Style sheet files

JViews Diagrammer style sheet files (.css) have the CSS for Java syntax. When you use the Designer to create a diagram component, you do not need to know CSS; when you save, the Designer creates the project file in XML and the style sheet file in CSS for Java™ .
The following code sample shows the style sheet that generates the diagram when you choose File>New:
Example of style sheet for a new diagram
   Map : "false" ;
   LinkLayout : "true" ;
   Composite : "true" ;
   GraphLayout : "true" ;
   HalfZooming : "false" ;
LinkLayout {
   _rule_name : "Link Layout" ;
   enabled : "true" ;

node {
   class : "@|symbolResource(ilog/views/palettes/shared/symbols/Rectangular.css,Symbol)" ;
   Interactor : "ilog.views.sdm.IlvSDMCompositeInteractor" ;
   name : "@name" ;
link {
   class : "ilog.views.sdm.graphic.IlvGeneralLink" ;
   oriented : "true" ;
   foreground : "black" ;
   lineWidth : "1" ;
   arrowRatio : "3" ;
   maximumLineWidth : "2" ;
   minimumLineWidth : "1" ;
   arrowColor : "black" ;

link:selected {
   _rule_name : "is selected" ;
   foreground : "red" ;
   arrowColor : "red" ;

If you want to extend a diagram component by editing the style sheet manually, see Using CSS syntax in the style sheet in Developing with the JViews Diagrammer SDK.