Using the Customers list

The Customers list displays basic information about customers in the project. From this list, you can add new customers and work with existing customers. See Using item lists.

To open the Customers list, click Administration and then click Customers.

Perform any of the following actions. The available actions depend on your Helix ALM and license server security permissions.

  • To change a customer to a user, select the customer, click Actions, and choose Change to User. See Changing customers to users.
  • To inactivate a customer, select the customer, click Actions, and choose Inactivate Customer. See Inactivating and activating users and customers. To activate an inactive customer, select the customer, click Actions, and choose Activate Customer.
  • To add a customer with the same basic information as another one, select the existing customer, click Actions, and choose Duplicate Customer. See Duplicating users and customers.
  • To delete a customer, click the gear icon next to the customer and choose Delete. See Deleting users and customers.
  • To run a report on specific customers, select them and click the Reports button. Mouse over the report to run. Choose HTML to run a report in HTML format. See Running reports. Click PDF to save the report in PDF format. See Saving reports as PDF files. Report names correspond to the available stylesheets, which determine the report content and formatting. See Report stylesheets.
  • To customize the list to display only information you need, you can rearrange columns, adjust column widths, and insert and remove columns. See Customizing item lists.