to successfully parse a MIME header |
CRWMimePart | Represents a MIME part, with methods for manipulating the header list and setting the body of the part |
CRWMimeTextType | Represents a Content-Type value with the media type text |
CRWMimeUtils | Provides utility functions commonly needed by MIME applications |
CRWMimeVersionHeader | Represents the MIME-Version header of a MIME message |
CRWModel | Implements the "Model" leg of a Model-View-Controller architecture |
CRWModelClient | Implements the "View" leg of a Model-View-Controller architecture |
CRWMoney | Represents a specified amount of money in a specified currency |
CRWMoneyCalculator | Performs algebraic operations when the money operands in an equation are not of the same currency |
CRWMulticastSocket | Extends RWSocket to provide support for multicast UDP sockets |
CRWMultiIndex | An n-dimensional index class for traversing arrays of arbitrary dimension |
CRWMultiplicationExchange | Converts a source currency to a target currency by multiplying the amount of the source currency by the associated conversion factor |
CRWMultiplicationGroup | Represents a collection of currencies that have a common distinguishing characteristic for converting money from one currency to money of another currency |
CRWMultiPrecisionInt | Provides a very large number of bits of precision for representing decimals |
CRWMutexLock | Implements a mutex, or mutual exclusion lock |
CRWNativeDataFromByteInputStreamImp | Reads data in native format from a binary stream |
CRWNativeDataToByteOutputStreamImp | Writes data in native format to a binary stream |
CRWNetAlreadyRegisteredError | Reports an attempt to register multiple socket address factories for a socket address family |
CRWNetBuf | Network communication buffer class |
CRWNetCantCreatePortalError | Reports the inability to create a portal |
CRWNetCantRecvError | Reports the failure to receive data on a communication channel |
CRWNetCantSendError | Reports a failure to send data on a communications channel |
CRWNetInvalidSocketError | Reports use of an invalid RWSocket with rwSocketSelect() |
CRWNetNoChannelError | Reports an attempt to send or receive data on an RWPortal that is not bound to a communications channel |
CRWNetNoFactoryRegisteredError | Reports a request to produce a derived RWSockAddr for a socket family or name that is not registered with the factory |
CRWNetNoNameFactoryRegisteredError | Reports a request to produce a derived RWSockAddr for a socket family that is not registered with the factory |
CRWNetNoNumberFactoryRegisteredError | Reports a request to produce a derived RWSockAddr for a socket family that is not registered with the factory |
CRWNetNoSuchBlockingHookError | Deprecated. Reports an attempt to pass an unknown blocking hook to the RWWinSockInfo constructor |
CRWNetOperationTimeoutError | Reports the failure of a network operation to complete within the specified timeout period |
CRWNetSelectError | Reports the failure of a call to rwSocketSelect() |
CRWNetTimeoutNotImplementedError | Reports an attempt to use an unsupported timed operation |
CRWNetWinsockInitError | Reports the failure to initialize the requested version of the Windows Socket library, or a failure to successfully clean up the library |
CRWNGRef | Handles the case of a reference to an element that may have to be negated |
CRWNullMutexLock | Efficient stand-in for a mutual exclusion lock when synchronization is either unnecessary or not important |
CRWNumReply | Encapsulates a numerical protocol reply typical of many common Internet protocols |
CRWNumReplyLine | Encapsulates a single numerical protocol reply as defined by the FTP and SMTP protocols |
CRWObjectInputStream | Handle class for object input stream implementation classes |
CRWObjectInputStreamImp | Base class for all object input stream implementations |
CRWObjectOutputStream | Handle class for all the object output stream implementation classes |
CRWObjectOutputStreamImp | Base class for all object output stream implementations |
CRWOrdered | Represents a group of ordered items, accessible by an index number, but not accessible by an external key |
CRWOrderedConstIterator | Traverses the collection from the first to the last item |
CRWOrderedIterator | Traverses the collection from the first to the last item |
CRWOstreamDataToCharOutputStreamImp | Writes data in US-ASCII format to a narrow character stream |
CRWOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the output stream implementation classes |
CRWPCBufferBase | Base class for the family of classes that provide buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging data between cooperating threads |
CRWPDBandFact | Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDFact, and RWPDTriDiagFact |
CRWPDFact | Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDBandFact and RWPDTriDiagFact |
CRWPDTriDiagFact | Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDFact and RWPDBandFact |
CRWpistream | Specializes the abstract base class RWvistream to restore variables stored in a portable US-ASCII format by RWpostream |
CRWPop3Agent | Enables basic POP3 mail access, with more details of the POP3 protocol than the RWPop3Client class, but less flexibility |
CRWPop3Client | Enables low-level access to the POP3 client-side protocol |
CRWPop3ConnReply | Used to parse the POP3 protocol reply for the timestamp passed back by a server implementation supporting enhanced security features |
CRWPop3DataReply | Encapsulates an RWSocketPortal that receives the data portion of a message |
CRWPop3Reply | Encapsulates a general POP3 protocol reply and is the base class for specific POP3 replies |
CRWPop3StatReply | Used to parse additional reply data returned in response to the POP3 STAT command |
CRWPortal | An access point to a reliable byte stream communication channel |
CRWPortalImp | Abstract base class from which to create specialized portal types |
CRWpostream | Specializes the abstract base class RWvostream to store variables in a portable (printable) US-ASCII format |
CRWProtocolAgentError | An exception thrown when when a protocol-specific error (FTP, POP3, SMTP) occurs while processing a command in an Agent class |
CRWProtocolClientCmdSequenceError | An exception thrown when a protocol action (FTP, POP3, HTTP, SMTP) is used out of the sequence dictated by that protocol |
CRWProtocolClientError | An exception thrown when when a protocol-specific error (FTP, POP3, SMTP) occurs while processing a command in a Client class |
CRWQRCalc | Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix using the LAPACK functions xgeqpf (with pivoting) or xgeqrf (no pivoting) |
CRWQRCalcP3 | Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix using the LAPACK function xgeqp3 |
CRWQRDecomp | Used to construct and work with QR decompositions |
CRWQRDecompServer | Used to construct instances of the QR decomposition class, RWQRDecomp |
CRWRandGenBasicMLC | Abstract base class for classes that generate random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0,1] |
CRWRandGenerator | Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1] |
CRWRandGenMCG31M1 | Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1] |
CRWRandGenMCG59 | Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1] |
CRWRandGenMRG32K3A | Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1] |
CRWRandGenMTwist | Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1] |
CRWRandGenR250 | Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1] |
CRWRandInterface | Abstract base class for RWTRand |
CRWRange | Represents an index that can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays |
CRWReadersWriterLock | A synchronization lock that allows concurrent access to multiple readers, but limits access to a single writer |
CRWRegexErr | Exception class that reports errors from within RWTRegex |
CRWRegression | Abstract base class that defines the interface for the regression classes |
CRWRegressionCalc | Defines the interface for regression parameter calculation objects |
CRWRegressionDataChange | Base class for data change objects when adding predictor variables or observations to a parameter calculation |
CRWRegressionModelSelector | The base class for the model selection classes for linear or logistic regression |
CRWRemoveObservations | Holds information about removing observations from a parameter calculation |
CRWRemovePredictors | Holds information about the removal of predictor variables from a parameter calculation |
CRWReply | Abstract base class for all protocol replies |
CRWReplyError | An exception thrown when an RWReply (or derived class) is used in an invalid manner |
CRWReplySyntaxError | An exception thrown when the text or error number of a reply message does not adhere to the single numerical reply defined by the protocol being used |
CRWROCJRef | Handles a reference to a datum that may be read-only, or may need to be conjugated |
CRWRORef | Handles the case of potentially read-only access to data |
CRWRunnable | Handle class for a runnable object, i.e. one that controls an application's threads of execution |
CRWRunnableFunction | Handle class for functor-based, runnable objects |
CRWRunnableHandle | Base class from which all runnable object handles derive |
CRWRunnableSelf | Handle class for a runnable object |
CRWRunnableServer | Represents a runnable server for executing runnable objects |
CRWRunnableTrap | Waits for a number of runnables or threads to reach a certain execution state |
CRWSchurDecomp | Encapsulates a Schur decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation |
CRWSchurEigServer | Encapsulates Schur decomposition eigenvalue servers used to construct eigenvalue decomposition objects of type RWEigDecomp from Schur decompositions |
CRWScopeGuard0GImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for global or static member functions that take 0 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard0MImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for member functions that take 0 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard1GImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for global or static member functions that take 1 parameter |
CRWScopeGuard1MImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for member functions that take 1 parameter |
CRWScopeGuard2GImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for global or static member functions that take 2 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard2MImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for member functions that take 2 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard3GImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for global or static member functions that take 3 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard3MImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for member functions that take 3 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard4GImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for global or static member functions that take 4 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard4MImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for member functions that take 4 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard5GImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for global or static member functions that take 5 parameters |
CRWScopeGuard5MImp | Derived RWScopeGuardImp for member functions that take 5 parameters |
CRWScopeGuardImp | Base class for derived RWScopeGuardImp classes |
CRWSecureSocket | Represents a TCP socket using the SSL/TLS protocols for secure communication |
CRWSecureSocketBadMemoryReferenceError | Thrown when NULL is passed to a function that needs a valid pointer |
CRWSecureSocketContext | Represents an SSL/TLS context and is an adapter for the underlying cryptographic library's representation of a secure socket context |
CRWSecureSocketError | Thrown when a problem occurs while trying to use an RWSecureSocket |
CRWSecureSocketInvalidFileError | Thrown when a named file does not exist or is invalid |
CRWSecureSocketInvalidMethodError | Thrown when NULL is passed to the RWSecureSocketMethod constructor |
CRWSecureSocketInvalidSessionId | Thrown when a session ID that exceeds the maximum allowable length is set |
CRWSecureSocketInvalidSocketError | Thrown when an invalid socket is used |
CRWSecureSocketListener | Creates a secure socket listener, which waits on a user-defined socket address for incoming connections |
CRWSecureSocketMethod | Deprecated. Encapsulates the various TLS/SSL protocol versions. An instance of this class is required to construct an RWSecureSocketContext object |
CRWSecureSocketNoCallbackSpecifiedError | Thrown when an RWAsymmetricKey is constructed with encrypted key data but no RWPasswordCallback is provided to decrypt the key |
CRWSecureSocketNullCertificateError | Thrown when the library is unable to provide a valid certificate |
CRWSecureSocketPackageCleanupError | Thrown when RWSecureSocketPackageInit fails to cleanup the underlying cryptographic library |
CRWSecureSocketPackageInit | Handles the initialization and cleanup of the underlying cryptographic library |
CRWSecureSocketPackageInitError | Thrown when RWSecureSocketPackageInit fails to initialize the underlying cryptographic library |
CRWSecureSocketPackageNotInitializedError | Thrown when there is no valid RWSecureSocketPackageInit instance and an RWSecureSocketContext is constructed |
CRWSecureSocketPortal | An access point of a reliable byte stream communication channel that utilizes the SSL/TLS protocols for information security |
CRWSecureSocketRNGNotSeededError | Thrown when the application attempts to construct an RWSecureSocketContext without first initializing the random number generator or disabling seed checking |
CRWSecureSocketSelectError | Thrown when a problem occurs inside rwSecureSocketSelect() |
CRWSecureSocketSession | Represents a secure socket session and is used the client side of the SSL/TLS protocol for session reuse |
CRWSecureSocketShutdownError | Thrown when an attempt to shutdown the SSL/TLS connection fails |
CRWSecureSocketUnderlyingAllocationError | Thrown when the underlying library fails to allocate memory |
CRWSecureSocketUseCertificateError | Thrown when the provided RWX509Certificate cannot be set |
CRWSecureSocketUsePrivateKeyError | Thrown when the provided RWPrivateKey cannot be set or if the RWPrivateKey does not match the provided RWX509Certificate |
CRWSecureSocketVersionError | Thrown when a specified version number is not valid |
CRWSemaphore | A synchronization object that maintains a non-negative counter |
CRWSequenceable | Abstract base class for collections that can be accessed by an index |
CRWServerPool | Manages a pool of RWRunnableServer instances used to start runnable objects submitted for execution by other threads |
CRWSet | A group of unordered elements, not accessible by an external key, where duplicates are not allowed |
CRWSetConstIterator | Const iterator for class RWSet, to allow sequential access to all elements of RWSet |
CRWSetIterator | Iterator for class RWSet, allowing sequential access to all the elements of RWSet |
CRWSize_T | Encapsulates the simple type, size_t |
CRWSkewMat | Encapsulates skew symmetric matrices |
CRWSlice | Represents an index that can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays |
CRWSlistCollectables | Represents a group of ordered elements without keyed access, where duplicates are allowed |
CRWSlistCollectablesConstIterator | Const iterator for class RWSlistCollectables that traverses the linked-list from the first to last item |
CRWSlistCollectablesIterator | Iterator for class RWSlistCollectables. Traverses the linked-list from the first to last item |
CRWSlistCollectablesQueue | A restricted interface to class RWSlistCollectables in order to implement a first in first out (FIFO) queue |
CRWSlistCollectablesStack | A restricted interface to class RWSlistCollectables to implement a last in first out (LIFO) stack |
CRWSmtpAgent | Sends data to a server via the SMTP protocol |
CRWSmtpClient | Enables low-level access to the SMTP client-side protocol |
CRWSmtpDataReply | Encapsulates an RWSocketPortal that writes the body of a mail message |
CRWSmtpReply | Base class for all SMTP protocol reply messages |
CRWSnappyCompressor | Compressor adapter that compresses and decompresses data using the Google Snappy compression library |
CRWSockAddr | A proxy to a socket address |
CRWSockAddrBase | Interface class that represents a socket address |
CRWSockAddrFactory | Builds addresses of any registered type. Not intended for explicit use |
CRWSockAddrFactoryBase | Abstract class that builds socket addresses |
CRWSockBadAddressFormatError | Reports the inability to parse a string into a valid socket address |
CRWSocket | Wrapper for the C concept of a socket |
CRWSocketError | Reports an error on an RWSocket |
CRWSocketListener | Waits on a specified socket address for incoming connections |
CRWSocketPortal | Socket implementation of a portal |
CRWSocketPortalBase | Base class for all classes that wish to use the WhoShouldClose enumeration |
CRWSockType | A type of socket communications channel |
CRWSockTypeChangeError | Reports the attempt to change the type of a valid socket |
CRWSockWrongAddressTypeError | Reports the attempt to convert one derived RWSockAddr to some other RWSockAddr type |
CRWSortedVector | Represents a group of ordered items |
CRWSSLContextLoadVerifyLocationsError | Thrown when the provided verify locations file exists but cannot be loaded |
CRWSSLContextUnableToSetCipherListError | Thrown when the provided cypher list cannot be used by the underlying library |
CRWStandardCConstSubString | Alternate implementation of RWCConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined |
CRWStandardCString | Alternate implementation of RWCString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined |
CRWStandardCSubString | Alternate implementation of RWCSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined |
CRWStandardWConstSubString | Alternate implementation of RWWConstSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined |
CRWStandardWString | Alternate implementation of RWWString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined |
CRWStandardWSubString | Alternate implementation of RWWSubString when RW_COPY_ON_WRITE_STRING is not defined |
CRWStreamCoupler | Provides an automated mechanism for connecting an input stream to an output stream |
CRWStreamErr | Exception class that reports either no header or an invalid header in an RWeostream or RWeistream |
CRWStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the stream implementation classes |
CRWStringID | An identifier for RWCollectable instances |
CRWSVDCalc | Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix based on the LAPACK routine xgesvd |
CRWSVDDivConqCalc | Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix using divide-and-conquer |
CRWSVDecomp | Used to construct and work with singular value decompositions |
CRWSVServer | Used to construct instances of the singular value decomposition class, RWSVDecomp |
CRWSymBandMat | Encapsulates a symmetric band matrix |
CRWSymbol | Encapsulates a string name in a reference-counted handle-body pattern |
CRWSymEigDecomp | Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix |
CRWSymEigServer | Abstract base class for the symmetric eigenvalue server |
CRWSymFact | Encapsulates factorizations of symmetric matrices |
CRWSymMat | Represents a symmetric matrix |
CRWSymPDQREigServer | Server for the positive definite QR method of computing eigenvalues |
CRWSymQREigServer | Default server for the QR method of computing eigenvalues |
CRWSymRangeEigServer | Server for symmetric eigenvalues that allows the computation of only the eigenvalues in a given range and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors |
CRWSymRFQREigServer | Server for the root-free QR method of computing eigenvalues |
CRWSymSomeEigServer | Server for symmetric eigenvalues that allows the computation of a subset of the eigenvalues and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors |
CRWSynchObject | Base class for synchronization classes |
CRWSynchronizedByteInputStreamImp | Implementation of a simple lock stream that is used with a binary input stream |
CRWSynchronizedCharInputStreamImp | Implementation of a simple lock stream that is used with a narrow character input stream |
CRWSynchronizedDataInputStreamImp | Implementation of a simple lock stream that is used with a data input stream |
CRWSynchronizedDataOutputStreamImp | Implementation of a simple lock stream that can be used with a data output stream |
CRWSynchronizedUCharInputStreamImp | Implementation of a simple lock stream that can be used with a UTF-16 character input stream |
CRWSynchronizedWCharInputStreamImp | Implementation of a simple lock stream that can be used with a wide character input stream |
CRWTAtomic | Atomically manipulates an integral type |
CRWTAtomic< T * > | Atomically manipulates a pointer type |
CRWTBitVec | Parameterized bit vector of fixed length |
CRWTCountedPointer | A smart pointer handle to a reference-counting body |
CRWTCounter | Deprecated. Maintains a reference count |
CRWTCountingBody | Base class for classes that must maintain a reference count |
CRWTCountingPointer | Defines a reference-counted pointer that provides reference counting semantics for types that do not directly support reference counting |
CRWTEscrowHandle | Base class for RWTIOUResult and RWTIOUEscrow. Not intended for direct use |
CRWTEscrowImp | Base class for all concrete IOU escrow implementations. Not intended for direct use |
CRWTFunctor1 | Deprecated. A functor that is invoked with one argument, and whose invocation returns no value |
CRWTFunctor1Imp | Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with one argument and return no value |
CRWTFunctor2 | Deprecated. A functor that is invoked with two arguments, and whose invocation returns no value |
CRWTFunctor2Imp | Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with two caller arguments and whose invocation returns no value |
CRWTFunctor< R(As...)> | A generic function object |
CRWTFunctorList1 | Deprecated. A sequence of functors whose invocation takes one argument |
CRWTFunctorList2 | Deprecated. A sequence of functors whose invocation takes two arguments |
CRWTFunctorMap1 | Deprecated. A functor map that takes only one argument at invocation time and returns no value |
CRWTFunctorMap2 | Deprecated. A functor map that takes two arguments at invocation time and returns no value |
CRWTFunctorMapR1 | Deprecated. A functor map that takes only one argument at invocation time, and returns a value |
CRWTFunctorMapR2 | Deprecated. A functor map that takes two arguments at invocation time, and returns a value |
CRWTFunctorR0 | Deprecated. A functor that is invoked without any arguments and whose invocation returns a value |
CRWTFunctorR0Imp | Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that take no caller arguments at invocation time and return a value |
CRWTFunctorR1 | Deprecated. Represents the group of functors that are invoked with one argument, and whose invocation returns a value |
CRWTFunctorR1Imp | Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with one caller argument and return a value |
CRWTFunctorR2 | Deprecated. Represents the group of functors that are invoked with two arguments, and whose invocation returns a value |
CRWTFunctorR2Imp | Deprecated. Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with two arguments and return a value |
CRWTGuardBase | Base class for guard classes |
CRWTHash | Hash function object |
CRWTHash< bool > | Function object for hashing a bool |
CRWTHash< char > | Function object for hashing a char |
CRWTHash< double > | Function object for hashing a double |
CRWTHash< float > | Function object for hashing a float |
CRWTHash< int > | Function object for hashing an int |
CRWTHash< long > | Function object for hashing a long |
CRWTHash< long double > | Function object for hashing a long double |
CRWTHash< long long > | Function object for hashing a long long |
CRWTHash< RWBasicUString > | Function object for hashing an RWBasicUString |
CRWTHash< RWBitVec > | Function object for hashing an RWBitVec |
CRWTHash< RWCollectableDateTime > | Function object for hashing an RWCollectableDateTime |
CRWTHash< RWCollectableInt > | Function object for hashing an RWCollectableInt |
CRWTHash< RWCollectableString > | Function object for hashing an RWCollectableString |
CRWTHash< RWCollectableWString > | Function object for hashing an RWCollectableWString |
CRWTHash< RWCopyOnWriteCString > | Function object for hashing an RWCopyOnWriteCString |
CRWTHash< RWCopyOnWriteWString > | Function object for hashing an RWCopyOnWriteWString |
CRWTHash< RWCString > | Function object for hashing an RWCString |
CRWTHash< RWDate > | Function object for hashing an RWDate |
CRWTHash< RWDateTime > | Function object for hashing an RWDateTime |
CRWTHash< RWDBBlob > | Function object for hashing an RWDBBlob |
CRWTHash< RWDBDateTime > | Deprecated. Function object for hashing an RWDBDateTime |
CRWTHash< RWDBDuration > | Function object for hashing an RWDBDuration |
CRWTHash< RWDBMBString > | Function object for hashing an RWDBMBString |
CRWTHash< RWDBValue > | Function object for hashing an RWDBValue |
CRWTHash< RWDecimalPortable > | Function object for hashing an RWDecimalPortable |
CRWTHash< RWStringID > | Function object for hashing an RWStringID |
CRWTHash< RWThreadId > | Function object for hashing an RWThreadId |
CRWTHash< RWTimeTuple > | Function object for hashing an RWTimeTuple |
CRWTHash< RWTimeTupleOffset > | Function object for hashing an RWTimeTupleOffset |
CRWTHash< RWWString > | Function object for hashing an RWWString |
CRWTHash< short > | Function object for hashing a short |
CRWTHash< signed char > | Function object for hashing a signed char |
CRWTHash< T * > | Function object for hashing a pointer type |
CRWTHash< unsigned char > | Function object for hashing an unsigned char |
CRWTHash< unsigned int > | Function object for hashing an unsigned int |
CRWTHash< unsigned long > | Function object for hashing an unsigned long |
CRWTHash< unsigned long long > | Function object for hashing an unsigned long long |
CRWTHash< unsigned short > | Function object for hashing an unsigned short |
CRWTHash< wchar_t > | Function object for hashing a wchar_t |
CRWTHRBoundsError | Exception thrown when a specified value is invalid or outside the current legal range |
CRWTHRClosedException | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to close an already-closed buffer |
CRWThread | Handle class for a threaded runnable object |
CRWThreadAttribute | Encapsulates a set of attributes that define or control thread scheduling and stack allocation |
CRWThreadFunction | Handle class for functor-based threaded runnable objects |
CRWThreadId | A wrapper for platform-specific thread IDs |
CRWThreadManager | Attempts orderly thread shutdown at process exit |
CRWThreadPool | Manages a pool of RWThread instances used to execute work encapsulated as RWTFunctor<void()> functors |
CRWThreadSelf | Handle class for a threaded runnable object |
CRWTHREscrowAlreadyClosed | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to close an already-closed IOU |
CRWTHRExternalError | Exception thrown for errors caused by external sources over which the library has no control |
CRWTHRIllegalAccess | Exception thrown when an external or internal thread attempts to use a thread object member to which it lacks access |
CRWTHRIllegalUsage | Exception thrown when a thread attempts to access a function, method, or value for which it lacks access |
CRWTHRInternalError | Exception thrown to report errors that occur within the Threads Module |
CRWTHRInvalidPointer | Exception thrown by pointer classes for attempts to deference a pointer that is not pointing to anything |
CRWTHROperationAborted | Exception thrown when a requested operation, or its associated object, has been aborted |
CRWTHROperationCanceled | Exception thrown when an operation is attempted on a canceled thread |
CRWTHROperationNotAvailable | Exception thrown if an operation or attribute is not available in the current environment |
CRWTHROperationNotImplemented | Exception thrown when the requested operation has not been implemented |
CRWTHROperationNotSupported | Exception thrown if the operation or attribute is not supported in the current environment |
CRWTHROperationTerminated | Exception thrown when an operation or its associated object has been terminated |
CRWTHRPermissionError | Exception thrown when the caller does not have appropriate permissions |
CRWTHRResourceLimit | Exception thrown when an operation cannot be performed due to memory or system resource constraints |
CRWTHRThreadActive | Exception thrown when an attempt is made to start, resume, or release an active runnable or thread |
CRWTHRThreadNotActive | Exception thrown by thread object members that require an active thread when none exists |
CRWTHRxmsg | Base class for thread-compatible exceptions |
CRWTime | Deprecated. Represents a time, stored as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 January 1, 1901 GMT |
CRWTimedPortal | Provides timed send() and recv() calls |
CRWTimer | Measures two types of time, system and user time, both of which can be reported as cumulative if desired |
CRWTimeTuple | Represents a date and time stored as a named tuple of each component |
CRWTimeTupleFormatter | Formats a RWTimeTuple based on a user-defined format |
CRWTimeTupleOffset | Represents a date, time and time zone offset stored as a named tuple of each component |
CRWTimeTupleOffsetFormatter | Formats a RWTimeTupleOffset based on a user-defined format |
CRWTInputStreamBufferImp | Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of input stream |
CRWTInputStreamLockImp | Implements a simple lock stream that can be used with any kind of input stream |
CRWTInsertProxy | Proxy object for inserting objects with an instance name into object streams |
CRWTIOUEscrow | A writable IOU handle |
CRWTIOUResult | A readable IOU handle |
CRWTIOUTrap | Waits for the next IOU in a group of IOUs to become redeemable |
CRWTIsvDlist | Implements intrusive doubly-linked lists |
CRWTIsvDlistIterator | Iterator for class RWTIsvDlist |
CRWTIsvSlist | Implements intrusive singly-linked lists |
CRWTIsvSlistIterator | Iterator for class RWTIsvSlist |
CRWTLockGuard | A guard that acquires its resource upon creation and releases it upon destruction |
CRWTLockGuardBase | Base class for guard classes that acquire their resource upon creation and release it upon destruction |
CRWTMonitor | Supplies the mutual exclusion and guard mechanisms for synchronizing member functions |
CRWToEnd | Represents an index that can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays from a given element to the end |
CRWTOnlyPointer | Simplifies the use of pointers that refer to objects on the heap, automatically destroying the object when the pointer object is itself destroyed |
CRWToUTF8Converter | Converts UTF-16 values to UTF-8 |
CRWTOutputStreamBufferImp | Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of output stream |
CRWTOutputStreamLockImp | Implements a simple lock stream that can be used with any kind of output stream |
CRWTParsedTransformInputStreamImp | Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of input stream |
CRWTParsedTransformObjectInputStreamImp | Constructs an XML input stream that applies a generic transformation to the XML document before reading it from the source |
CRWTParsedTransformObjectOutputStreamImp | Constructs an XML stream that includes a generic transformation of the XML document before writing it out to the sink |
CRWTParsedTransformOutputStreamImp | Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of output stream |
CRWTPCPtrBufferBase | Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging pointer values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCPtrQueue | First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue with producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging pointer values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCPtrStack | Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging pointer values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValBufferBase | Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValBufferBaseDecorated | Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging decorated values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValBufferBaseGuarded | Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValBufferBaseGuardedPrioritized | Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded and prioritized values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValBufferBasePrioritized | Base class that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging prioritized values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValQueue | First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValQueueGuarded | First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValQueueGuardedPrioritized | First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded and prioritized values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValQueuePrioritized | First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging prioritized values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValStack | Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValStackGuarded | Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValStackGuardedPrioritized | Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded and prioritized values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPCValStackPrioritized | Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging prioritized values between cooperating threads |
CRWTPointer | Base class for smart-pointer classes |
CRWTPortalIStream | Provides a std::basic_istream that uses an RWPortal as its source of bytes |
CRWTPortalOStream | Provides a std::basic_ostream that uses an RWPortal as its sink of bytes |
CRWTPortalStream | Provides a std::basic_iostream that uses an RWPortal as its source and sink of bytes |
CRWTPortalStreamBase | Base class that includes functions common to derived portal stream classes |
CRWTPortalStreambuf | Streambuf that uses an RWPortal as its source and sink of bytes |
CRWTPtrDeque | A pointer-based collection of values, implemented as a double-ended queue, or deque |
CRWTPtrDlist | A pointer-based collection of values, implemented as a doubly-linked list |
CRWTPtrDlistConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrDlist |
CRWTPtrDlistIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrDlist |
CRWTPtrForwardList | A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list |
CRWTPtrHashMap | A hash-based associative container of pointer types |
CRWTPtrHashMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMap |
CRWTPtrHashMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMap |
CRWTPtrHashMultiMap | A hash-based associative container of pointer types, which allows duplicate keys |
CRWTPtrHashMultiMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap |
CRWTPtrHashMultiMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap |
CRWTPtrHashMultiSet | A pointer-based collection of values stored according to a hash object, which allows duplicate values |
CRWTPtrHashMultiSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet |
CRWTPtrHashMultiSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet |
CRWTPtrHashSet | A hash-based container for pointer types |
CRWTPtrHashSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashSet |
CRWTPtrHashSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashSet |
CRWTPtrMap | A pointer-based collection of associations ordered according to a comparison object |
CRWTPtrMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMap |
CRWTPtrMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMap |
CRWTPtrMultiMap | A pointer-based collection of associations ordered according to a comparison object, and allowing duplicate keys |
CRWTPtrMultiMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMultiMap |
CRWTPtrMultiMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMultiMap |
CRWTPtrMultiSet | A pointer-based collection of values ordered according to a comparison object, and allowing duplicate values |
CRWTPtrMultiSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMultiSet |
CRWTPtrMultiSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMultiSet |
CRWTPtrOrderedHashMap | Maintains a collection of key pointers, each with an associated item of pointer type stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order |
CRWTPtrOrderedHashMultiMap | Maintains a collection of key pointers, each with an associated item of pointer type stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order. Allows duplicate keys |
CRWTPtrOrderedHashMultiSet | Maintains a hash-based collection of class T pointer elements, in which there may be many equivalent instances of an element and the key insertion order is preserved |
CRWTPtrOrderedHashSet | Maintains a hash-based collection of class T pointer elements, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of equivalent element instances and the key insertion order is preserved |
CRWTPtrOrderedVector | A pointer-based collection of values implemented as an ordered vector |
CRWTPtrSet | A pointer-based collection of values ordered according to a comparison object |
CRWTPtrSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSet |
CRWTPtrSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSet |
CRWTPtrSlist | A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list |
CRWTPtrSlistConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSlist |
CRWTPtrSlistIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSlist |
CRWTPtrSortedDlist | A sorted pointer-based collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list |
CRWTPtrSortedDlistConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSortedDlist |
CRWTPtrSortedDlistIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSortedDlist |
CRWTPtrSortedVector | A pointer-based collection of values sorted according to a comparison object and implemented as a vector |
CRWTPtrVector | A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a vector |
CRWTQueue | A queue of templatized objects that supports user-specified containers |
CRWTraceClientAlreadyAdded | Trace exception thrown when an attempt is made to add a client that has already been added |
CRWTraceClientAlreadyConnected | Trace exception thrown when an attempt is made to connect to a client that is already connected |
CRWTraceClientNotConnected | Trace exception thrown when a trace operation is attempted on a client is not yet connected |
CRWTraceEventClient | A handle class for trace event client implementations |
CRWTraceEventClientImp | A body class for trace event client implementations |
CRWTraceEventFilter | A handle class for trace event filter implementations |
CRWTraceEventFilterImp | A body class for trace event filter implementations |
CRWTraceInvalidClient | Trace exception thrown when an operation is attempted on a client that is not valid |
CRWTraceInvalidPointer | Trace exception thrown when the client is not connected to a valid body |
CRWTraceLevelFilter | A handle class for a single-client filter that lets events only of the supplied severity level or higher to pass through |
CRWTraceLevelFilterImp | A body class for trace level filter implementations |
CRWTraceManager | The handle to a singleton trace event manager implementation |
CRWTraceMultiClientFilter | A handle class for a trace event filter that accepts multiple clients |
CRWTraceMultiClientFilterImp | A body class for trace event filters that accept multiple clients |
CRWTraceOstreamClient | A handle class for a trace event client that sends all events to an std::ostream |
CRWTraceOstreamClientImp | A body class for clients that send all trace events to an std::ostream |
CRWTraceSingleClientFilter | A handle class for a trace event filter that accepts only one client |
CRWTraceSingleClientFilterImp | A body class for a trace level filter that accepts only one client |
CRWTRand | Abstract base class from which the random number generator classes derive |
CRWTRandBinomial | Used to generate random numbers from a binomial distribution |
CRWTRandExponential | Used to generate random numbers from an exponential distribution |
CRWTRandGamma | Used to generate random numbers from a gamma distribution |
CRWTRandNormal | Used to generate random numbers from a normal distribution |
CRWTRandPoisson | Used to generate random numbers from a Poisson distribution |
CRWTRandUniform | Used to generate random numbers from a uniform distribution in an interval [a, b] |
CRWTReadGuardBase | Base class for guard classes that support read access to a given section of code |
CRWTReadLockGuard | A guard class that acquires read access to its resource upon creation and releases it upon destruction |
CRWTReadLockGuardBase | Base class for guard classes that acquire read access to a resource upon creation and release it upon destruction |
CRWTReadUnlockGuard | A guard class that releases its resource upon creation and acquires read access to its resource upon destruction |
CRWTRecursiveLock | Supports recursive acquisition of a mutex |
CRWTReferenceWrapper | Stores a reference to an object |
CRWTRegex | Supports regular expression matching based on the POSIX.2 standard and supports both narrow and wide characters |
CRWTRegexMatchIterator | Iterates over matches found using RWTRegex |
CRWTRegexResult | Encapsulates the results from a search using RWTRegex |
CRWTRegexTraits | Defines static, inline methods for returning specific regular expression character values |
CRWTRegularExpression | Deprecated. Provides extended regular expression matching similar to that found in lex and awk |
CRWTResultOf | Determines the return type of T |
CRWTriangularExchange | Converts between local currencies that are part of the European Monetary Union (EMU) |
CRWTriDiagDecomp | Encapsulates the tridiagonal decomposition of a symmetric matrix |
CRWTriDiagFact | Encapsulates factorizations of tridiagonal matrices |
CRWTriDiagMat | Encapsulates tridiagonal matrices |
CRWTRunnableIOUFunction | Handle class for functor-based runnable objects |
CRWTSingleton | Ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it |
CRWTSocketAttribute | Represents a set of attributes on a socket |
CRWTStack | Maintains a stack of values |
CRWTStreambufFromByteCharInputStream | Adaptor class to adapt the iostreams std::streambuf interface to the Rogue Wave binary and narrow character Input Stream interfaces |
CRWTStreambufToByteCharOutputStream | Adaptor class to adapt the iostreams std::streambuf interface to the Rogue Wave binary and narrow character Output Stream interfaces |
CRWTStreamGuardImp | A simple guard stream that can be used with any kind of input/output stream |
CRWTTHRCompatibleException | Template class for creating a thread-compatible exception from an existing exception class |
CRWTThreadEscrowImp | Multithread-safe implementation of RWTEscrowImp |
CRWTThreadIOUFunction | Handle class for functor-based threaded runnable objects |
CRWTThreadLocal | Provides thread-local storage with simple by-value semantics |
CRWTTransformInputStreamImp | Implements a buffered char or byte input character stream that includes a transformation |
CRWTTransformObjectInputStreamImp | Constructs an XML input stream that applies a generic transformation to the XML document before reading it from the source |
CRWTTransformObjectOutputStreamImp | Constructs an XML stream that applies a generic transformation to the XML document before writing it out to the sink |
CRWTTransformOutputStreamImp | Implements a buffered char or byte output stream that includes a transformation |
CRWTTryLockGuard | Guard class that tries to acquire its resource upon creation and release it upon destruction |
CRWTTryReadLockGuard | Guard class that tries to acquire read access on its resource upon creation and release it upon destruction |
CRWTTryWriteLockGuard | Guard class that tries to acquire write access on its resource upon creation and release it upon destruction |
CRWTUnlockGuard | Guard class that releases its resource upon creation and acquires it upon destruction |
CRWTValDeque | Collection of values implemented as a double-ended queue, or deque |
CRWTValDlist | Maintains a collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list |
CRWTValDlistConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValDlist |
CRWTValDlistIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValDlist |
CRWTValForwardList | Maintains a collection of some type T implemented as a singly-linked, forward-iteration-only list |
CRWTValHashMap | Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object |
CRWTValHashMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMap |
CRWTValHashMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMap |
CRWTValHashMultiMap | Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object |
CRWTValHashMultiMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap |
CRWTValHashMultiMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap |
CRWTValHashMultiSet | Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object, and with multiple equivalent values allowed |
CRWTValHashMultiSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet |
CRWTValHashMultiSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet |
CRWTValHashSet | Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object |
CRWTValHashSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashSet |
CRWTValHashSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashSet |
CRWTValMap | Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item and ordered according to a comparison object |
CRWTValMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValMap |
CRWTValMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValMap |
CRWTValMultiMap | Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item and ordered according to a comparison object |
CRWTValMultiMapConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValMultiMap |
CRWTValMultiMapIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValMultiMap |
CRWTValMultiSet | Maintains a collection of values ordered according to a comparison object |
CRWTValMultiSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValMultiSet |
CRWTValMultiSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValMultiSet |
CRWTValOrderedHashMap | Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order |
CRWTValOrderedHashMultiMap | Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order. Allows duplicate keys |
CRWTValOrderedHashMultiSet | Maintains a hash-based collection of class T elements, in which there may be many equivalent instances of an element and the key insertion order is preserved |
CRWTValOrderedHashSet | Maintains a hash-based collection of class T elements, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of equivalent element instances and the key insertion order is preserved |
CRWTValOrderedVector | Maintains a collection of values implemented as a vector |
CRWTValOrderedVector< bool, A > | Maintains a collection of boolean values implemented as a vector |
CRWTValSet | Maintains a collection of values ordered according to a comparison object |
CRWTValSetConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValSet |
CRWTValSetIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValSet |
CRWTValSlist | Maintains a collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list |
CRWTValSlistConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValSlist |
CRWTValSlistIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValSlist |
CRWTValSortedDlist | Maintains a sorted collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list |
CRWTValSortedDlistConstIterator | Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValSortedDlist |
CRWTValSortedDlistIterator | Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValSortedDlist |
CRWTValSortedVector | Maintains a sorted collection of values implemented as a vector |
CRWTValSortedVector< bool, C, A > | Maintains a sorted collection of boolean values implemented as a vector |
CRWTValVector | A value-based collection of values implemented as a vector |
CRWTValVirtualArray | Deprecated. A virtual array of templatized objects |
CRWTWriteGuardBase | A base class for guard classes that support write access to a given section of code |
CRWTWriteLockGuard | A guard class that acquires write access to its resource upon creation and releases it upon destruction |
CRWTWriteLockGuardBase | A base class for guard classes that acquire write access to a resource upon creation and release it upon destruction |
CRWTWriteUnlockGuard | A guard class that releases its resource upon creation and acquires read access to its resource upon destruction |
CRWTXmlTraits< char > | Provides character and string values required by the RWTParsedXXX transformation classes |
CRWUAvailableEncodingList | Constructs iterators that provide access to the current list of encoding names |
CRWUAvailableEncodingListIterator | Provides a C++ Standard Library-compatible random-access iterator for class RWUAvailableEncodingList |
CRWUAvailableLocaleList | Constructs iterators that provide access to the current list of locale names |
CRWUAvailableLocaleListIterator | Provides a C++ Standard Library-compatible random-access iterator for class RWUAvailableLocaleList |
CRWUBreakSearch | Finds the locations of breaks, or potential breaks, in text for a specified locale |
CRWUCharArrayOutputStream | Handle class for Unicode character output streams that support an extended interface |
CRWUCharArrayOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for Unicode character output streams that support an extended interface |
CRWUCharFromByteInputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to an input binary stream |
CRWUCharFromUTF8ByteInputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to a UTF-8 binary stream |
CRWUCharInputStream | Handle class for all the UTF-16 character input stream implementation classes |
CRWUCharInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the Unicode character input stream implementation classes |
CRWUCharOutputStream | Handle class for the Unicode character output stream implementation classes |
CRWUCharOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for the Unicode output stream implementation classes |
CRWUCharToByteOutputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to an output binary stream |
CRWUCharToUTF8ByteOutputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to a UTF-8 output binary stream |
CRWUCharTraits | Provides methods for querying the properties of Unicode characters |
CRWUCollationKey | Stores preprocessed comparison information for a Unicode string to speed repeated string comparisons |
CRWUCollator | Performs locale-sensitive string comparison for use in searching and sorting natural language text |
CRWUConstStringIterator | Provides read-only access to the code points encoded by the code units within an RWBasicUString |
CRWUConstSubString | Provides read-only access to a range of code units within a referenced RWUString |
CRWUConversionContext | Specifies the default character encoding scheme for conversions between narrow character strings and UTF-16 strings |
CRWUConverterBase | Base class that converts to and from Unicode |
CRWUEncodingAliasList | Constructs iterators to access the list of encoding aliases associated with a given encoding |
CRWUEncodingAliasListIterator | A C++ Standard Library-compatible random-access iterator for class RWUEncodingAliasList |
CRWUEncodingNameStandardList | Constructs iterators for accessing the list of encoding name standards (such as MIME or IANA) used by the Internationalization Module |
CRWUEncodingNameStandardListIterator | A C++ Standard Library-compatible random-access iterator for class RWUEncodingNameStandardList |
CRWUException | Exception class thrown by many methods in the Internationalization Module |
CRWUFromUnicodeConversionContext | Specifies the character encoding scheme to use for default conversions from UTF-16 strings into another encoding |
►CRWUFromUnicodeConverter | Converts text from UTF-16 to various byte-oriented standard character encoding schemes |
CRWUInit | Initializes and cleans up ICU resources |
CRWUIsoCountryList | Constructs iterators to access the static list of ISO 3166 country codes recognized by the Internationalization Module |
CRWUIsoLanguageList | Constructs iterators to access the static list of ISO 639 language codes recognized by the Internationalization Module |
CRWULocale | Defines a specific language, country, and variant |
CRWUnableToReadCertificateError | Thrown when an RWX509Certificate could not be created from the provided data |
CRWUnableToReadPrivateKeyError | Thrown when an RWAsymmetricKey could not be created from the provided data |
CRWUNormalizer | Converts a string into a particular normalized Unicode form, and detects whether a string is already in a particular form |
CRWUpperTriMat | Encapsulates upper triangular matrices, which are 0 above the diagonal |
CRWURegexMatchIterator | Iterates over matches found for a Unicode regular expression pattern |
CRWURegexResult | Stores Unicode regular expression match results |
CRWURegularExpression | Represents a regular expression with Unicode extensions |
CRWUResourceBundle | Provides a way to store and access locale-dependent data |
CRWURL | A convenience class that encapsulates parsing and component management of URL information |
CRWURLError | An exception not currently used. It remains reserved for potential future use |
►CRWUString | Stores and manipulates Unicode character sequences encoded as UTF-16 code units |
►CRWUStringIterator | Bidirectional iterator that provides read-write access to the code points encoded by the code units within an RWUString |
CRWUStringSearch | Searches text for occurrences of a specified Unicode string |
CRWUSubString | Provides read-write access to a range of code units within a referenced RWUString |
CRWUTF8Helper | Provides common functionality used to encode and decode UTF-8 sequences |
CRWUTokenizer | Finds delimiters in Unicode source strings, and provides sequential access to the tokens between those delimiters |
CRWUToUnicodeConversionContext | Specifies the default character encoding scheme to use for subsequent implicit conversions from narrow character strings to UTF-16 encoded Unicode strings |
►CRWUToUnicodeConverter | Provides unidirectional text conversion from strings in various encodings to UTF-16-encoded RWUString instances |
CRWVecView | A base class for mathematical vector classes |
CRWvios | Abstract base class defining an interface similar to std::ios, but without a required association with std::streambuf |
CRWVirtualPageHeap | Deprecated. Abstract base class representing an abstract page heap of fixed-sized pages |
CRWvistream | Abstract base class providing an interface for format-independent retrieval of fundamental types and fundamental-type arrays |
CRWvistreamFromDataInputStream | Adaptor class that adapts the Rogue Wave virtual stream interface to the Rogue Wave data input stream interface |
CRWvistreamIterator | Input iterator that reads successive elements from the input stream for which it was constructed |
CRWvostream | Abstract base class that provides an interface for format-dependent storage of fundamental types and fundamental-type arrays |
CRWvostreamIterator | Writes successive elements onto the output stream from which it was constructed |
CRWvostreamToDataOutputStream | Adaptor class that adapts the Rogue Wave virtual stream interface to the Rogue Wave data output stream interface |
CRWWCharArrayOutputStream | Handle class for wide character output streams that support an extended interface, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a wide character array |
CRWWCharArrayOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for wide character output streams that support an extended interface, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a wide character array |
CRWWCharFromWStreambufInputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a wide character stream to an iostreams wide character buffer |
CRWWCharInputStream | Handle class for all the wide character input stream implementation classes |
CRWWCharInputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the wide character input stream implementation classes |
CRWWCharOutputStream | Handle class for all the wide character output stream implementation classes |
CRWWCharOutputStreamImp | Abstract base class for all the wide character output stream implementation classes |
CRWWCharToWStreambufOutputStreamImp | Concrete class connecting a wide character stream to an iostreams wide character buffer |
CRWWConstSubString | Allows some subsection of an RWWString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent |
CRWWinSockInfo | Initializes the Winsock DLL on Windows platforms |
CRWWithObjectInputContext | Represents a guard object that opens and closes a context within a lexical scope for input streams |
CRWWithObjectOutputContext | Represents a guard object that opens and closes a context within a lexical scope for output streams |
CRWWString | Offers powerful and convenient facilities for manipulating wide character strings |
CRWWSubString | Allows some subsection of an RWWString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent |
CRWWTokenizer | Breaks up a string into separate tokens, delimited by arbitrary whitespace. Can be used as an alternative to the C++ Standard Library function std::wcstok() |
CRWX509Certificate | Adapter class for the cryptographic library's representation of an X.509 certificate |
CRWxalloc | Exception class that reports buffer allocation errors |
CRWXDRistream | A portable input stream based on XDR routines |
CRWXDRostream | A portable output stream based on XDR routines |
CRWXmlObjectInputStreamImp | Reads and restores objects encoded in XML from the supplied RWDataInputStream |
CRWXmlObjectOutputStreamImp | Serializes one or more objects as an XML-formatted data stream and passes the stream to a supplied RWDataOutputStream |
CRWXmlObjectStreamCommon | Base class shared by XML object input and output streams |
CRWXmlStreamElement | An XML element abstraction for implementing efficient C++ transformations |
CRWxmsg | Base class for the hierarchy of exceptions in the Essential Tools Module |
CRWZone | Abstract base class defining an interface to describe time zones |
CRWZoneSimple | A basic, concrete time zone implementation of the abstract class RWZone, based on the Daylight Saving Time (DST) rules defined in struct RWDaylightRule |
Copyright © 2020 Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |