Viewing users and customers

You can view read-only user or customer information without preventing other users from editing the record at the same time.

1. To view a user, click the name in the Users list.

To view a customer, click the name in the Customers list.

Tip:  To search for a user or customer in the list, enter a value in the Search field. Click the Search button to perform an advanced search. See Searching Users and Customers lists.

The read-only Viewing page opens.

Information is displayed in the following areas. Click the Expand All button to expand all areas or the Collapse All button to collapse all expanded areas. Click a link to go directly to an area.

Area Displays: More information
Credentials Full name, security groups, active or inactive status, username, and password options (global users and customers only). Click Manage API Key to add an API key for the user or manage existing keys for the user. See Managing API keys. Adding users and customers
Licenses (global users and customers only) Helix ALM licenses assigned to the user or customer. Assigning licenses to users and customers
Old Usernames Usernames previously associated with the user or customer. Only available if the user or customer username changed.  
Contact Information Email address, phone numbers, company, division, and address information for the user or customer. Managing user and customer contact information
Notes Notes about the user or customer.  
Statistics Statistics about the user or customer's Helix ALM usage, including the last logout and number of issues reported.  
Reported Issues (customers only) Issues reported by the customer. Click a tag or summary to view an issue. If no information is displayed, click Load Data to retrieve it.  

2. Click Edit to edit the user or customer. See Editing users and customers.

3. Click the Next button to view the next user or customer in the list or the Previous button to view the previous one.

4. Click Close when you finish.