Dashboard diagram

The jvdf:dashboardView component allows you to display a dashboard diagram. This JSF component manages an IlvDashboardDiagram instance to display the image. This class is an IlvDiagrammer subclass, therefore the diagrammerView and the dashboardView share a lot of properties. This component can be used in the same way as the diagrammerView, except that the only way to set data is to use the data attribute (no project, style sheets properties). This attribute only accepts idbd files.
<jvdf:dashboardView [...] data="/data/dashboard.idbd" /> 
The dashboardDiagram property allows you to bind an existing IlvDashboardDiagram instance to be reused by the dashboardView component.
<jvdf:dashboardView [...] dashboardDiagram="#{dashboardBean.dashboard}" /> 
Palettes files (JARs) must be in the application classpath (usually in the WEB-INF/lib of the WAR file) for the dashboardView component to load the dashboard.