Managing selected objects

To select or deselect a graphic object in a manager, use the setSelected method:
void setSelected(IlvGraphic obj, boolean select, boolean redraw)   
Once an object has been selected, you can retrieve its selection object using:
IlvSelection getSelection(IlvGraphic obj)   
This method returns null if the object does not have an associated selection object; in other words, if the graphic object is not selected. You can also use the following method to determine whether the object is selected or not:
boolean isSelected(IlvGraphic obj)    
To obtain the selected object from the selection object, use the getObject method of IlvSelection.
You can obtain an enumeration of all the selected objects in the manager with:
IlvGraphicEnumeration getSelectedObjects()   
You can use this method as follows.
IlvGraphicEnumeration selectedobjs = manager.getSelectedObjects();
IlvGraphic obj;
while(selectedobjs.hasMoreElements()) {
    obj = selectedobjs.nextElement();
    //perform some action
 To avoid unpredictable results, you must not select or deselect graphic objects when stepping through the enumeration as in the example above.
Other methods of IlvManager allow you to select and deselect all objects in the manager or in a particular layer:
void selectAll(IlvManagerView view, boolean redraw)   
void selectAll(boolean redraw)  
void deSelectAll(boolean redraw)   
void deSelectAll(int layer, boolean redraw)  

Selection interactor

The library provides the IlvSelectInteractor class which allows you to select and deselect objects in an interactive way (using the mouse). It also allows you to edit graphic objects. For more information, see The selection interactor.