The selection interactor

The Rogue Wave JViews library provides a predefined view interactor, IlvSelectInteractor, for selecting and editing graphic objects in a manager. This class allows you to:
  • Select an object by clicking on it.
  • Select or deselect several objects using Shift-Click.
  • Select several objects by dragging a rectangle around them.
  • Move one or several objects by selecting them and dragging the mouse.
  • Edit objects by manipulating their selection object.
The interactor can be customized to your needs, as follows:
  • You can enable or disable multiselection using:
    public void setMultipleSelectionMode(boolean v)   
  • You can select the mode for selecting objects by dragging a rectangle around them: opaque or ghost:
    public void setOpaqueDragSelection(boolean o)   
    public boolean isOpaqueDragSelection()    
  • You can select the mode for moving graphic objects: opaque or ghost:
    public void setOpaqueMove(boolean o)   
    public boolean isOpaqueMove()  
  • You can select the mode for resizing graphic objects: opaque or ghost:
    public void setOpaqueResize(boolean o)   
    public boolean isOpaqueDragSelection()    
  • You can select the mode for editing polypoint objects: opaque or ghost:
    public void setOpaquePolyPointsEdition(boolean o)   
    public boolean isOpaqueDragSelection()    
  • You can specify the modifier that allows multiple selection:
    public void setMultipleSelectionModifier(int m)   
    public boolean getMultipleSelectionModifier()    
  • You can specify the modifier that allows selection by dragging a rectangle starting from a point on top of a graphic object:
    public void setSelectionModifier(int m)   
    public boolean getSelectionModifier()    
  • You can allow selection of several objects using a dragged rectangle:
    public void setDragAllowed(boolean v)    
    public boolean isDragAllowed()    
  • You can change the ability to move objects by:
    public void setMoveAllowed(boolean v)    
    public boolean isMoveAllowed()   
  • You can change the ability to edit objects by:
    public void setEditionAllowed(boolean v)    
    public boolean isEditionAllowed()   
 The ability to move, edit, or select an object can be controlled object by object using the properties of the object.
Many other customizations can be done by subclassing the interactor and overriding the appropriate method.
The editing of a graphic object is controlled by an object interactor. When a graphic object is selected, the manager can dispatch events occurring on the selection object to the object interactor attached to the selection object. This object interactor is created by the selection object with a call to the getDefaultInteractor method of the class IlvSelection. When creating your own selection object, you can also create an object interactor to edit the selected object. The default object interactor is the class IlvReshapeSelection, which allows the user to reshape graphic objects by pulling the handles of the objects.