End User Quick Start


Helix Core is built using the client-server model. Before end users can begin using any Helix Core client, an administrator must have previously deployed and configured a Helix Core Server and set up the individual as a user on the organization's Helix Core instance. We recommend that the administrator begin with the Prerequisites.

As an end user of Perforce Helix Core, get started by performing these tasks:

Install P4V

Connect to Helix Core server

Create a workspace

Pull down files and start versioning with P4V:

  • For developers or users more familiar with version control, continue with Helix Visual Client (P4V)

  • For those handling only binary assets, such as artists and designers, see Optional: Use Helix Sync

Additional resources for end users

Basics of version control

Helix Core overview

How version control with Helix Core works: Overview of the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Guide.

If you are unfamiliar with version control terminology or moving from Git, see the Helix Core Glossary