Application data in databases for JViews Diagrammer

You can import application data from a database into JViews Diagrammer provided that the database is compliant with the JDBC API. The database must provide a JDBC driver and be accessible through SQL queries. For example, a Microsoft® Excel® file (.xls) is recognized as a database; the worksheets are treated as tables. A Microsoft® Access® database can also be used; the driver for both Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access is called the JDBC-ODBC bridge.
The following figure shows the initial Arizona worksheets in Microsoft Excel as loaded in Importing data from a database.
Arizona data worksheets in Microsoft Excel
A database contains tables of columns and rows. Each row in a table represents an object in the data model. Each column in a table represents an attribute.
Nodes and links must be loaded from separate tables/sheets.
You must define a mapping between the columns in the file and the properties proposed by the Designer in the New Diagram Wizard. Some columns may be unmapped and therefore not used in the diagram.