Running reports

You can run reports to analyze project data and save it for future reference, if needed. By default, reports are generated in HTML reports. You can also save reports in PDF reports. See Saving reports as PDF files.

Keep the following in mind:

  • The available reports depend on the item type and your security permissions. You may also be able to configure reports. See Adding built-in reports.
  • When running reports on specific items, the report names correspond to the available stylesheet. Stylesheets control the report content formatting. See Report stylesheets for more information or ask your administrator for help.
  • If a report uses a filter with interactive restrictions, you are prompted to enter or select criteria before the report runs. See Selecting interactive filter criteria.
  • If a matrix report uses interactive folder or requirement document restrictions, you are prompted to select folders or documents before the report runs. See Selecting interactive criteria when running matrix reports.
  • When you run a report, a progress indicator opens. Click Cancel to cancel the report generation.
  • The following information does not apply to external reports.

Tip:  Before running a report, you may want to get familiar with the content it may include. See Report types.