Link interactor

The link interactor allows you to move and reshape a selected link (polyline). It allows you to add points, remove points and move points in the selected link. Removing end points of a link deletes the link. Because this interactor works together with the select interactor, an interactor group consisting of both these interactors must be defined.
The following code example shows the tag needed to define one object:
<jvdf:linkInteractor id="resize" modifier="alt"/>
Set the attribute modifier to one of the following values [alt, shift, ctrl]. The user can then hold down this modifier and use the mouse to reshape the selected link.
The following code example shows how to set the object on the view:
<jvdf:selectInteractor id="select"/>
<jvdf:linkInteractor id="linkInteractor" modifier="alt"/>
<jv:interactorGroup id="interactorGroup" interactors="select linkInteractor"/>
<jvdf:diagrammerView id="thediagrammer" interactorId="interactorGroup"/>
In the interactorGroup definition the values of the attribute interactors must be listed in order with select preceding linkInteractor. This order is necessary because the link interactor depends on the select interactor.