Application data in flat files for JViews Diagrammer

You can import application data from a flat file into the Designer.
The following examples, Node data on Arizona cities in a flat file and Link data on traffic between Arizona cities in a flat file, show the initial Arizona data files for nodes and links respectively as loaded in Importing data from a flat file. (The data is shown with spacing for readability.)
Node data on Arizona cities in a flat file
City  Availability  Throughput  latitude  longitude  Population
Flagstaff  Online  Busy  35D11'53N  111D39'02W  340000
Page  Offline  Unknown  36D84'00N  111D15'00W  30000
Tuba City  Online  Average  36D08'06N  111D14'21W  47600
Winslow  Online  Slow  35D01'27N  110D41'48W  90000
Sedona  Online  Slow  34D52'11N  111D45'37W  120000
Phoenix  Online  Busy  33D26'54N  112D04'24W  1200000
Tucson  Online  Busy  32D13'18N  110D55'33W  980000
Nogales  Online  Average  31D20'25N  110D56'01W  45000
Holbrook  Online  Average  34D54'08N  110D09'27W  16000
Show_Low  Offline  Busy  34D15'15N  110D01'45W  4000
Lake_Havasu  Online  Busy  34D29'02N  114D19'18W  20000
Taylor  Online  Slow  34D27'00N  110D06'00W  20000
Yuma  Unknown  Average  32D43'31N  114D37'25W  15000
Kingman  Online  Average  35D11'22N  114D03'08W  230000
Link data on traffic between Arizona cities in a flat file
City1  City2  Traffic
Kingman  Phoenix  2.6
Lake Havasu  Yuma  1
Kingman  Lake Havasu  2
Kingman  Flagstaff  3.4
Tuba City  Page  0.9
Flagstaff  Tuba City  2.1
Flagstaff  Winslow  2.7
Flagstaff  Taylor  2.9
Flagstaff  Sedona  1.1
Flagstaff  Phoenix  4.3
Flagstaff  Tucson  4.5
Holbrook  Taylor  1.9
Show Low  Taylor  0.9
Taylor  Phoenix  3.1
Phoenix  Tucson  4.5
Tucson  Nogales  0.1
Yuma  Phoenix  1.1
Sedona  Flagstaff  2.1
Phoenix  Phoenix  4
Nogales  Phoenix  3.7
Flagstaff  Tucson  5
A flat file is a text file containing the same number of values on each line. The values are separated by a separator character. The separator characters supported by the Designer are comma, semicolon, space, and tab. You can request automatic etection of the separators. If a flat file contains values exported from Microsoft® Excel® , it is sometimes referred to as a CSV (comma-separated values) file.
In a flat file, the first line must contain the names of the data properties and each subsequent line must contain the property values for an object, with the properties in the same order as on the first line.
Nodes and links must be loaded from separate files.
You must define a mapping between the data properties in the file and the properties proposed by the Designer in the New Diagram Wizard. Some data properties may be unmapped and therefore not used in the diagram.