Resize interactor

The resize interactor allows you to resize a selected node. Because this interactor works together with the select interactor, an interactor group consisting of both these interactors must be defined. If the selected node is resizable, the rectangle representing the selection is displayed on top of the view with 8 handles attached.
The following code example shows the tag needed to define one object:
<jvdf:resizeInteractor id="resize" selectionResizableClass="faces.dhtml.DiagrammerSelectionResizable"/>
The attribute selectionResizableClass is used to specify the class that implements the IlvSelectionResizable interface. This class determines whether the selected node is resizable or not.
The attribute selectionResizableClass is used to specify the class that implements the IlvSelectionResizable interface. This class determines whether the selected node is resizable or not.
The following code example shows how you can set the object on the view:
<jvdf:selectInteractor id="select"/>
<jvdf:resizeInteractor id="resize" actionName="resizeNode"/>
<jv:interactorGroup id="interactorGroup" interactors="select  resize"/>
<jvdf:mapView id="themap" interactorId="interactorGroup"/>
Set the attribute actionName to resizeNode.
In the interactorGroup definition the values of the attribute interactors must be listed in order with select preceding resize. This order is necessary because the resize interactor depends on the select interactor.