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RWMimeMultipartType Class Reference

Represents a Content-Type value with the media type multipart. More...

#include <rw/mime/RWMimeMultipartType.h>

Inheritance diagram for RWMimeMultipartType:
RWMimeContentType RWHandleBase RWMimeMultipartRelatedType

Public Member Functions

 RWMimeMultipartType (void)
 RWMimeMultipartType (const RWCString &subType, const RWCString &boundary="")
 RWMimeMultipartType (const RWMimeMultipartType &second)
 RWMimeMultipartType (const RWMimeContentType &second)
virtual ~RWMimeMultipartType (void)
RWCString getBoundary (void) const
RWMimeMultipartTypeoperator= (const RWMimeMultipartType &second)
void setBoundary (const RWCString &boundary)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RWMimeContentType
 RWMimeContentType (void)
 RWMimeContentType (const RWCString &mediaType, const RWCString &subType, const RWMimeParameterList &parameters=RWMimeParameterList())
 RWMimeContentType (const RWMimeContentType &second)
virtual ~RWMimeContentType (void)
RWCString asString (void) const
size_t findParameter (const RWCString &name, size_t start=0) const
void fromString (const RWCString &contentType)
RWCString getMediaType (void) const
RWMimeParameter getParameter (size_t i) const
size_t getParameterCount (void) const
RWCString getParameterValue (const RWCString &name, size_t start=0) const
RWCString getSubType (void) const
void insertParameter (const RWMimeParameter &parameter)
RWMimeContentTypeoperator= (const RWMimeContentType &second)
void removeAllParameters (void)
void removeParameter (size_t position)
void setParameterValue (const RWCString &name, const RWCString &value, size_t start=0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from RWHandleBase
bool isValid (void) const
bool operator!= (const RWHandleBase &second) const
bool operator< (const RWHandleBase &second) const
bool operator== (const RWHandleBase &second) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool checkType (const RWCString &mediaType, const RWCString &subType) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RWMimeContentType
RWMimeContentTypeImp & body (void) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RWHandleBase
 RWHandleBase (void)
 RWHandleBase (RWStaticCtor)
 RWHandleBase (RWBodyBase *body)
 RWHandleBase (const RWHandleBase &second)
 ~RWHandleBase (void)
RWBodyBasebody (void) const
RWHandleBaseoperator= (const RWHandleBase &second)

Detailed Description

RWMimeMultipartType represents a Content-Type value with the media type multipart. As the name implies, the body of a multipart MIME part contains other MIME parts. The MIME specification requires that the header for a multipart Content-Type header contain a boundary parameter. The value of that parameter forms the boundary between the contained parts. For example, the message below specifies a multipart/alternative Content-Type with the boundary uniquestring.

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=uniquestring
From: Rudi Marquez <>
To: Andy Roture <>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 08:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: A multipart/alternative message
Preamble text.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
The message (in plain text).
Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII
The message (in bold HTML text).

This class inherits general purpose functions for working with a parameter list and provides convenience functions for working with the boundary parameter.

An instance of this class is a handle to a private, reference-counted body.

RWMimeMultipartType conforms to the multipart Content-Type header requirements specified in RFC 2046, section 5.1 (p. 12).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RWMimeMultipartType::RWMimeMultipartType ( void  )

Default constructor. Constructs a multipart Content-Type value with the subtype "mixed". The value contains a boundary parameter with a boundary created by RWMimeUtils::getUniqueBoundary().

RWMimeMultipartType::RWMimeMultipartType ( const RWCString subType,
const RWCString boundary = "" 

Constructs a multipart Content-Type value with the subtype subType. The value contains a boundary parameter with the value boundary. If no boundary is provided, a boundary value is created using RWMimeUtils::getUniqueBoundary(). The RWCString should contain 7-bit US-ASCII data.

RWMimeMultipartType::RWMimeMultipartType ( const RWMimeMultipartType second)

Copy constructor. Constructs a new handle to the body second refers to.

RWMimeMultipartType::RWMimeMultipartType ( const RWMimeContentType second)

Conversion constructor. Constructs a new handle to the body second refers to. Throws RWMimeError if the media type of second is not "multipart".

virtual RWMimeMultipartType::~RWMimeMultipartType ( void  )


Member Function Documentation

virtual bool RWMimeMultipartType::checkType ( const RWCString mediaType,
const RWCString subType 
) const

Returns true if mediaType is "multipart". The RWCString should contain 7-bit US-ASCII data.

Reimplemented from RWMimeContentType.

Reimplemented in RWMimeMultipartRelatedType.

RWCString RWMimeMultipartType::getBoundary ( void  ) const

Returns the value of self's boundary parameter, or an empty string if self does not contain a boundary parameter. The RWCString should contain 7-bit US-ASCII data.

RWMimeMultipartType& RWMimeMultipartType::operator= ( const RWMimeMultipartType second)

Assignment operator. Makes self a handle identical to second.

void RWMimeMultipartType::setBoundary ( const RWCString boundary)

Sets the value of self's boundary parameter. The RWCString should contain 7-bit US-ASCII data.

The RWMimeUtils::getUniqueBoundary() function generates boundary strings.

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