Selection objects

The manager allows you to select objects. To display selected objects within a manager, Rogue Wave JViews creates selection objects which are drawn on top of the selected objects. An example of a selection object is a set of handles drawn around the selected object.
Selection objects are stored in the manager. Unlike regular graphic objects, they are internally managed and cannot be manipulated.
When a graphic object is selected, a selection object is created and is drawn on top of the graphic object. Selection objects are subclass instances of the class IlvSelection. As such, they are also graphic objects. The class IlvSelection is an abstract class that has been subclassed to create several classes of selection objects specialized in the selection of specific graphic objects. For example, the class IlvSplineSelection is a selection object for the selection of an IlvSpline object.
The default selection object for graphic objects is an instance of the class IlvDrawSelection. This class draws eight handles around the object, one on each of the four sides and one on each corner.