Foundation Package API Reference Guide
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CIlCalendarAbstract base class managing a calendar date
 CIlGregorianCalendarClass that provides the standard calendar used by most of the world
 CIlIUrlStreamInput stream class
 CIlListA predefined list class that stores IlAny pointers
 CIlListIteratorA predefined list iterator class that iterates on IlList objects
 CIlListIteratorOf(NAME)An unsafe iterator of lists
 CIlListOf(NAME)A generic class that handles lists
 CIlNumericClass managing large numbers
 CIlPathListThe purpose of this class is to provide a way to order the search path of files
 CIlPathNameClass that manages path names in a portable way
 CIlPoolOf(Char)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to char
 CIlPoolOf(IlUInt)A memory pool of arrays of IlUInts
 CIlPoolOf(IlvDoublePoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvDoublePoints
 CIlPoolOf(IlvFloatPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvFloatPoints
 CIlPoolOf(IlvPoint)A memory pool of arrays of IlvPoints
 CIlPoolOf(IlvRect)A memory pool of arrays of IlvRects
 CIlPoolOf(NAME)A generic class that handles memory pools
 CIlPoolOf(Pointer)A predefined memory pool that manages pointers to void
 CIlPredefinedUnitsUtility class holding all time units
 CIlSafeListIteratorA predefined safe list iterator class that iterates on IlList objects
 CIlSafeListIteratorOf(NAME)A safe iterator of lists
 CIlSharedPtrManages the storage of a pointer, providing a limited garbage-collection facility, possibly sharing that management with other objects
 CIlStringManages strings in single or multi-bytes
 CIlSymbolSymbol class
 CIlTimeUnitBase class representing a time unit (second, hour, year...)
 CIlTimeUnitDayDay time unit
 CIlTimeUnitHourHour time unit
 CIlTimeUnitMilliSecondMillisecond time unit
 CIlTimeUnitMinuteMinute time unit
 CIlTimeUnitMonthMonth time unit
 CIlTimeUnitQuarterQuarter time unit
 CIlTimeUnitSecondSecond time unit
 CIlTimeUnitWeekWeek time unit
 CIlTimeUnitYearYear time unit
 CIlTimeZoneDummy IlTimeZone class - not really used
 CIlvAbstractCOMInterfaceThis pure template abstract class is a base class for COM encapsulation
 CIlvAbstractLibraryInitializationRoot class for the initialization of the COM or ATL libraries
 CIlvAbstractViewView class
 CIlvAbstractViewLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvAcceleratorBase class for accelerators
 CIlvActionObject class encapsulating the interpretation of an action of the user in a given context
 CIlvActionFlagsFlags indicating the properties of an IlvAction object
 CIlvActionHistoryA repository of user actions
 CIlvActionMessageNotification message sent to observers of IlvActionHistory objects
 CIlvActionSelectionHandlerLinks an IlvActionHistory object to its context
 CIlvAlphaBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
 CIlvAnimatorNamed property class
 CIlvArcGraphic class
 CIlvArrowLineGraphic class
 CIlvArrowPolylineGraphic class
 CIlvASCII85EncoderASCII85 encoder class
 CIlvASCIIHexEncoderASCII Hex encoder class
 CIlvATLInterfaceThis class loads a control by using ATLHOST
 CIlvATLInterfaceErrorException class for ATL interface query
 CIlvATLLibraryInitializationErrorException class for ATL library initialization
 CIlvATLModuleInitializationThis class initializes the ATL library
 CIlvAttachmentsHandlerClass used to handle attachments of graphic objects
 CIlvBasicLFHandlerLook and feel class
 CIlvBitmapPort class
 CIlvBitmapAllocationResultReturn type of IlvBitmapAllocationFailedCallback functions
 CIlvBitmapAnimationHandlerAnimation handler class
 CIlvBitmapAnimatorNamed property class
 CIlvBitmapDataBitmap data base class
 CIlvBitmapDataAlgorithmBitmap data algorithm base class
 CIlvBitmapDataQuickResamplerQuick bitmap data resampler class
 CIlvBitmapDataSmoothResamplerSmooth bitmap data resampler class
 CIlvBitmapFilterBitmap filter base class
 CIlvBitmapInformationBitmap information base class
 CIlvBitmapStreamerBitmap streamer base class
 CIlvBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
 CIlvBitmapTransitionHandlerTransition Handler class
 CIlvBlendFilterBlend filter
 CIlvBMPStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvButtonInteractorButton interactor class
 CIlvBWBitmapDataBitmap data class
 CIlvCalendarScaleCalendar time scale class
 CIlvChangeValueCommandA command class for storing simple attribute changes made to an object of the class IlvValueInterface
 CIlvCircularGaugeGraphic class
 CIlvCircularScaleGraphic class
 CIlvClassInfoClass information
 CIlvClosedSplineGraphic class
 CIlvColorResource class
 CIlvColorMapColormap class
 CIlvColorMatrixFilterColor matrix filter
 CIlvColorPatternResource class
 CIlvCOMCreateInstanceErrorException class for COM instance creation
 CIlvCOMErrorBase class for the exceptions that may be raised by the classes that encapsulate COM interfaces
 CIlvCOMGraphicFacadeClass that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be shared by several IlvGraphicCOMAdapter objects
 CIlvCOMGraphicFacadeDrawErrorException class for IlvCOMGraphicFacade drawing
 CIlvCOMInterfaceThis class queries for a specific interface from an IUnknown* or from another IlvAbstractCOMInterface
 CIlvCOMInterfaceErrorException class for COM interface query
 CIlvCOMInterfaceFromCLSIDThis class queries for a specific interface from an CLSID
 CIlvCOMLibraryInitializationThis class initializes the COM library
 CIlvCOMLibraryInitializationErrorException class for COM library initialization
 CIlvCommandDefines actions that can be undone
 CIlvCommandFlagsFlags describing the state of a command
 CIlvCommandHistoryA command stack allowing the implementation of the undo/redo functionality
 CIlvComponentTransferFilterComponent transfer filter
 CIlvComposeFilterCompose filter
 CIlvContainerView container class
 CIlvContainerAcceleratorContainer accelerator class
 CIlvContainerLFHandlerObject Look-and-Feel class
 CIlvContainerRectangleView rectangle class
 CIlvControlBrowserClass that encapsulate a dialog to select an ActiveX
 CIlvConvolutionFilterConvolution filter
 CIlvCursorCursor class
 CIlvDayTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvDefaultAbstractViewLFHandlerObject look-and-feel class
 CIlvDefaultContainerLFHandlerObject look-and-feel class
 CIlvDeltaPointGeometric class
 CIlvDiffuseLightingFilterDiffuse Lighting filter
 CIlvDiscreteTransferDiscrete transfer function
 CIlvDisplaceFilterDisplace filter
 CIlvDisplayDisplay class
 CIlvDisplayConfigDisplay configuration base class
 CIlvDisplayTestApiTest API class
 CIlvDissolveBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
 CIlvDistantLightDistant Light
 CIlvDoublePointGeometric class
 CIlvDragDropInteractorDrag-drop interactor for graphic objects
 CIlvDrawingViewView class
 CIlvDrawSelectionBase class for selection objects
 CIlvDynamicStyleAn IlvDynamicStyle allows overriding the return value with a std::function
 CIlvDynamicStyleStaticAn IlvDynamicStyleStatic extends IlvDynamicStyle and allows static allocation
 CIlvElasticViewView class
 CIlvEllipseGraphic class
 CIlvErrorError handling class
 CIlvEventEvent handling class
 CIlvEventLoopEvent loop class
 CIlvEventPlayerEvent player class
 CIlvFileSelectorFile selector system dialog
 CIlvFilledArcGraphic class
 CIlvFilledCircularGaugeGraphic class
 CIlvFilledEllipseGraphic class
 CIlvFilledLabelGraphic class
 CIlvFilledRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvFilledRoundRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvFilledSplineGraphic class
 CIlvFilteredGraphicGraphic class
 CIlvFilterFlowBitmap filter flow class
 CIlvFixedQuantizerFixed Colormap Quantizer base class
 CIlvFixedSizeGraphicGraphic class
 CIlvFloatPointGeometric class
 CIlvFloatRectGeometric class
 CIlvFloodFilterFlood filter
 CIlvFontResource class
 CIlvFontManagerFont manager class
 CIlvGadgetThe base class for all the gadgets classes
 CIlvGadgetInteractorThe base class for gadget interactors
 CIlvGammaTransferGamma transfer function
 CIlvGaugeGraphic class
 CIlvGaugeInteractorInteractor class for IlvGauge objects
 CIlvGaussianBlurFilterGaussian Blur filter
 CIlvGIFStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvGradientGeometryResource class
 CIlvGradientGraphicBBoxManagerGraphic class
 CIlvGradientPatternResource class
 CIlvGraphicGraphic class
 CIlvGraphicAdapterFrame class to adapt any object as an IlvGraphic
 CIlvGraphicAnimatorNamed property class
 CIlvGraphicCOMAdapterClass that encapsulates an ActiveX so that it may be used as an IlvGraphic object
 CIlvGraphicComAdapterInteractorInteractor that lets the user to interact with the ActiveX associated to an IlvGraphicComAdapter
 CIlvGraphicHandleGraphic class
 CIlvGraphicHolderHolder class
 CIlvGraphicHolderToolTipHandlerTooltip handler class
 CIlvGraphicInstanceGraphic handle class
 CIlvGraphicPathGraphic class
 CIlvGraphicSetGraphic class
 CIlvGridRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvHalfDayTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvHourTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvHueRotateFilterHue rotate filter
 CIlvIconGraphic class
 CIlvIdentityTransferIdentity transfer function
 CIlvImageFilterImage filter
 CIlvImValueClass to help in Input Method management
 CIlvIndexedBitmapDataBitmap data class
 CIlvInformationDialogSystem dialog box class
 CIlvInputFileInput/Output class
 CIlvInteractorAbstract base class for interactors
 CIlvJPGStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvLabelGraphic class
 CIlvLightingFilterLighting filter
 CIlvLineGraphic class
 CIlvLinearGradientGeometryResource class
 CIlvLinearTimeConverterLinear time converter class
 CIlvLinearTransferLinear transfer function
 CIlvLineStyleResource class
 CIlvListLabelGraphic class
 CIlvLookFeelHandlerLook and feel base class
 CIlvLuminanceToAlphaFilterLuminance To Alpha filter
 CIlvMacroCommandDefines a list of commands to be executed in one operation
 CIlvMarkerImplements graphic objects that are drawn with fixed-size symbols
 CIlvMergeFilterMerge filter
 CIlvMessageDatabaseMessage handling class
 CIlvMinuteTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvModifiedFlagObserverReports the modifications made to a document
 CIlvMonthTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvMorphologyFilterMorphology filter
 CIlvMotifLFHandlerLook and feel handler class
 CIlvMoveInteractorManager interactor class
 CIlvMoveReshapeInteractorInteractor to move or resize graphic objects
 CIlvNamedPropertyNamed property class
 CIlvNetscapeQuantizerNetscape fixed colormap quantizer class
 CIlvObjectLFHandlerObject look and feel base class
 CIlvObservableObservable class, sending notification to a set of Observer objects
 CIlvObserverObserver class, notified of changes occurring in a set of IlvObservable objects
 CIlvOffsetFilterOffset filter
 CIlvOutlinePolygonGraphic class
 CIlvOutputFileInput/Output class
 CIlvOwnershipThis class is a smart pointer with the additional property of dealing with the ownership of the object
 CIlvPaletteResource class
 CIlvPaperFormatBase class for the paper format classes
 CIlvPathDrawingDataGraphic path related class
 CIlvPathSteppingDataGraphic path-related class
 CIlvPatternResource class
 CIlvPerlinNoiseKen Perlin's noise generator
 CIlvPNGStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvPointGeometric class
 CIlvPointArrayGeometric class
 CIlvPointLightPoint Light
 CIlvPolygonGraphic class
 CIlvPolylineGraphic class
 CIlvPolyPointsGraphic class
 CIlvPolyPointsSelectionRepresents the selectable portions of an IlvPolyPoints object
 CIlvPolySelectionGraphic class
 CIlvPortPort class
 CIlvPostScriptEncoderBase PostScript encoder class
 CIlvPPMStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvPrintableThis class encapsulates the object to be printed
 CIlvPrintableActualAreaThis class is used to represent an actual area where to print
 CIlvPrintableAreaAbstract class that represents an area of a logical page
 CIlvPrintableCompositeThis class lets you merge several IlvPrintable objects in the same IlvPrintable
 CIlvPrintableContainerThis class encapsulates an IlvContainer so that it can be printed with this library
 CIlvPrintableDocumentClass that manages the document to print
 CIlvPrintableFormattedTextThis class encapsulates a text with various attributes so that it can be printed with this library
 CIlvPrintableFrameThis class prints a frame (a rectangle)
 CIlvPrintableGraphicThis class encapsulates an IlvGraphic so that it can be printed with this library
 CIlvPrintableJobClass of printing settings
 CIlvPrintableLayoutBase class for the layout classes
 CIlvPrintableLayoutFixedSizeThis class defines a layout using a given size on the paper
 CIlvPrintableLayoutIdentityThis class defines a layout using the same size as the printable
 CIlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePagesThis class defines a layout using a matrix of pages
 CIlvPrintableLayoutOnePageThis class defines a layout using a single page
 CIlvPrintableNullAreaThis class is used to represent an area that is not used
 CIlvPrintableScalableThis class encapsulates an object that may be scaled
 CIlvPrintableTextThis class encapsulates a text so that it can be printed with this library
 CIlvPrintCMUnitClass for measurement system in centimeters
 CIlvPrinterBase class for the printer classes
 CIlvPrinterPreviewThis class lets you preview pages
 CIlvPrinterPreviewDisplayerClass to actually display the printing preview
 CIlvPrintInchUnitClass for measurement system in inches
 CIlvPrintPicaUnitClass for measurement system in pica
 CIlvPrintPointUnitClass for measurement system in points
 CIlvPrintUnitBase class for the measurement system classes
 CIlvPromptDialogString entry dialog
 CIlvPSColorDeviceClass implementing a dump device in PostScript (color-enabled)
 CIlvPSDeviceClass implementing a dump device in PostScript
 CIlvPSPrinterClass for printing to a PostScript printer
 CIlvPushAlphaThis class is used to temporarily modify the alpha component of an IlvPort
 CIlvPushClipThis class is used to temporarily modify the clip of an IlvPalette
 CIlvQuantizerQuantizer base class
 CIlvQuarterTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvQuestionDialogA system dialog box that asks a question
 CIlvQuickQuantizer332 fixed colormap quantizer class
 CIlvRadialGradientGeometryResource class
 CIlvRectGeometric class
 CIlvRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvRectangularGaugeGraphic class
 CIlvRectangularScaleGraphic class
 CIlvRefCountPtrNon-intrusive Reference Counter smart pointer
 CIlvRegionGeometric class
 CIlvRegionOptimizerUtility class to optimize a region
 CIlvRegionUpdaterUtility class to update invalidated display regions
 CIlvReliefDiamondGraphic class
 CIlvReliefGaugeGraphic class
 CIlvReliefLabelGraphic class
 CIlvReliefLineGraphic class
 CIlvReliefRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvRepeatButtonInteractorButton interactor with auto-repeat behavior
 CIlvReshapeInteractorInteractor to resize graphic objects
 CIlvReshapeSelectionDefault selection object for graphic objects
 CIlvResourceResource class
 CIlvRGBBitmapDataBitmap data class
 CIlvRGBStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvRoundRectGeometric class
 CIlvRoundRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvRoundRectCornerGeometric class
 CIlvRoundRectCornersA structure containing the four corners of a RoundRect
 CIlvRunLengthEncoderRunLength encoder class
 CIlvSaturationFilterSaturation filter
 CIlvScaleScale class
 CIlvScriptScripting class
 CIlvScriptContextScripting class
 CIlvScriptFunctionScripting class
 CIlvScriptLanguageScripting class
 CIlvScrollViewView class
 CIlvSelectionInterfaceInterface used to create selection objects
 CIlvSelectorGraphic class
 CIlvSelectorInteractorInteractor for IlvSelector instances
 CIlvShadowLabelGraphic class
 CIlvShadowRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvSimpleBitmapTransitionBitmap transition class
 CIlvSimpleGraphicGraphic class
 CIlvSliderGaugeGraphic class
 CIlvSmartDataBase class for reference counting
 CIlvSmartSetGroup class
 CIlvSpecularLightingFilterSpecular Lighting filter
 CIlvSplineGraphic class
 CIlvSplineSelectionSpecialization of IlvPolyPointSelection to represent the selectable portions of an IlvSpline object
 CIlvSpotLightSpot Light
 CIlvStylableBase interface for classes that can be applied a style
 CIlvStylistApplies styles to IlvStylable objects
 CIlvSystemPortPort class
 CIlvTableTable class
 CIlvTableTransferTable transfer function
 CIlvTestApiTest API class
 CIlvTIFFStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvTileFilterTile filter
 CIlvTimeConverterClass for converting dates
 CIlvTimeIntervalHolds a time interval
 CIlvTimeIteratorIterator class
 CIlvTimerTimer class
 CIlvTimeScaleGraphic class that displays a time scale
 CIlvTimeScalePaintContextUtility class for IlvTimeScale
 CIlvTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvTimeScrollableDate and time-related abstract class
 CIlvTimeUtilUtility class for dealing with dates and calendars
 CIlvToggleInteractorInteractor to add toggle behavior to graphic objects
 CIlvToolTipNamed Property class
 CIlvToolTipHandlerTooltip handler class
 CIlvTransferFunctionBase transfer function
 CIlvTransformedGraphicGraphic handle class
 CIlvTransformerGeometric transformation class
 CIlvTransitionHandlerTransition Handler class
 CIlvTransitionSchedulerTransition Scheduler class
 CIlvTransparentIconGraphic class
 CIlvTurbulenceFilterTurbulence filter
 CIlvValueGraphic related class
 CIlvValueInterfaceValue interface class
 CIlvValueTypeClassBase class for value types
 CIlvViewView class
 CIlvViewCOMAdapterClass that encapsulate an ActiveX so that it may be used as an IlvView
 CIlvViewHandlerClass used to handle events that occurs on an IlvView
 CIlvViewRectangleGraphic class
 CIlvVXLFHandlerLook and feel handler class
 CIlvWBMPStreamerBitmap streamer class
 CIlvWeekTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvWindows95LFHandlerLook and feel handler class
 CIlvWindowsDeviceWindows-specific class to predefine printer devices
 CIlvWindowsDisplayConfigDisplay configuration class for Windows applications
 CIlvWindowsLFHandlerLook and feel handler class
 CIlvWindowsPointThis class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure POINT in Rogue Wave Views code
 CIlvWindowsPrinterClass for printing on the Windows printer
 CIlvWindowsPrinterDCDialogFactoryWindows-specific class to create a printer device context from the Windows print dialog
 CIlvWindowsPrinterDCFactoryWindows-specific class to create a printer device context
 CIlvWindowsRectThis class is a helper to deal with the Windows API structure RECT in Rogue Wave Views code
 CIlvWindowsVirtualDeviceWindows-specific class to predefine devices
 CIlvWUQuantizerWU quantizer class
 CIlvXDisplayConfigDisplay configuration class for X Window applications
 CIlvYearTimeScaleRowTime scale row class
 CIlvZoomableIconGraphic class
 CIlvZoomableLabelGraphic class
 CIlvZoomableMarkerIlvMarker subclass with zoomable capability
 CIlvZoomableTransparentIconAn icon that has transparent areas and that can be reshaped
 CIlXmlAttributeDefault implementation of XML attributes
 CIlXmlAttributeIInterface for XML attributes
 CIlXmlCDataDefault implementation of XML CData entities
 CIlXmlCDataIInterface for XML processing instruction entities
 CIlXmlCharRefDefault implementation of XML CharRefs
 CIlXmlCharRefIInterface for XML CharRefs
 CIlXmlCommentDefault implementation of XML comments
 CIlXmlCommentIInterface for XML comments
 CIlXmlDocumentDefault implementation for XML documents
 CIlXmlDocumentIInterface for XML documents
 CIlXmlElementDefault implementation of XML elements
 CIlXmlElementIInterface for XML elements
 CIlXmlNodeArrayIteratorXML node array iterator
 CIlXmlNodeFactoryNode factory used when parsing XML documents
 CIlXmlNodeIInterface for XML nodes
 CIlXmlNodeIteratorXML node iterator
 CIlXmlNodeIteratorIInterface for XML node iterators
 CIlXmlNodeListIteratorInterface for XML node list iterators
 CIlXmlNodePtrArrayIteratorXML node pointer array iterator
 CIlXmlPIDefault implementation of XML processing instructions
 CIlXmlPIIInterface for XML processing instruction entities
 CIlXmlTextDefault implementation of XML texts
 CIlXmlTextIInterface for XML texts