
The SDM package ilog.views.sdm and its subpackages contain the styling and data mapping (SDM) classes. These classes are usually used internally by the diagram component, but you may need to use these classes directly to extend its basic functionality.
The main entry point to the package is the class IlvSDMEngine. See the following diagram.
showing the relationships of the IlvSDMEngine class. IlvSDMEngine
has one-way arrows pointing to IlvGrapher, IlvSDMModel with the interface
stereotype, and IlvManagerView. These associations are labeled grapher,
model, and referenceView, respectively. IlvManagerView is the base
class for IlvSDMView, which has a one-way arrow pointing to IlvSDMEngine.
A straight line without arrowheads connects IlvSDMEngine and IlvSDMRenderer,
which is the base class for IlvFilterSDMRenderer, and also has an
arrow pointing back to it from the same IlvFilterSDMRenderer class.
The SDM class relationships
The SDM subpackages are: