Project files

JViews Diagrammer project files (.idpr) are XML files. These small files contain a pointer to the style sheet file and a data source specification including a pointer to the XML file or the database connection configuration for a JDBC-compliant database.
The following example shows a project file when the data source type is XML.
Project file: XML data source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<diagrammer style="genealogy-composite.css">
  <datasource class="ilog.views.diagrammer.datasource.IlvXMLDataSource" url="genealogy-composite.xml"/>

The following example shows a project file when the data source type is JDBC.
Project file: JDBC data source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<diagrammer style="ArizonaLogical.css">
  <datasource class="ilog.views.diagrammer.datasource.IlvJDBCDataSource">
    <connection driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" id="ID208245264"
      url="jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=C:\Rogue Wave\jviews-diagrammer89\bin\designer\data\examples\ArizonaData.xls" user=""/>
    <query connection="ID208245264" links="false" tag="node" value="select T1.*, T2.Availability, T2.Throughput from [Sheet1$] as T1, [Sheet2$] as 
T2 where T1.City = T2.City
      <map columns="0" property="id"/>
    <query connection="ID208245264" links="true" tag="link" value="select * from [Sheet3$]">
      <map columns="1" property="to"/>
      <map columns="0" property="from"/>