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RWDBSystemHandle Class Reference

Base class for database-specific classes that provide direct access to the database API. More...

#include <rw/db/syshandl.h>

Inheritance diagram for RWDBSystemHandle:
RWDBDB2CLILibSystemHandle RWDBMsSqlLibSystemHandle RWDBMySqlLibSystemHandle RWDBOCISystemHandle RWDBODBCLibSystemHandle RWDBPGSSystemHandle RWDBSybCtLibSystemHandle

Detailed Description

RWDBSystemHandle is a base class for system handles that are Access Module-specific. Each DB Access Module defines a system handle for its own database that encapsulates database vendor-specific handles. These handles provide access to the underlying database functionality, and vary widely among Access Modules.

To access your database-specific handle, obtain the RWDBSystemHandle pointer from an RWDBConnection, and then downcast it to the Access Module-specific system handle type. For more information, see your DB Access Module guide.

DB XA Module: Also see the chapter on using access modules with DB XA functionality in the DB XA Module User's Guide.

To use this class, link the appropriate SourcePro DB Access Module directly with your application. Using this class reduces the portability of your application.
RWDBConnection connection = myDbase.connection();
RWDBSystemHandle* sysh = connection.systemHandle();

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